Homeless man with golden radio voice (vid)

He's so smart for writing that on the cardboard. I knew he'd get a bunch of offers, just like Antoin Dodson is rich now, not that he deserved anything

This dude does though
dude actually made me lean back just a little aka mind blown.  

Like that dude from South Park says he got that Audible Chocolate

the power of the internet and word of mouth these days are crazy

you can become a millionaire over night with a good viral hit

*starts to brainstorm*
dudes on sportscenter and the cbs evening news with katie couric right now....crazy.
Originally Posted by venom lyrix

ok...take this for what it is...

- Yes he has an amazing voice, and he's blessed with it....BUT
- To just give him a job in radio or something like that over someone (like me) with a degree in the field who paid his/her dues is that fair?
- You don't just hand out these kind of jobs...idk that's what comes to mind to me when people just say give this man so n so...it's more of a charity case type of thing.
Even to your point, He said he went to school and developed the voice, so outside of paying his dues to life in general, he did to the craft as well.  You need some real introspection right now for even making a statement like that.
Originally Posted by venom lyrix

- To just give him a job in radio or something like that over someone (like me) with a degree in the field who paid his/her dues is that fair?
You're way too old to believe in "fairness".
[h1]'Golden Radio Voice' Guy -- Grounded in Ohio By No ID[/h1]
1/5/2011 12:55 PM PST by TMZ Staff  

The 'Golden Radio Voice' guy -- who went from homeless to overnight Internet sensation -- is struggling to board a flight to NYC because he doesn't have ID ... according to his rep (yep, he's got one now).

ed Williams' peeps tell us Ted is currently at the courthouse in Columbus, OH trying to get a copy of his birth certificate. 

Ted is supposed to be in New York tomorrow for an interview on "Today" -- but according to the rep he's been homeless for more than four years so he doesn't have ID ... and can't board a flight.

It's the first bad news Williams has had in 24 hours. He's gotten a job offer, a home offer, and a free trip home to visit his mom -- all because of the YouTube clip that went viral.

Ted's rep says having to reestablish identity is a common problem for the homeless. Let's hope someone has a plan B to get Ted to NYC.

Originally Posted by rashi

[h1]'Golden Radio Voice' Guy -- Grounded in Ohio By No ID[/h1]
1/5/2011 12:55 PM PST by TMZ Staff  

The 'Golden Radio Voice' guy -- who went from homeless to overnight Internet sensation -- is struggling to board a flight to NYC because he doesn't have ID ... according to his rep (yep, he's got one now).

ed Williams' peeps tell us Ted is currently at the courthouse in Columbus, OH trying to get a copy of his birth certificate. 

Ted is supposed to be in New York tomorrow for an interview on "Today" -- but according to the rep he's been homeless for more than four years so he doesn't have ID ... and can't board a flight.

It's the first bad news Williams has had in 24 hours. He's gotten a job offer, a home offer, and a free trip home to visit his mom -- all because of the YouTube clip that went viral.

Ted's rep says having to reestablish identity is a common problem for the homeless. Let's hope someone has a plan B to get Ted to NYC.


but you do not need an ID to travel...i think TED needs to hire a new rep.

I've overlooked this thread for the longest. They said I-71N and Hudson. 

That's near my church and somewhat near Ohio State's campus!

I had no idea this thread was about Columbus, Ohio!

Originally Posted by damn its me

Originally Posted by rashi

[h1]'Golden Radio Voice' Guy -- Grounded in Ohio By No ID[/h1]
1/5/2011 12:55 PM PST by TMZ Staff  

The 'Golden Radio Voice' guy -- who went from homeless to overnight Internet sensation -- is struggling to board a flight to NYC because he doesn't have ID ... according to his rep (yep, he's got one now).

ed Williams' peeps tell us Ted is currently at the courthouse in Columbus, OH trying to get a copy of his birth certificate. 

Ted is supposed to be in New York tomorrow for an interview on "Today" -- but according to the rep he's been homeless for more than four years so he doesn't have ID ... and can't board a flight.

It's the first bad news Williams has had in 24 hours. He's gotten a job offer, a home offer, and a free trip home to visit his mom -- all because of the YouTube clip that went viral.

Ted's rep says having to reestablish identity is a common problem for the homeless. Let's hope someone has a plan B to get Ted to NYC.

but you do not need an ID to travel...i think TED needs to hire a new rep.

Uhh,no. If you drive then you don't need one, but if you're planning to fly, you need a valid ID.
Originally Posted by MyJaysGetRocked

Originally Posted by damn its me

Originally Posted by rashi

[h1]'Golden Radio Voice' Guy -- Grounded in Ohio By No ID[/h1]
1/5/2011 12:55 PM PST by TMZ Staff  

The 'Golden Radio Voice' guy -- who went from homeless to overnight Internet sensation -- is struggling to board a flight to NYC because he doesn't have ID ... according to his rep (yep, he's got one now).

ed Williams' peeps tell us Ted is currently at the courthouse in Columbus, OH trying to get a copy of his birth certificate. 

Ted is supposed to be in New York tomorrow for an interview on "Today" -- but according to the rep he's been homeless for more than four years so he doesn't have ID ... and can't board a flight.

It's the first bad news Williams has had in 24 hours. He's gotten a job offer, a home offer, and a free trip home to visit his mom -- all because of the YouTube clip that went viral.

Ted's rep says having to reestablish identity is a common problem for the homeless. Let's hope someone has a plan B to get Ted to NYC.

but you do not need an ID to travel...i think TED needs to hire a new rep.

Uhh,no. If you drive then you don't need one, but if you're planning to fly, you need a valid ID.
I think that's his point. Options.
Originally Posted by Je Ne Sais Quoi

Originally Posted by venom lyrix

- To just give him a job in radio or something like that over someone (like me) with a degree in the field who paid his/her dues is that fair?
You're way too old to believe in "fairness".
but its more than fair if he has the actual talent though ...his voice >>>*

and by article he worked radio before so he has the experience

haters gonna hate
I hope dude stays clean. I just have a feeling that eventually he might break down, and start with it again but who knows.

To get your life back on track.....feels good man
I'm with Venom.

He's got a good voice, but I don't like how society rewards people who have "interesting stories" when really they are stories of failure. It was HIS decision to get into alcohol and drugs and ruin his life. Now instead of someone who has worked his !#+ off getting promoted for his hard work, a viral video rewards a guy who doesn't deserve it, only because of the "feel good" story behind it.
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