Typically black/brown/women candidates receive lower offers than white/asian/men candidates due to various reasons including social/cultural/psychological and we need to be better about propping folk up to ensure they get a bigger slice of the pie.

AND this recruiter probably went about sharing this in the DUMBEST way possible lol like why brag about something like this????

it should be a federal law for all companies to show what the exact pay range is when a job is listed.
NYC is about to require that in April and every company I can think off is trying to hire the majority of that staff before that happens.
This happens often. wage and salary vary state to state. Applicant could have been from a part of the country where they pay less for her skills and moved to a bigger city where salary is more to keep up with cost of living. another example pharmacist get paid more at retail locations like cvs and rite aid straight outta school than pharmacist at hospitals (in ny at least)

Welp, wonder how many times I've played myself now :smh:
Yall coming at ol girl neck. :lol:

Tech companies are paying 25K referral bonuses for software engineers right now. Something like that goes into a staffing budget.

Definitely need to learn how to negotiate a salary as you progress in a career (part of that includes not overplaying your hand).

Typically black/brown/women candidates receive lower offers than white/asian/men candidates due to various reasons including social/cultural/psychological and we need to be better about propping folk up to ensure they get a bigger slice of the pie.

AND this recruiter probably went about sharing this in the DUMBEST way possible lol like why brag about something like this????
Not to mention the candidate and the recruiter are both black women. Black women are the most notoriously underpaid group in any field. If she knew the candidate was qualified to get the job she should’ve looked out.
The recruiter is trash and lowkey I bet she will lose her job for being unprofessional and stirring up all this controversy.

When I would look for a job I always look for the range of the position based on the location or ask the recruiter what is their range. My best friend is in the process of getting a job I told her she better ask for the whole shabang: stock options, relocation pay, ability to work from home, 30-40k over what they’re asking etc.

White men have no problem asking for not even what they think they’re worth but just want they want. And are mostly granted it. Worse anyone can do is say no. Then you just renegotiate.
That range you research isn't always correct neither. Shout out to those that look out and help fill the gap where they can. Be a part of progress.
I always ask whats on the budget for the position first when they ask what amount I'm looking for during the initial call with the recruiter.
From my readings on the internet, this is why men tend to get paid more than women. Men take the risk and ask for more money while women dont.

I'm not in corporate but I'm guessing it's not the recruiter's job to tell the candidate how much they should ask for
That range you research isn't always correct neither. Shout out to those that look out and help fill the gap where they can. Be a part of progress.
True but you can figure out an estimate. Ill use a heavily skewed example but my field is IT. So I would see what qualifications I have plus experience and look at major cities offerings. I will also assess how long the job has been opened to gauge their need. Then I also marry that against their competitor and will/would ask for the 90th percentile.

But I haven't looked for a job in 10 years. lol
Typically black/brown/women candidates receive lower offers than white/asian/men candidates due to various reasons including social/cultural/psychological and we need to be better about propping folk up to ensure they get a bigger slice of the pie.

AND this recruiter probably went about sharing this in the DUMBEST way possible lol like why brag about something like this????
Like unless she’s a shareholder in the company, why are you bragging about hurting the little man.
Recruiter is a bozo.

No bandwidth to offer her more, but enough bandwidth to run online and post the lesson about it…

I hope other Black women put her on blast so she can see how much bandwidth she got when that commission starts dropping.
The ultimate negotiating power is not needing a job. Too many people look for work when they are...

A: Unemployed
B: Miserable in their current roles

This is why I always put my feelers out when I am HAPPY in my current role. If I start to get bites back that exceed my current title/pay then I strongly consider making a move elsewhere after sharing said info with my employer.
Ya but im sure if she saved them 40k she receives some sort of compensation somewhere in form of bonus or whatever. I know a lot of companies cheap out on hiring and give 1 person the work of 2, or even 3 people and the higher ups eat off that
A lot of companies outsource their recruiting until you get in front of a hiring manager. The recruiters make more commission if they can get you a hire salary on top of their base pay.

This chick is just bitter ***** who wanted to “teach a lesson” to another Black Woman.
Was the candidates race even mentioned?
Nah, but the sentiment, discourse around it and anecdotal experience makes it a good assumption.

I personally doubt she’d be putting that sentiment towards someone that isn’t Black. That #BeConfident would’ve been #BlackHistoryMonth.
Just got hired by a recruiting agency and they are making $15 for every hour I work. So essentially taking $15 from my wage if I was not under contract via them.

Yea that recruiter pocketed that money (rather her agency)
This is a lot of hogwash. Large recruiting companies tend to take retaliatory actions on your next contract for these so called scenarios. I have seen it personally where the personnel already had the job, the salary and all they needed was the recruiting company to give them the document to sign.

As soon as the contract ended they tried to retaliate against every one on the team because of this one person
You would think they would be happy for an easy check.. it’s always a power play with them
The ultimate negotiating power is not needing a job. Too many people look for work when they are...

A: Unemployed
B: Miserable in their current roles

This is why I always put my feelers out when I am HAPPY in my current role. If I start to get bites back that exceed my current title/pay then I strongly consider making a move elsewhere after sharing said info with my employer.

Same, I apply for all sorts of crazy stuff even if it’s a moon shot. I don’t need a job and make good money so I just swing for the fences.

I don’t really like my job but I’m good at it so whatever. If I can find something better I’ll take it.
Recruiter actually screwed her company bc candidate will most likely gain experience and dip to a company that's offers market value(or more) up front instead these sleazy tactics. Even at *only* 85k salary the company stands to lose 3 or 4 times that when the employee churns. This is why I always pushed for the max salary for all my employees...

Play stupid games and you will get stupid prizes.
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