How did you handle your college speech class? vol..stage fright

Originally Posted by chris steez

i remember i made a thread like this when i had my speech class...i was dumb nervous to get give speeches...ended up getting an A in that class. One dude in my thread said make believe that the audience are peasants and your a king lol, basically making believe ur better than everyone in that class, it sorta worked for me. what really put me at ease was the fact that i wasn't as nervous as some of the other students.

Dudes were stuttering up a storm in there. Sounded like they were sitting on a washer machine. This one dude was giving a speech on Lil Wayne. He was literally SHOOK, couldnt stay still to save his life.
Talk to the people in your class as much as possible between speaking dates and get really comfortable around them. That might help to get rid of the "talking in front of strangers" factor.
Talk to the people in your class as much as possible between speaking dates and get really comfortable around them. That might help to get rid of the "talking in front of strangers" factor.
Preparation. Once you know your stuff , things come a lot smoother and you won't be as nervous. Also dress very nicely on the day of your speech. When you feel good , you'll do good. Lastly, maintain composure, no matter how nervous or lost you are. No one knows your nervous unless you show it . When i do a speech i like to make good eye-contact , sometimes I pick an individual and glare into their eyes as if its just me and them. If you follow these rules, people will believe you.
Preparation. Once you know your stuff , things come a lot smoother and you won't be as nervous. Also dress very nicely on the day of your speech. When you feel good , you'll do good. Lastly, maintain composure, no matter how nervous or lost you are. No one knows your nervous unless you show it . When i do a speech i like to make good eye-contact , sometimes I pick an individual and glare into their eyes as if its just me and them. If you follow these rules, people will believe you.
I loved speech. The main thing is KNOW YOUR AUDIENCE. For real. Helps a LOTTTT. 

Also make sure you have passion about your topic. Pick something you're genuinely interested in or people will see through you right away. 

Oh btw it never hurt to add a youtube video or "filler" as I called em in your speech. 

EDIT: I got a B 
I loved speech. The main thing is KNOW YOUR AUDIENCE. For real. Helps a LOTTTT. 

Also make sure you have passion about your topic. Pick something you're genuinely interested in or people will see through you right away. 

Oh btw it never hurt to add a youtube video or "filler" as I called em in your speech. 

EDIT: I got a B 
I guess I had it easy. I had a choice of Philsophy or a communication and journalism class 

but yeah tmay407 is right/ Get to know the audience or your class mates. We did that in a math class of all places. And by the end of the year when presentations came around, it was easy.
I guess I had it easy. I had a choice of Philsophy or a communication and journalism class 

but yeah tmay407 is right/ Get to know the audience or your class mates. We did that in a math class of all places. And by the end of the year when presentations came around, it was easy.
just keep practicing your piece. rehearse it over and over to get that natural tone. take a deep breath and exhale slowly before you start your piece to control your heart rate or you can start squeezing both your hands into a fist constantly. squeezing your hands will occupy some of the adrenaline running through your body and calms you down. have eye contact with your audience on all corners of the room and speak directly to some individuals to get them engaged in your speech so you don't feel like you're talking to a wall. get in touch with your TA and ask for pointers on getting comfortable. 
when i took the course (public speaking), the class was only 20 people or so. this allowed us to communicate with each other easier so we can speak more comfortably. my classroom was also next to a park, so before class, i would rehearse my speech in an open space to control my volume and practice my hand gestures. after that one quarter, i was speaking comfortably to an audience of 100s. serious.

hope that helps OP.
just keep practicing your piece. rehearse it over and over to get that natural tone. take a deep breath and exhale slowly before you start your piece to control your heart rate or you can start squeezing both your hands into a fist constantly. squeezing your hands will occupy some of the adrenaline running through your body and calms you down. have eye contact with your audience on all corners of the room and speak directly to some individuals to get them engaged in your speech so you don't feel like you're talking to a wall. get in touch with your TA and ask for pointers on getting comfortable. 
when i took the course (public speaking), the class was only 20 people or so. this allowed us to communicate with each other easier so we can speak more comfortably. my classroom was also next to a park, so before class, i would rehearse my speech in an open space to control my volume and practice my hand gestures. after that one quarter, i was speaking comfortably to an audience of 100s. serious.

hope that helps OP.
Just had a choice tonight of taking Speech or Spanish, and I don't know a single word.

I chose Spanish
Just had a choice tonight of taking Speech or Spanish, and I don't know a single word.

I chose Spanish
Originally Posted by Sweettooth 17

Note Cards, PowerPoint if needed, also opening up with a question or joke wouldn't hurt.

I wouldn't recommend doing that, it gets old and you're not impressing the teacher.
I took Com225 this past fall semester, I was VERY nervous at the beginning of the semester, towards the end I was always going first and always got at least a B on the speeches.
I gained a lot of public speaking knowledge and confidence without a doubt.

If you need an outline let me know I can dig up some examples or even send you over a blank outline I used if you need it.

PM me if you need help or advice OP.
Man you just have to go into speech day with a simple plan that that is"SAY WHAT I NEED TO SAY TO GET THIS A THEN IMA SIT MY @SS DOWN".  Once you get to the front say to yourself, "Man F all these people, they not F'in with me...woop swag
" and then just start talkin my dude.
Also, dressin the part gets you brownie points. and make sure you do the small assignments, thats the reason I got a B+ instead of an A
Man you just have to go into speech day with a simple plan that that is"SAY WHAT I NEED TO SAY TO GET THIS A THEN IMA SIT MY @SS DOWN".  Once you get to the front say to yourself, "Man F all these people, they not F'in with me...woop swag
" and then just start talkin my dude.
Also, dressin the part gets you brownie points. and make sure you do the small assignments, thats the reason I got a B+ instead of an A
Originally Posted by Sweettooth 17

Note Cards, PowerPoint if needed, also opening up with a question or joke wouldn't hurt.

I wouldn't recommend doing that, it gets old and you're not impressing the teacher.
I took Com225 this past fall semester, I was VERY nervous at the beginning of the semester, towards the end I was always going first and always got at least a B on the speeches.
I gained a lot of public speaking knowledge and confidence without a doubt.

If you need an outline let me know I can dig up some examples or even send you over a blank outline I used if you need it.

PM me if you need help or advice OP.
imma act a fool all class every class.

then people will know me and i'll be able to comfortably speak in front of them.

same %+* happened with my geology lab and that was my favorite class of all time.
imma act a fool all class every class.

then people will know me and i'll be able to comfortably speak in front of them.

same %+* happened with my geology lab and that was my favorite class of all time.
Try going first. Once you're done, not only will you have accomplished what you needed to do but you can also kick back and relax and watch everyone else.
Try going first. Once you're done, not only will you have accomplished what you needed to do but you can also kick back and relax and watch everyone else.
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