hood dudes watch degrassi now? (pics)

noggin literally had me hooked for three hours tonight, smh every episode is a one of two set so if u watch one u gotta watch the other , but the females arelooking
I was gone make a new thread but my homegirl got me hooked to this joint that manny chick is

That mia chick with lip thing can get it too
i used to love the back in the day one. but my bum uncle who sits in the house all day watches it and now he got me hooked on watching it.
I've watched this show on and off, more-so now since i'm done with school and just trying to find a full-time job lol but it is a good show.

Now what do you think woulda been worse them watching Degrassi or watching a Lifetime television for women movie?
Originally Posted by TheFoteenth

I am on a mission to wife Cassie Steele and then cheat on her.
That doesn't mean she still won't stick around to get her daily fix
Can honestly say I've been watching The N since about my sophomore year in H.S. I laughed to hell when J.T. got bucked.
i'm a 22 yr old male and i peep the show from time to time..yeah, its nothing to be proud of, but my lil sis put me on..i don't be checkin for it butif i am channel surfing and i see it, i'll stop to see what kind of mischief thise canadian %++@ is gettin into.
my dorm's cable doesn't get the N, but I used to watch this at home in like 8th grade. I did randomly watch it a few months ago on like cl11 or someweird channel.

I have a friend who looks just like jimmy, just a little darker... I'll post a pic when I get on a comp.

and can I get filled in on this JT bein snuffed?
Originally Posted by ashleythetall

my dorm's cable doesn't get the N, but I used to watch this at home in like 8th grade. I did randomly watch it a few months ago on like cl11 or some weird channel.

I have a friend who looks just like jimmy, just a little darker... I'll post a pic when I get on a comp.

and can I get filled in on this JT bein snuffed?
JT got bodied by one of the kids from the rival school. Like it wasn't even no reason why they killed him..it was ******ed as hell. I wasdyinnnng, cause son was just about to proclaim
his love to his baby mother.
Originally Posted by Classy Lawrence


manny is

The majority of the female degrassi cast is

I didn't know the wheelchair kid was the rapper Drake. Probably still will never listen to him but I have noticed his name pop up in various threads.
Originally Posted by asu334

I was gone make a new thread but my homegirl got me hooked to this joint that manny chick is

That mia chick with lip thing can get it too

Why are you bumping old threads??

no one gives a damn about your homegirl or what she has you hooked on.
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