How did your parents discipline you???

My parents beat my ***..cable cords, hangers, brooms, hands and fists
It made me the man I am today.
More kids need to get beat these days. It wasn't just by my parents, my aunts, grandparents, neighbors and teachers beat my *** too. It takes a village to raise a child, real talk.
That's why kids these days is soft. They all still got the dried up breast milk residue on their lips. Parents need to beat their kids ***, B
Moms was always ready with the physical discipline.  Broom, belt, pot, wooden spoon, slipper.  Stopped hurting around early puberty though.

Dad just applied the disappointment.  In truth, that stung more than any beating.  I look up to my dad a lot so it hurt much more.
My parents beat my ***..cable cords, hangers, brooms, hands and fists
It made me the man I am today.
More kids need to get beat these days. It wasn't just by my parents, my aunts, grandparents, neighbors and teachers beat my *** too. It takes a village to raise a child, real talk.
That's why kids these days is soft. They all still got the dried up breast milk residue on their lips. Parents need to beat their kids ***, B

I've seen you use this joke at least 5 times dude....
Hmmmm let's see

Broom and or dustpan

Extension cord

Shoe or high heels

Wooden pizza roller


Yesterday's pizza box

Screw driver
Wooden Katana practicing sword

Snow shovel
big *** charter remotes
Sitting in the wall like nick cannon in drum line

Hand spanking

Took away TV and game systems

If you went outside without asking while she was sleep she make you sleep out there srs

Punishment for a week or weekend depending on what I did...No videogames, no tv after a certain time.. No going outside and no company...
when i was i younger i got beat by the belt all the time but as i got older my parents just make me do chores around the house... i still wash the dishes and take the garbage out but i guess i feel obligated since i live at home still :smh:
My mother wasn't a very creative or patient woman so I got a lot of whoopings with a lot of different things.

She'd also take things and hide them.  Eventually she'd forget where she hid them and I'd get to go on a nice scavenger hunt.

When I got older and *** whoopings just were not going to happen she'd just guilt me. She still does.
Got whooped many times. Knife to my neck one time.

Parents laughed at "time out" punishments.
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For beatings it was large spoons, belts, even a baking platter over the head when I was really young.

When I got older/now their strategy isn't to actually beat me, but as my dad once said to my mom, to "hit him where it hurts." Whatever possession I value most at the time they'll take it. For example if they know I'm trying to hang with friends later they'll take the keys to the car. My dad used to love taking my phone and reading my texts 
 up until I started taking the battery out when handing it over to him.
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My pops is 6'6 and 300+lbs it just seemed like a good idea to do what he said.

Learned early he wasn't for no ********
Mom and pops gave me a whooping. My dad would use the belt but it never really hurt so eh would use his hand instead. I remember when my mom threw her big *** comb across the room and busted my lip open. She still got the comb too :lol:
Got chased with brooms, sandals, hangars, etc by mom all throughout childhood. She'd get extra mad at me for running :lol:
The worst was my mom locking me in the restroom and she turned the light off. The switch was outside. I was scared of the dark at the time. I was like 7 yrs old. I cried like crazy. Lol.
This one time I got in an argument with my moms. I don't remember how it led to this but I think I was glaring at her and she grabbed a cleaver and slammed it down in front of me and yelled if I wanted to kill her.

Shut me up quick. :lol:

but yeah, we had this bamboo stick in this house. hated that ******* thing.
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Got chased with brooms, sandals, hangars, etc by mom all throughout childhood. She'd get extra mad at me for running
The worst was my mom locking me in the restroom and she turned the light off. The switch was outside. I was scared of the dark at the time. I was like 7 yrs old. I cried like crazy. Lol.
My mother locked me out the house once

Wasn't even a nice sunny day.

I stood at the door and cried my eyes out.
all yall got stories of getting hit, waiting for 1 person to say. Nope, I was a good respectable kid.

Pops hit me with whatever, soap in the mouth, take away my food. My mom would take my things away. For the most part I always been good to my moms, never gave her a reason to discipline me. What they dont know right?
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