Sep 16, 2005
ok so english is my best area in school ... writing/grammar more specifically.

i'm talking i can write and essay and without proof-reading it get an A

not being conceited .. just writing is one of my talents lol

so anyways my professor is the worst teacher i've ever had; i don't even know how he got his doctorate!

alright so we have a research paper due on wednesday. he told me he didn't like my topic and made me change it to something he wanted me to write about
...so to make him happy i did and started all over.
yesterday i had to meet with him to discuss the paper and he basically told me my paper isn't going to pass because the topic is no good....THE TOPIC HEGAVE ME!!!

if we don't pass the paper...we don't pass the class.

i got a C on the first essay, a D on the second one, and now he tells me i'm basically going to fail the research paper...meaning fail the class.

i seriously had thoughts of punching dude in the face, like i had my fist clenched and everything hahaha.

anyone else ever had any crappy professors/teachers?
I don't think I've had anything that extreme before. However, I know what it's like to deal with a d-bag teacher.

Makes me mad thinking about it.....
your only option is to talk to your school dean/administration, maybe you can get an incomplete or something

I had a total
-hole for african american history my firstsemester of school(I didn't use ratemyproff SMFH
) who degraded students to make himself feelbetter, I literally didn't know how I was doing in the class, I thought I was gonna fail but he gave me an A
. This doesn't really help your situation just thought I wouldmention it anyway
In all my years of school (haven't entered college yet) I had a bunch of teachers I didn't get along with. Just about 60%/75% of my teachers justdidn't appeal to me and had their favorites. I like a teacher who talks to me rather than at me. I'm passed all that now because I grew up and maturedand realize I can't let these teachers hold me back. Now I had ones that were cool but as far as a teacher, they just had the label.
I guess I've gotten lucky and nothing but good professors. I haven't had one yet that was hard to work with.
I was gonna make this post too, since 2 of my profs this year areHORRIBLE.

1) This is for a MATLAB-programming type of class....the professor just goes over random #+!* in lecture and doesn't give much help for the insanely hardhomework assignments. also, the midterm was bullcrap, you couldn't even study for that #+!*, he just threw out some completely random crap that he'snever ever lectured about. the homeworks are just dumb...the only way to survive this class is to go to office hours and hope you can come out with some crapon time. just terrible...if he went over what was on the homework assignments and RELEVANT material to the class, the class wouldn't be all that bad. witha subject like programming and numerical methods, you HAVE to give examples of what the HW problems are kinda like, or else you're not really teaching tolike 95% of the class.

2) For thermodynamics, our professor has our HW due BEFORE he lectures about the material that was on the HW. Makes no sense whatsoever.
The class is getting pretty interesting (we're learning about differentbasic power plant cycles), but it'd just be easier if he was a better lecturer too.

For engineering, I just want professors that give straightforward examples and cut straight to the chase. So that we know what's on the tests, we know whatis relevant, and we actually learn stuff.
i don't even kno if the rate my professor works for the college i attend.
my mom went here and basically made me come because of that.

i hate it- it's a small private college in tennesse.
My eng class is pretty hard too. My highest grade was a C+ on an in-class essay. I can see why I've been getting bad grades though.. not trying hardenough. Right now I'm too lazy to revise an essay to change my grade though :/
Originally Posted by jackiechizzan

subjective grading FTL.

which is why im in the sciences.

science is definitely one of my worst areas! but i'm staying far from english as well. even though it's easy for me, i DON'T enjoy it. i'mthinking something either with sports or psychology. well ultimate dream is a sports photographer...but that field is WAY too competitive.
Originally Posted by Lil Cao

My eng class is pretty hard too. My highest grade was a C+ on an in-class essay. I can see why I've been getting bad grades though.. not trying hard enough. Right now I'm too lazy to revise an essay to change my grade though :/

i could proof read stuff for u if u ever needed it lol
does his name happen to be jeff Sturrges or something like that? duke litterally had be debating whether to drop out of school.
Originally Posted by thagreatj

does his name happen to be jeff Sturrges or something like that? duke litterally had be debating whether to drop out of school.

na, Scott Douglass lol
I hate teachers like that Em, they wanna try and show you how much smarter than you they are. As opposed to explaining their reasoning. I had a professor sobad once the whole class didn't take the midterm and he got suspended because he didn't cover all the material.

man..... i'm at UCLA now and I hope to God I don't get a bad teacher, but in all likelihood I will....it comes with the territory
Originally Posted by KwestMajik

I hate teachers like that Em, they wanna try and show you how much smarter than you they are. As opposed to explaining their reasoning. I had a professor so bad once the whole class didn't take the midterm and he got suspended because he didn't cover all the material.


well we all due our work but i have yet to meet someone in my class that has gotten higher than a C on a paper and my cousin works in the Writing Center. shetold me a lot of ppl from my class have gone there for help and complaining about my teacher hahaha.
the worst are fobby professors who have thick accents and can barely speak english.

science and econ majors, i know you can relate with me on this one!
Originally Posted by d0njaye

the worst are fobby professors who have thick accents and can barely speak english.

science and econ majors, i know you can relate with me on this one!

i hear you on that one please to all school boards please make sure the instructor can speak english i never understood that i failed geometry back inhs all because i couldnt understand what my math teacher was saying
kill him/her straight up ...

my story...

yall dont even wanna know about my professor for economic history ... first of all hes asian and teaches the class as if asia was relevant in the economicfoundation of the world ... then dude is a straight up %#%*+$%+% ... i have no other way to describe him ... he is a %++* with ears ...

- sends me an email after the first class of the semester "reminding" me of the drop date "just in case i want to continue looking at my laptopduring class" ... mind you he never said you cant use laptops and there was at least 10 others using them but im the only one to get an email ... withinthis email he says if i continue to use my laptop for things other than the class, he will ask me to leave and if i dont comply he will call the police on me... ... ... ... im convinced dude was mad because i had my hat on backwards

- the average on the first test was a 38% ... he sits there and smirks and acts like its funny that he made the test hard ... he gave us 1 hour for the testand he said we would probably need at least an hour and a half ... ... ...

- half the class is seniors and when a few got EXTRA heated after the first test about the +@@%%@%# he was pulling, he rolled his eyes like our degree is somesort of joke ...

- one of his policies on the test was that if you dont know it dont answer it ... for instance, if there were 5 parts to a question and you knew 3 of them andgot the other two wrong, he would SUBTRACT the two "guesses" from your right answers and instead of getting half credit you would get 0 ...

i could go on and on about this punk *@% %%$*! but ill stop there ... lets just say that after thinking it over, i was forced to drop the class and delay mydiploma until May (i dont want to risk a blemish on my transcript after coming this far)... all because of this little 5ft tall yellow michael jackson lookin%%$*! ... i still walk in the ceremonies this december, but i have to take a winter course to finish my degree requirements which is a bunch of +@@%%@%# butwhatever ...

just throwing it out there that the university of maryland is the biggest joke of an institution ... any accolades it gets for anything is complete +@@%%@%#and i strongly urge no one to apply there ...
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