Houston Rockets Preseason Thread 2018

Stinks the Rockets couldn't put the Thunder out their misery, but since OKC is in 7th now, they may as well stay there and face Golden State. Some very shoddy officiating, but if y'all have watched the Rockets long enough, you know they have games where they even get screwed at home. Doesn't help that Nene, Ariza, and Joe Johnson brought nothing, and PJ picked up quite a few fouls early. Also, Brewer and Grant shouldn't get off that many points. Oh well, time to get Johnson and the RGV crew going this last two games.
no excuses but it did look like the NBA had a dog in who they wanted to win tonight. 4D chess tho, rockets tanking so OKC plays GS 1st round.
not concerned about the loss, but moreso of them developing bad habits of not caring going into the playoffs. hopefully that gets fixed real soon.

looks like we'll most likely get the winner of minny/denver in the 1st round. whoever wins that game will probably be 8th seed.
no excuses but it did look like the NBA had a dog in who they wanted to win tonight. 4D chess tho, rockets tanking so OKC plays GS 1st round.
not concerned about the loss, but moreso of them developing bad habits of not caring going into the playoffs. hopefully that gets fixed real soon.

looks like we'll most likely get the winner of minny/denver in the 1st round. whoever wins that game will probably be 8th seed.

Eeeeexactly. Can't have them getting huge leads and kicking their feet up, nor having lengthy stretches where they're not scoring at all and just looking raggedy. Hate that mess. I think before the PJ 3, the Rockets went nearly 5 minutes without scoring. The really bad thing about that is it wasn't like OKC was steam-rolling them on the other end, cause their offense was raggedy as well. They scored just enough points at just the right time.
Only 3 teams can get the 8 seed: Pels, Spurs, and Minny.

from CF:
Assumption Set #1:
1. UTH beats GS on Tuesday
2. OKC beats MEM

Scenario #1:
POR beats UTH, SA beats NO, MIN beats DEN
Yields: (3) POR - (4) OKC - (5) UTH - (6) SA - (7) MIN - (8) NO

Scenario #2:
POR beats UTH, NO beats SA, MIN beats DEN
Yields: (3) POR - (4) OKC - (5) UTH - (6) NO - (7) SA - (8) MIN

Scenario #3:
POR beats UTH, SA beats NO, DEN beats MIN
Yields: (3) POR - (4) OKC - (5) UTH - (6) SA - (7) DEN - (8) NO

Scenario #4:
POR beats UTH, NO beats SA, DEN beats MIN
Yields: (3) POR - (4) OKC - (5) UTH - (6) NO - (7) DEN - (8) SA

Scenario #5:
UTH beats POR, SA beats NO, MIN beats DEN
Yields: (3) UTH - (4) POR - (5) SA - (6) OKC - (7) MIN - (8) NO

Scenario #6:
UTH beats POR, NO beats SA, MIN beats DEN
Yields: (3) UTH - (4) POR - (5) NO - (6) OKC - (7) SA - (8) MIN

Scenario #7:
UTH beats POR, SA beats NO, DEN beats MIN
Yields: (3) UTH - (4) POR - (5) SA - (6) OKC - (7) DEN - (8) NO

Scenario #8:
UTH beats POR, NO beats SA, DEN beats MIN
Yields: (3) UTH - (4) POR - (5) NO - (6) OKC - (7) DEN - (8) SA

Assumption Set #2:
1. UTH loses to GS on Tuesday
2. OKC beats MEM

Scenario #9:
POR beats UTH, SA beats NO, MIN beats DEN
Yields: (3) POR - (4) SA - (5) OKC - (6) MIN - (7) UTH - (8) NO

Scenario #10:
POR beats UTH, NO beats SA, MIN beats DEN
Yields: (3) POR - (4) NO - (5) OKC - (6) UTH - (7) MIN - (8) SA

Scenario #11:
POR beats UTH, SA beats NO, DEN beats MIN
Yields: (3) POR - (4) SA - (5) OKC - (6) UTH - (7) DEN - (8) NO

Scenario #12:
POR beats UTH, NO beats SA, DEN beats MIN
Yields: (3) POR - (4) NO - (5) OKC - (6) UTH - (7) DEN - (8) SA

Scenario #13:
UTH beats POR, SA beats NO, MIN beats DEN
Yields: (3) UTH - (4) POR - (5) SA - (6) OKC - (7) MIN - (8) NO

Scenario #14:
UTH beats POR, NO beats SA, MIN beats DEN
Yields: (3) UTH - (4) POR - (5) NO - (6) OKC - (7) MIN - (8) SA

Scenario #15:
UTH beats POR, SA beats NO, DEN beats MIN
Yields: (3) UTH - (4) POR - (5) SA - (6) OKC - (7) DEN - (8) NO

Scenario #16:
UTH beats POR, NO beats SA, DEN beats MIN
Yields: (3) UTH - (4) POR - (5) NO - (6) OKC - (7) DEN - (8) SA

2 is most likely, since all home teams would be winning. 6 is my ideal scenario since it would give us the easier run to the WCF in comparison to the Warriors. pelicans are the easiest 1st round opponent, but most scenarios aren't that ideal involving us playing them. rooting for the Jazz, Pelicans, and Wolves!

scenario 6 gives us MIN in our bracket then POR/NOP. warriors would get Spurs and then potentially OKC 2nd round. don't think there's anything better than that.

pums pums
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I dont wanna play minny in the first round. Ideally we play the Spurs.
I dont wanna play minny in the first round. Ideally we play the Spurs.
i think we'd beat either easily, or at least we should, but Spurs might give us a tougher test just because of the Pop >>> Thibs factor and a potential Kawhi comeback (though who knows how he'll be).

scenario 14 wouldn't be too bad if kawhi isn't coming back though. ideally i'd want okc and the warriors to be in the same bracket. portland/NO as our 2nd round matchup would be great
What scenario leads to OKC and GSW meeting in the second round ?

half of them.

if okc somehow loses to memphis this is all moot though. i think we'd end up playing them first round :lol:

it also appears that okc will play utah no matter what if they beat memphis.

harden, cp3, ariza, tucker, capela
luc, gerald, ego, nene/ryno

iso joe out. kinda seems like ryno is out too. not a fan of that as much as i've ragged on him. nene hasn't exactly been nene of last year
I feel like we’ve looked like hot garbage since we locked the 1 seed. Hope it doesn’t carry into the playoffs.
That's so damn trash, thing is he really hasn’t dunked since his last injury, then does it again and gets injured:stoneface:
Did he even dislocate it the first time? I remember him landing awkwardly, but don’t remember it dislocating. I’m so ******* pissed right now. Especially since everyone is still in for this meaningless bs *** game.
he dislocated it the first time as well

nothing we can do but hope for some good news tomorrow or whenever they do the MRI.

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no Luc decreases our chances of a ship by 20% at least.

I know this is a Rockets team thread, but I'm still irked by the media really wanting to give the MVP to anybody other than James Harden, again. (although JH will probably win with a ton of votes going to LBJ)
no Luc decreases our chances of a ship by 20% at least.

I know this is a Rockets team thread, but I'm still irked by the media really wanting to give the MVP to anybody other than James Harden, again. (although JH will probably win with a ton of votes going to LBJ)

Yep. People laugh at my #AnybodyButHarden tag, but it's true. They tried Anthony Davis (twice), Giannis for like a month, through Curry on there for like 2 weeks after his original return from injury, sneaked Dame in for a bit, halfway tried Demarr DeRozen but just stopped cause they don't care about Toronto, and in the last 3 weeks has been a megapush for Lebron. It's crazy how much they want anyone else to win but Harden, who has pretty much performed all year unlike the rest, even with rules changed try to limit his effectiveness
obviously harden deserves it, but the truth is, the end of the season counts more than the beginning of the season when it comes to voting. it's just what the voters/media remember more. haven't heard anyone mention harden's 60 points triple double, because it happened so long ago, but if he did it this week, it'd be in everyone's mind and everyone would be talking about how he's mvp. it's just like last year when westbrook/harden was up in the air, but then harden hurt his wrist and his numbers kind of fell off at the tail end of the season and then westbrook had that crazy 50 point triple double to set the single season mark and win a game at the buzzer against the nuggets i think. that game pretty much sealed harden's fate last year. it's fair to say that lately, lebron has been putting up stupid numbers especially compared to harden, but i think harden has enough support to actually win it this year.
also, when luc went out the first time with his separated shoulder, he missed 16 games. we went 8-8 in those games. i'm blown.

we *should* be able to get to the WCF without luc but he's our best defender IMO and one of the main reasons why we're a top 10 defensive team. our 5 man lineups with luc in them are pretty incredible.

if we can get him back against a potential GS matchup then not all hope is lost but he's extremely pivotal for the way we play defense since we switch everything.

i expect ariza and tucker to see an uptick in minutes to try and replace LRRM's impact now.

while we were pretty bad defensively when luc was out earlier this year, i actually looked at the games, and we were dealing with some other key injuries at the time. going to try and remain optimistic even though that game was annoying as hell. a truly pyrrhic victory.
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