Homefront for PS3, Xbox, PC Vol. North Korea vs US

Originally Posted by Prostaffer

I like it. Play some core COD and you might be ready for this.

The frame rate sucks.

BTW I got in two matches last night and still can't get into one today. Servers must be melted from the 50 people that bought it.
This post had me
The gameplay looks normal, but the storyline is definitely interesting. I'll wait for reviews before considering buying though
Junk is wayyyyyyyyy too short.
Steam says I've been playing for 4 hours and I just finished it.

Multiplayer plays a bit like Bad Company, everyone just sits back and snipes though so that gets old quick. Game gets a meh from me
This storyline looks cool but for most games I just wait to they hit $15-25 range.  Doesn't matter how long it takes.
Played a few matches online. Game is ehh to me. Its fun but too many people try to snipe so it gets boring.
Storyline is def a good pick and interesting concept. Beat it in 3 hours first time through, multi is meh didn't rly get into it. I would def save ur money and rent not buy it yet for $60
sucks to hear that the game's too short. good thing i didn't cop yesterday. i remember the time i finished Black Ops in two evenings, and I wasn't even rushing.
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