House of Hoops releases: information ONLY!!

Just saw the first pair of "Finals Editions" on ebay..dude has a pair of the home size 11.5..they look 100X better then what I expected badthe starting bid is $924..'s starting to get a bit RIDICULOUS...people camping out for t-shirts..people trying to sell anything with Kobe's name/and or face on it for 5Xabove's just pathetic
man I would draw/print that exact same design on a blank tshirt befor I would ever pay over $50 for a tshirt
.. yeah dude! they're F&%$KIN PATHETIC LOSERS!

at all those shirts
Originally Posted by JMi11iOn

campouts for puppet handed tee shirts? wow.

I agree .... REALLY , its a PUPPET HAND tee shirt. I dont see what the BIG deal is about that shirt. I mean people really lining up for a shirt like that. Justcrazy. I wonder if they would line up for a cup of Gatorade , the same Gatorade the Lakers drink.

I guess Im just amazed about it.
lol. it's just HYPE. Kobe could of wore a Nike white tee to the parade and everyone would still want it.
Originally Posted by kidcudahy

lol. it's just HYPE. Kobe could of wore a Nike white tee to the parade and everyone would still want it.
could not have said it better could have been a shirt saying "i like wieners in my butt" and fools would camp out forthis...all because kobe wore it on ONE STINKIN PARADE?? why not buy a authentic purple laker jersey, the jersey and color he wore to WIN the damn finals?

haha nike marketing AT ITS FRICKING BEST!!
That is insane that line..all for a 30 dollar shirt..with a puppets hand on it...*tisk tisk*
Originally Posted by Chicagos Finest 23

I wouldn't camp for a shoe much less a dam tshirt. Thats Beyond lame
Let me say that is there really a choice to just come down to the store and buy a pair without having any problems like the good old days? No nowpeople camp out days or weeks before a release and especially since they make it limited it makes it worse. But hey it's the company's decision on whatthey want to do. Kobe finals coming out you bet people will sleep on the streets a week or more before they get released. Jordan was the same thing except atthat time there wasn't any limited but people went in line for it. So most peeps here would camp out or go at 2am just like what happened here and what isgoing to happen in future limited releases so good thing more hoh is popping up cause if it was limited here ny and chi only then everyone is screwed. Soit's not like what is used to be now you have to do what you can to get the popular shoes but when i took that pic it was around 12pm and i got theconfirmation of no more shirts at 3:30pm so it was bad when i got there that is the reason for the pic. SO BE READY TO DO THIS FOR THE KOBE FINALS SHOE!!! Itwill be very bad on all 3 hoh. This is how it is now we just have to adjust to it no choice whether we complain or get angry or stressed about it sellers willbe first because they can cash in here or overseas and a bigger payload overseas. Nothing you or i can do about that.
Firstly, NO wonder I couldn't get my hands on a 4 rings shirt, cybergrindin got'em all..... LOL
get ya hustle on playa!

Secondly, that line for the shirts is just....well,, do you say.....******ED....
and not like the Canibus ******ed, like the short yellow bus ******ed.....

I mean seriously, the Rice & USC releases were not even this bad....
if its like this for a t-shirt, I would say it would be great marketing for Nike to just keep it limited for now, then release a huge influx of theseafterwards to diminish the worth for these knuckleheads and up the availability for prissy idiots like myself who refuse to stand in line for a shirt....

Hey, five30, since you're off, wanna roll out to Beverly for me and get me an XL?.....WOOOOO!
Originally Posted by DFABIX

Firstly, NO wonder I couldn't get my hands on a 4 rings shirt, cybergrindin got'em all..... LOL
get ya hustle on playa!

Secondly, that line for the shirts is just....well,, do you say.....******ED....
and not like the Canibus ******ed, like the short yellow bus ******ed.....

I mean seriously, the Rice & USC releases were not even this bad....
if its like this for a t-shirt, I would say it would be great marketing for Nike to just keep it limited for now, then release a huge influx of these afterwards to diminish the worth for these knuckleheads and up the availability for prissy idiots like myself who refuse to stand in line for a shirt....

Hey, five30, since you're off, wanna roll out to Beverly for me and get me an XL?.....WOOOOO!
The greys even though alot has released is very popular due to the parade and the commercials so it will continue to be popular and these alongwith the mvp and cork are limited and the cutoff date is coming soon. So let's see what happens after they're gone.
Originally Posted by badboy074

Originally Posted by DFABIX

Firstly, NO wonder I couldn't get my hands on a 4 rings shirt, cybergrindin got'em all..... LOL
get ya hustle on playa!

Secondly, that line for the shirts is just....well,, do you say.....******ED....
and not like the Canibus ******ed, like the short yellow bus ******ed.....

I mean seriously, the Rice & USC releases were not even this bad....
if its like this for a t-shirt, I would say it would be great marketing for Nike to just keep it limited for now, then release a huge influx of these afterwards to diminish the worth for these knuckleheads and up the availability for prissy idiots like myself who refuse to stand in line for a shirt....

Hey, five30, since you're off, wanna roll out to Beverly for me and get me an XL?.....WOOOOO!
Lemme guess cybergrinding you selling the charcoal 4 rings shirts for $200 right?
Originally Posted by blackcat23mj

Originally Posted by kidcudahy

lol. it's just HYPE. Kobe could of wore a Nike white tee to the parade and everyone would still want it.
could not have said it better could have been a shirt saying "i like wieners in my butt" and fools would camp out for this...all because kobe wore it on ONE STINKIN PARADE?? why not buy a authentic purple laker jersey, the jersey and color he wore to WIN the damn finals?

haha nike marketing AT ITS FRICKING BEST!!

So if this is the shirt they like because they're true laker fans and they went in line because they had no choice they're fools? Again this isn'ttheir fault and reason this is happening is that other people bring their friends girlfriends etc. to get more and the true people that like these shirtsbecause they're laker fans are having to resort to this matter. This puppet won't end even after it's gone and the value will only increase as itbecomes more harder to get.
Just coz we make sweeping generalizations about the people who show up 3 nites prior to a "T SHIRT" release doesn't mean there are noexceptions....

I mean, we are prolly the same knuckleheads who roll out in the wee hours to get a pair of kicks we're going to store in our closet until someday we deemit worthy of being worn.
Originally Posted by DFABIX

Firstly, NO wonder I couldn't get my hands on a 4 rings shirt, cybergrindin got'em all..... LOL
get ya hustle on playa!

Secondly, that line for the shirts is just....well,, do you say.....******ED....
and not like the Canibus ******ed, like the short yellow bus ******ed.....

I mean seriously, the Rice & USC releases were not even this bad....
if its like this for a t-shirt, I would say it would be great marketing for Nike to just keep it limited for now, then release a huge influx of these afterwards to diminish the worth for these knuckleheads and up the availability for prissy idiots like myself who refuse to stand in line for a shirt....

Hey, five30, since you're off, wanna roll out to Beverly for me and get me an XL?.....WOOOOO!

I didnt buy mine from the store so dont get mad, I didnt take your size.. gotta hookup
Originally Posted by MONTEMEX3

Originally Posted by badboy074

Originally Posted by DFABIX

Firstly, NO wonder I couldn't get my hands on a 4 rings shirt, cybergrindin got'em all..... LOL
get ya hustle on playa!

Secondly, that line for the shirts is just....well,, do you say.....******ED....
and not like the Canibus ******ed, like the short yellow bus ******ed.....

I mean seriously, the Rice & USC releases were not even this bad....
if its like this for a t-shirt, I would say it would be great marketing for Nike to just keep it limited for now, then release a huge influx of these afterwards to diminish the worth for these knuckleheads and up the availability for prissy idiots like myself who refuse to stand in line for a shirt....

Hey, five30, since you're off, wanna roll out to Beverly for me and get me an XL?.....WOOOOO!
Lemme guess cybergrinding you selling the charcoal 4 rings shirts for $200 right?

Nah, im not taxin as much as you were for those MLKs you were sellin..
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