How did you get that scar?

Oct 28, 2009
*pics are NOT necessary; if you are going to post them, do so in spoilers

Ill go first. I got a scar under my chin from playing soccer back in 5th grade, the ball was in the air and as I jumped and got it with my head, someone else rammed their head into my chin in an attempt to get the ball and i got knocked out 

Ended up leaving school early
but to get stitches

ill post first
played soccer
me and some one else jumped
got headbutted in the chin
got stitches
*pics are NOT necessary; if you are going to post them, do so in spoilers

Ill go first. I got a scar under my chin from playing soccer back in 5th grade, the ball was in the air and as I jumped and got it with my head, someone else rammed their head into my chin in an attempt to get the ball and i got knocked out 

Ended up leaving school early
but to get stitches

ill post first
played soccer
me and some one else jumped
got headbutted in the chin
got stitches
It was sophomore year and i was at my friends house, he lived in a really nice neighborhood and his dad owned a really fast golf cart (it was modified and stuff). So we took it out, i was driving and i was going about 30 and there was a really steep turn coming up, I took a sharp turn and I fell out and the cart fell on me. Broke my shoulder and collar bone. ended up having 3 metal rods stuck in my arm to keep my shoulder blade up.cliffs:messed around with fast golf carttook a sharp turncart fell on mebroke shoulder and collar bonehad 3 rods inserted in my arm
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It was sophomore year and i was at my friends house, he lived in a really nice neighborhood and his dad owned a really fast golf cart (it was modified and stuff). So we took it out, i was driving and i was going about 30 and there was a really steep turn coming up, I took a sharp turn and I fell out and the cart fell on me. Broke my shoulder and collar bone. ended up having 3 metal rods stuck in my arm to keep my shoulder blade up.cliffs:messed around with fast golf carttook a sharp turncart fell on mebroke shoulder and collar bonehad 3 rods inserted in my arm
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doing flips off my couch in second grade. Didnt plant correctly on one and hit a cm down and left of my left eye. Scar is about a cm and a half long
doing flips off my couch in second grade. Didnt plant correctly on one and hit a cm down and left of my left eye. Scar is about a cm and a half long
Right pink: Was competing in a mountain man shoot (think obstacle course with muzzle loaders and tomahawks) and I tripped.  A stick stabbed my pinky and got stuck.  I had to cut it out with my leatherman.
Right pointer finger: I was making a chisel.  I had it on the grinding wheel when it slipped trapping my finger between the chisel and the grinding wheel.
Back of right hand: I was cleaning out a can for recycling and cut my hand deep on the little barb of metal left behind by the can opener.
Palms of both hands: Multiple cuts from working with sheet metal with no gloves.
Right wrist: Tripped over my brother's bike pedal and put my had through an aquarium.
Right forearm:  Another scar from the aquarium incident.  Several small scars from having a bail of concertina wire dropped on me.  Another scar from cutting rebar and it kicked up and caught my arm.
Left shoulder: A friend threw me into some bricks which somehow managed to cut my arm wide open.  I had the spend the rest of the day at school with a bloody shirt.
Left knee: From the concertina wire being dropped on me.
Forehead: Myself and a group of kids were using a teeter totter as a catapult and the fat kid that was jumping on the other end didn't noticed I was still loading.

Those are the ones I can remember how I got 'em.
Right pink: Was competing in a mountain man shoot (think obstacle course with muzzle loaders and tomahawks) and I tripped.  A stick stabbed my pinky and got stuck.  I had to cut it out with my leatherman.
Right pointer finger: I was making a chisel.  I had it on the grinding wheel when it slipped trapping my finger between the chisel and the grinding wheel.
Back of right hand: I was cleaning out a can for recycling and cut my hand deep on the little barb of metal left behind by the can opener.
Palms of both hands: Multiple cuts from working with sheet metal with no gloves.
Right wrist: Tripped over my brother's bike pedal and put my had through an aquarium.
Right forearm:  Another scar from the aquarium incident.  Several small scars from having a bail of concertina wire dropped on me.  Another scar from cutting rebar and it kicked up and caught my arm.
Left shoulder: A friend threw me into some bricks which somehow managed to cut my arm wide open.  I had the spend the rest of the day at school with a bloody shirt.
Left knee: From the concertina wire being dropped on me.
Forehead: Myself and a group of kids were using a teeter totter as a catapult and the fat kid that was jumping on the other end didn't noticed I was still loading.

Those are the ones I can remember how I got 'em.
scar on my right side of my forehead. i was in a bad car wreck were i was the driving a truck and i pulled over on to the medium of the highway and three guys that were drunk as hell went off the highway and hit me from behind (no +**@) and they ended up dying in the wreck. i hit my forehead on the back window right as i took off my seatbelt.
scar on my right side of my forehead. i was in a bad car wreck were i was the driving a truck and i pulled over on to the medium of the highway and three guys that were drunk as hell went off the highway and hit me from behind (no +**@) and they ended up dying in the wreck. i hit my forehead on the back window right as i took off my seatbelt.
Scar on my left middle finger for punching a kid's teeth back in the 4th grade. Kid came running at me to punch my back, tossed him on the ground and nailed at him.
Scar on my left middle finger for punching a kid's teeth back in the 4th grade. Kid came running at me to punch my back, tossed him on the ground and nailed at him.
right cheek- I was like 4 or 5, saw my grampa shaving, after he got done I went into the bathroom and tried to shave like him and cut my cheek open
right big toe- had a bunion removed and bone repositioned
right cheek- I was like 4 or 5, saw my grampa shaving, after he got done I went into the bathroom and tried to shave like him and cut my cheek open
right big toe- had a bunion removed and bone repositioned
Left knee cap... climbed over a 7 foot fence and landed on feet but the fall was too high so i went straight to my knees. (NH)

Running from the feds........ SMH
Left knee cap... climbed over a 7 foot fence and landed on feet but the fall was too high so i went straight to my knees. (NH)

Running from the feds........ SMH
a couple of scars on my forearms from wrestling with my homeboy's Pit bull and Boxer. My cousin asked me one time if I slit my arms with razors
a couple of scars on my forearms from wrestling with my homeboy's Pit bull and Boxer. My cousin asked me one time if I slit my arms with razors
3 most noticeable scars...

One on my finger...accidentally stabbed myself with a knife..
One on arm...little sister broke some glass and left it on the edge of the i sliced myself open due to carelessness
A gash on my knee from climbing on a moving ryder truck

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3 most noticeable scars...

One on my finger...accidentally stabbed myself with a knife..
One on arm...little sister broke some glass and left it on the edge of the i sliced myself open due to carelessness
A gash on my knee from climbing on a moving ryder truck

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Got 2.  Got the first one when i was 4. Me and a friend was rolling down a grass hill. Funny thing too I seen a piece of glass on the hill but was being too lazy to move it.  But my turn comes and I start rolling down the hill.  As I stop I see blood on my leg.  The piece of glass tore a big chunk into my leg.  You could see the meat and all.  I forgot how many stiches but it was alot.
Got my second on like 3 yrs ago.  At work on the conveyor belt, a roll bar keeps poping out so like usual I just put it back in place like usual, but this time it lands awkwardly and my hand gets caught between the moving belt and the roll bar.  The belt keeps going and going while my hand is pressed up against the roll bar. Its burning my glove off as well as my skin.  So my boss comes out and stops the belt.  After it all goes down.  I have a hole in my hand.  20 stiches and 6 suchers later I end up with a scar on my right hand.
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