I am Happy you are alive.
Thank God that ur still here my G. Karma's a muhg
And if he doesn't get caught, he will get his.

NT is powerful tho, _'s almost lose they life and they
Quick to take pics and post it

Mitsubishi FTL, dude eclipsed ur !%%.
Do you atleast know the trucking company?

And was there any witnesses?

And congrats on making it throught that madness.
wow dude. go play the lotto cause you're golden. Sidenote them truckers really hate when you cut in front of them and start braking for no reason. Which isprobably what you were doing with not a car in sight a head of you. They are on the road for 18 hours a day with no sleep. Not condoning what he did but justknow what your dealing with when you cut in front of one.
yeah well, that's not what i did. i moved in front of him and he went faster, he went over the speed limit by 10 miles and here in alabama they take that$!$! serious, you pass it even by 2 or 3 miles, they'll come after you..

problem is that truckers can pass normal cars, if that wasn't the case it'd never happened. only had some scrapes on my elbows from that accident, butwhen it happens you can't trust your own body. might need to get surgery, on my chest. and being that it's a hit and run, means no name no nothing..
Originally Posted by IHaveMyOwnOpinion

Originally Posted by Mangudai954

Those guys are so ridiculous man. Whenever im near one I speed up to get away


And good thing you're alright man
+2. Had to do that tonight.

Glad to see you survived that. However the hell you did survive that is beyond me.
me too.. my girls mom said i was lucky to be even alive.. cause she came and picked me up since my girl had to work and i dont have any family here... but thecar was upside down in a ditch... i had to climb out in the dark.. if no one would've seen it and i would've been seriously injured, i would'vedied that night
no didnt see which company it was, i know it was a silver gas truck.. kinda sucks cause i have no car no nothing. i climbed out of the car when it was upsidedown, cause i was freakin out.. you know how in movies car explode and stuff.. well, that's what i thought.. i had to go back and climb in it to look formy phone and wallet.. had just a few scrapes, i thought i was bleeding, cause my sock and shoes (XI LE green/yellow) were red, turned out it was from the redclay they have here in alabama.

so what can you do in a situation like that, when you dont know who it was????
A lot of truck drivers really dont know they hit you unless you tail them down and get them to pull over.my gramps drives one and he says that hes hit a coupleof cars without knowing.he said you dont feel anythign because the truck is so big.what you could do is try to find witnesses and ask them if they seen whatthe truck looked like ,did it have any distinguising characteristics(designs,logos,etc.),license plate number.
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