How did your parents react to you getting your ears pierced?

Did it myself in the 7th grade. I hid it from my parents for about a week. Mom found out said ur dads gonna flip. SHe went and bought me a real diamond cuz shesaid she didnt wanting me putting cheap crap in my ear. She then told my dad when he was on his way driving up north so he could sulk all the way up and bestraight by the time he came back.

It worked.
Surpirzed, cuz in Cali when you pierce em they think your a player wen you have diamonds.
Originally Posted by call me walks

never had any piercing....i brought up getting my ears pierced like during high school i think....pops said....whatre you a girl?

never thought about it again aha

Hahaha Hell yea...Me too
I'm African, so my pops said he wasn't gonna speak to me anymore. I was like people put bones in their lips and you mad about some earrings?
Didn't help at all. Surprisingly, my mom liked them.
speaking of piercings, i already have 4 on each ear. Yesterday i was at the mall with my mom and pop and i told them i want two more piercing (one more on eachear), they gladly went in piercing pagoda with me and paid for it
Originally Posted by KwestMajik

I'm African, so my pops said he wasn't gonna speak to me anymore. I was like people put bones in their lips and you mad about some earrings?
Didn't help at all. Surprisingly, my mom liked them.
Dad was giving you the stoneface hard, huh?
1% from my mom, pops didn't care. it was really not a big deal. i can't believe some parents still look at piercingsas taboo but that's just me.
I got mine pierced dad was like take it out mom was like whatever then i kept getting them pierced until i had 2 on both ears then got my cartilage pierced,then got my nose pierced when I did the nose MOMS freaked the hell out was like screaming at me. Then I took it out got it redone at 18 then got my eyebrowthen my lip then my belly button. The only thing I wear now is my belly button one. i don't care if I catch heat for it. But damn the belly one was theWORST damn pain I ever got in any piercing!
i was actually surprsied when i asked them they were just like "your money, you do whatever"
i now have both ears pierced with studs and they think theyre too big but whatever
and theyre asian lmao
Moms didn't want me too so when we took a trip to Georgia my Uncle let me get it done...I was like 13...she didn't complain so I was like..."whydidn't I get this done years ago"...
Moms didn't want me too so when we took a trip to Georgia my Uncle let me get it done...I was like 13...she didn't complain so I was like..."whydidn't I get this done years ago"...
my dad took me to get my ear was mad at first..when i got my other ear pierced i was old enough to go on my didn't care about thatone
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