Hot Friends' Pics Appreciation Thread -- 56k safe for now... Pics for Beasts

Originally Posted by what are you gonna do

Oh, i thought we were going to be friends.
you're so close, I can tell
I prefer extremely softly but as rapid as possible. Like shooting marshmallows out of a Gatling gun. No philly fakeout either please.

Can we invite ThunderChunk, that way we can switch off filming.
Originally Posted by finnns2003

^ let's see what she's like without makeup though.
Lets not...
Originally Posted by sk23

none of my friends are hot

Work on that fam. Hot girls hang out in hot groups
(With the 'fatfriend' exception)

I'd post pics, but I made a rule to keep my internet life and real life separate for the most part.
Thunder, you're the only one holding us back. Do you wanna go "chill bro"?

I'm not making any promises but we might have some natty ice, gamecube, and axe-scented pleasure toys.

Which raises the question: If a girl uses a black "toy" does she think she's doing it?
Damn, way to get this thread back on track...

well, its 3:21 and imma finish writing our script, the only reason people watch pron is for the storyline anyways. We'll film tomorrow in the morning whenour wood is fresh.

I seem to last longer in the mornings that just me? (nh)
Originally Posted by what are you gonna do

I seem to last longer in the mornings that just me? (nh)
I don't use teh latex if I have morning kitty.
only time I can get away with it.
youre right, we should be ourselves and stop trying to impress other NTers. We're making the best film ever whether they like it or not!

I need to go do yoga and mouth stretches for tomorrow's excursion.

Gnight friends.
Originally Posted by bonafide hustla

in all honesty though, i couldnt even fathom being a "friend" with a female
One of my best friends is a girl...... I'm closer to her then almost all my guy friends
She's awesome.
We enjoy hanging out with each other, going to do stuff, etc a lot
We joke around, give each other crap, etc etc ALL the time, it's good times

I'd rather chill with her more then some of my boys

This weekend her & I went to the beach & then the mall together.... had a great time

And she's been in and out of relationships with guys & I've been in and out of relationships with girls.... and we've stayed best friends thewhole time.
Okay, and I will be watching videos and taking notes on how I can give the best performance I possibly can. Adios!
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