Hooters is sagging VOL. millennials aint into breast nomore

thats really all it is. folks that dont live in cities where strip clubs are pretty much hand in hand with the regular clubs/lounges dont really get it. Im grabbin food from Dreams/Onyx/Magic City/ Alluvia at Cheetahs all the time. Be good as hell.
Philly strip clubs have better than average food… Cheerleaders, in particular, is slamming
“My girls and I wanted to make a statement with our Halloween look this year,” Turner, 30, told The Post, a message deeply woven into her body-positivity platform, Big Dolls Empowerment. “Hooters typically discriminates against bigger women, but I figured showing up and showing out in the Hooters uniform would help spread the message that you don’t have to be a size 2 to do you in a sexy and confident way.”


I support these ladies.

As you guys know, I have been at the forefront of the fight for equal employment opportunities at Hooters...
Philly strip clubs have better than average food… Cheerleaders, in particular, is slamming

Aint been to Philly in like 2 years. Never been to any of they strip joints tho, just clubs/lounges. Noto and The Reserve be shaking like a mf. Next time Im out there Ima see what Cheerleaders hittin for, good look.
That’s like having Pat Mahomes and running a west coast offense and only letting him throw check downs and screens

You got superstars let them be free.
Uh, that's the reason all the analysts are saying mahomes and the chiefs are struggling. They only want big plays.
Mods need to Lock this misogynistic thread. 🔒

So she can’t be fly without breasts? You need God in yo life Holmes. :stoneface:
“My girls and I wanted to make a statement with our Halloween look this year,” Turner, 30, told The Post, a message deeply woven into her body-positivity platform, Big Dolls Empowerment. “Hooters typically discriminates against bigger women, but I figured showing up and showing out in the Hooters uniform would help spread the message that you don’t have to be a size 2 to do you in a sexy and confident way.”


Funny thing is, if they had the choice between a fat guy or a fit guy with abs, they would choose the fit guy
Funny thing is, if they had the choice between a fat guy or a fit guy with abs, they would choose the fit guy

That depends, who has more money? :lol:

In general, I think you’re right, but there’s a lot of women who go for the “dad bod” look. I think it’s cuz it puts less pressure on them :lol:
I'm an all around guy, but you can't pop some *** in your mouth and suck it (I mean I guess you could if that's your thing). Hard to go back once you've messed with some thangs that thang.
The money part is a definite fact :lol:

There is truth to people (male or female) not wanting to date someone super attractive "out of their league" though...

...money / body or not. :lol:

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