How did you find your last job?

Jul 7, 2005
I just want to know...I been hiting dailynews nypost classifieds for the past week and those online sites like craigslist, but is there any other way?? I wasthinking walking around but i like never see a help wanted sign and when i enter store they always say they arent hiring!! I know somewhere in brooklynsomebody has to be hiring
i walked in and asked...interviewed me on the spot...called that friday after my background check went through...
Looked for places I wanted to work and email/called them to see if they needed help. Before that I got it through student job listings on campus, before thatmy dad hooked me up and my first job I got on my own. So basically a bunch of different ways. You have to be persistent.
craigslist worked for me.

depending on what you want to do (corporate job w/ college degree required vs. retail vs. manual labor, etc... etc...) you can sometimes go directly to thewebsite of a company you are interested in and they have a "careers" section on the website. Check it out to see whats available. Sign up fornewsletters or email updates on job listings. I love my job and probably wont leave it but I get those periodic update emails from NBA jobs just in case atowel boy job opens up for the LA Clippers. I will ditch my white collar corp job to go wipe up some millionaire sweat for pennies hahahaha.
If you are in college juss go to the job center and there shd be a book with lots of jobs in it..or juss ask those that work
there and you shd be good
I would talk to the people in the store (Ftl) from time to time and when I asked if they were hiring they said fill out and app and you're set. Got the jobseveral days later.
Luck. I was working a BS retail job and a guy came in to buy some things with a company check. I started a conversation with him based on that, got a meetingwith his boss, started doing freelance work and eventually got hired.
craigslist, found like three jobs/internships from it, also school career center (but they started charging grads, so im not sure if i want to fork over themoney), and other websites.

or just visit the company or go to the site and apply.
Mine was luck also. I was also at a retail job when a company owner and GM were arguing about some stuff. I dropped some knowledge, they were impressed, andthey asked if I was interested in working with them.

After an interview, I got hired...
I walked in to a store looking for some cloth and this chick who is the supposed manager offered me a job after - to make the story short i accepted the offerbut i quit two weeks later.
Like someone said it doesn't hurt to know people.

But, stick in there.

I have a friend who's been looking for a job for the last 7 years...yes that's right 7 years.

Needless to say he must not be looking to well being that he's 30 years old and has worked one job as a security guard for 6 months.
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