How did you get back with your ex? if she broke up with you?

Seriously, you don't go back....ever. How many guys you know have been off and on with there ex-'s when THEY were the ones that got left? 2 Types.... Simps-(pushover type dudes that you may or may not find rocking fitted hats with Broken hearts on them) Tricks- (guys who basically pay for this +%#*!$! attention. and are NOT guarenteed sex) Look if your too weak to start over and YOU HAVE to take the low road because your less than a have to AT LEAST have strats for the upcoming uphill battle to get your ex! And the best way to do that is to mess with her emotions by being content and dating other woman who are better overall than her....this WILL catch her attention when she sees this and she might start campaigning for your time again.....but if you obtain a woman who is better overall WHY THE ***! WOULD YOU GO BACK TO THE SAME DUMB BS THE EX WAS GIVING YOU? That would be a DUMB @@! MISTAKE! Ex-s would be a jump-off at best and nothing more....but never let a female have emotional control in a relationship...she won't be interested in playing walk the love sick puppy.
Originally Posted by Brandon3000

this guy getting FLAMED on his first day on Niketalk.

SUCKA FOR LOVE +## #++%$

And his name is niketalk7
Ive done it twice.

Whenever she called me i wouldnt pick up. If i saw her driving or in a store or anything i would just nod to her and not go up to her and talk.
I chilled with people she knows and her friends, her friends would then tell her about the night and she would get jealous. Then me and her sister became
best friends and always would chill so that would make her crazy jealous too.

EDIT: But like everyone else is saying... its not worth it.
I'm with my 1st ever girl/1st ever ex right now and we're turning 5 years since we got back together.

Was it worth it? yes. Advantage to this is you already know the person inside-out.
i randomly texted her after not talkin to her for four months sayin "can we meet and talk"... from thaat point i hit and i got back with her
I did.. but then EYE ended up leaving her a year later.. I'm not sure if:

A. I shoulda just left it the way it was when she dumped me.. cuz the relationship never regained it's blissful state. We spent the next 12 months trying to recapture the feeling and living in how we used to feel about each other..or... B. I'm happy I did get back with her... because of all the ups and downs that I got a chance to learn from because of her.

I'm one of those guys that thanks God for hardship because it gives you a chance to grow and develop.
IF you aren't, go with A. If you are, go with B. Either way, you probably won't get the feeling you want out of the re-relationship you seek. But you may get a chance to evolve to the next level of whatever you're meant to be.

Are you SlickRick007 w/ a new account?? Your girl found out you was messing with a 14 y/o huh??
That thang hurtful. All you can do is sit back and chill...don't hit her up, act like you past that and that you're not thinking about it, just give it some time.
haha man the people on niketalk are too funny
few of these comments made me lol. but seriously, guys...

any success stories of how you guys got back with an ex?

( she didn't really f up. i picked at her for little things and i guess she was just hopin that i would change so she just stayed with me . we went out for 2.5 years .. but then one day she did some stupid crap and i gave her shiet for it...but the very next day she said sorry about her mistake but i was bein a little b*tch and didn't accept the apology so a week went by we didn't talk so i decided to call her up and then that's when she was like bla bla bla i just can't do this anymore .....she still loves me so she says but yeah.....)
Originally Posted by niketalk7

come on nigs lol any success stories of how u guys got her back?

The first time 2 years ago we broke up, she came around eventually and we got back together.

We broke up again in march. it's been a little over two months... the last thing she said to me was she still wanted to be friends. 10 weeks later and she won't say a single word to me... I've tried to talk to her a few times and have asked her to just tell me if she changed her mind about being friends... its not fair to me.. and nothing. My birthday is in less than a month, I'm just wondering if she'll say happy birthday?

My hearts broken completely.
Originally Posted by Cragmatic

Originally Posted by niketalk7

come on nigs lol any success stories of how u guys got her back?

The first time 2 years ago we broke up, she came around eventually and we got back together.

We broke up again in march. it's been a little over two months... the last thing she said to me was she still wanted to be friends. 10 weeks later and she won't say a single word to me... I've tried to talk to her a few times and have asked her to just tell me if she changed her mind about being friends... its not fair to me.. and nothing. My birthday is in less than a month, I'm just wondering if she'll say happy birthday?

My hearts broken completely.
Thats like my situation, happened in March too....except I'm doing the things that she's doing to you
. Let her twist in the wind.
Originally Posted by niketalk7

haha man the people on niketalk are too funny
few of these comments made me lol. but seriously, guys...

any success stories of how you guys got back with an ex?

( she didn't really f up. i picked at her for little things and i guess she was just hopin that i would change so she just stayed with me . we went out for 2.5 years .. but then one day she did some stupid crap and i gave her shiet for it...but the very next day she said sorry about her mistake but i was bein a little b*tch and didn't accept the apology so a week went by we didn't talk so i decided to call her up and then that's when she was like bla bla bla i just can't do this anymore .....she still loves me so she says but yeah.....)

Just stop being a little B then... and nitpicking at the little things.

You're young so that's going to be hard, but once you get older you'll understand more... hopefully.
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