How do i report a store selling fake shoes?

Originally Posted by CWK


I DID that homework assignment and got an "A".
I did my undergrad at a college in the "projects".
I volunteer with children and families that are living proof of the destruction caused by organized crime.
I worked for several categories in NIKE Basketball.
So you tell me who's qualified to speak on the subject.

You're either part of the solution or part of the problem.
Maybe one day you'll have the courage to do the right thing.
you think Nike gives two @#%!@ about you, me, the projects, the poor, or anything other than Nike?

you talking about a company that's gonna eat regardless, not some upcoming brand like Supra or CreativeRec.

i'm not saying it's the right thing to do, cause I buy authentics, and SMH at ppl that rock fakes, but go tattle on them? really?

that's real busterish, IMO.
"theres some ignorant dudes on here man...CWK, Phinsfan13 and Faithlesshox are prime examples of "recession proof" ninjas"

Did you mean ignorant as in not proficient in the Enlish language?
I think you meant "There's" as in the contraction for "there is".

I am many things, but ignorant is definitely not one of them.
But you were correct in calling me "recession proof".

People have families to feed and bills to pay. The economy is bad right now and your trying tostop families from eating.

Never knock the next man's hustle. Just keep it moving. He's not harming you.
Originally Posted by DunkNForce

. because this store i know has this sign up and they were selling fakeSeattle X's
Originally Posted by CoolGrayGrey

at all of you

Crying snitch? Wow, shows how immature many of you are.

Do you not realize the broad scope of the situation in regards to fakes? It's not just about the shoes, it's about the morality of the practice itself. The store owner purchases fake shoes for his business, the supplier of the shoes recieves the money, what does he do with that money? Who is to say he doesn't support other fraudulent activities, like fake medicine? Did you know that in Panama (I believe it was) there was fake medicine purchased and it killed many many people? It would be far fetched to believe that the suppliers of fake jordans are only using their money on that fraudulent enterprise.

Furthermore, these suppliers are preying on the good nature of people, even the store owners themselves. Most store owners probably don't know they are selling merchandise. In this case, it's basically a trickle down effect by which the store owner suffers from their own blunderous activity, which is unfortunate.

Mabye fake shoes aren't killing anyone, but think about the outlook as a whole: Fraudulent merchandise hurts retail sales and hurts the free enterprise economy we relish.

"Quit knocking their hustle"
. How absurd.

Yeah Im sure the OP took all of that into consideration when hemade this thread.
what a tool
Originally Posted by seventh letter

seriously stop snitching, people need to eat, and if you owned that store i'm sure you wouldn't appreciate some teenager trying to do somevigilante justice to close your store. Not everyone chose the situation they ended up in
Originally Posted by CoolGrayGrey

at all of you

Crying snitch? Wow, shows how immature many of you are.

"Quit knocking their hustle"
. How absurd.

The people that sell fakes are taking money out of the pockets from local boutiques and skateshops.

I could expect people to say this on other forums but not here,
Originally Posted by Stork

Originally Posted by seventh letter

seriously stop snitching, people need to eat, and if you owned that store i'm sure you wouldn't appreciate some teenager trying to do some vigilante justice to close your store. Not everyone chose the situation they ended up in

I hate when people say this. You guys act like selling fakes is his very last resort. Make him get a job
Originally Posted by BTLlovesJays

Originally Posted by Stork

Originally Posted by seventh letter

seriously stop snitching, people need to eat, and if you owned that store i'm sure you wouldn't appreciate some teenager trying to do some vigilante justice to close your store. Not everyone chose the situation they ended up in

I hate when people say this. You guys act like selling fakes is his very last resort. Make him get a job

maybe that is his job.
It's kinda funny how you could just split NT down into 2 categories,

Social and moral righteousness


No snitching (cause we need to eat)

And there doesn't seem to be a real grey area to this.
For me personally, the perception I have on the 'Stop Snitching' movement, is that it is for people who can't see the big picture (People that canget snitched on put themselves in that position (Drug dealers, gang members, sellers of fake medicine or shoes)). Those people have a negative influence onsociety, snitching should be morally compelling... I don't want Drug dealers around, Sellers of fake merchandise take business away from tax paying shops.Not to mention the total lack of regulation and safety problems (for buyers or the workers).

Couple of examples, where you have to be down right ******ed to be a activist for the 'Stop snitching' movement;

- (there is a video of this online I'll try to find it) There was a women who reported a felony to the cops (I don't remember what it was), the guy wasin a gang, the gang took retribution when they found her, dragged her out of the car and beat her up cause she was a snitch (not sure if she survived).
Calling some one a snitch is agreeing to mob mentality and mob justice...

- At school I got into trouble once cause I 'snitched' on a guy who took my essay (forcefully) and handed it in as his own (I first had to prove I haddone it and all that). then I got called a snitch and got in to 2 fights with him and his crew... #*$? and I am the one that is wrong cause I snitched?? ****!
all of you that said i was a snitch can kick rocks cuz i didnt even do anything about it i was just asking and thanks for the info i was just wondering ifthere was anything i could do
Originally Posted by faithlesshox

- At school I got into trouble once cause I 'snitched' on a guy who took my essay (forcefully) and handed it in as his own (I first had to prove I had done it and all that). then I got called a snitch and got in to 2 fights with him and his crew... #*$? and I am the one that is wrong cause I snitched?? ****!

your not a snitch, your a herb .......
**** SNITCH!!!!!

dude seriously. as plenty of people said in this topic, just let them eat man.
what have homelessness, children with no after school prgroams, and u here worried about reporting a shoe store selling fakes? YOU ARE THE ROLE MODEL FORAMERICANS
^ You guys calling me a herb seem to have a skrewed up view on moral values imo.
- the point was not what happened about the essay, more about me being branded as a snitch (and taunted / looked down upon / insulted) cause of the 'Stopsnitching' which is completed ******ed (again imo).
Originally Posted by Rightguard

what have homelessness, children with no after school prgroams, and u here worried about reporting a shoe store selling fakes? YOU ARE THE ROLE MODEL FOR AMERICANS
The point is about reporting illegal activities and the bigger problems they create for society. Where do you think the shoes come from? a nicelittle factory full of happy workers with healthcare (I am not saying that Nike does this, but its far easier to regulate legal and big business' thenunderground fakeshops). The money they make, you think they pay taxes on it? What about the owner of the legal store on the same block? and do you think whoever is running the fake shops or production is just into fake jordans, seems to me they'll be more inclinde to further illegal activities.
Originally Posted by SpringfieldXD

Originally Posted by doyung9

Originally Posted by badboyf0life420

SNITCH..let them people eat..


Last year, the sales of counterfeit merchandise (DVD's, CD's, Sneakers, Handbags) was the number one source of income for the mafia. That $**# doesn't just mess up sneaker sales, it's helping the world's scum profit and continue to stick around.
SOURCE: The United States Association of Made Up Statistics...

Honestly don't snitch... who cares your acting like you profit off Nike shoe sales.
Don't mean to unearth this one, but I think this is an important topic.
To the dude that called me out... you are right... I'm a "recession proof" ninja.
The whole argument that this is necessary for people to eat, don't knock their hustle... is a horrible one.
The world is filled with problems as I said. Someone stated... "do you snitch on a drug dealer?" Matter of fact, if I knew one, I would.
Throw that "grow up with hardships", "grew up in poverty/negative environment" crap out of the argument. You can CHOOSE to leave that lifebehind.
You don't HAVE to sell drugs, you don't HAVE to sell fake shoes or join a gang. My family in Florida is poor as crap. Yet my cousin found a way toleave behind the negative lives my family members were leading and pushed hard in school to get to college. Opportunities for improvement are not alwaysavailable. I realize this. But I know for a fact that you do have more positive choices for jobs than selling fake shoes that are connected to other illegalactivities and organizations.

Not a sermon, just some thoughts.
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