Hinge Takeover >>> Tinder, Bumble Pof

Yup I looked it up and a lot of guys get banned just for that alone I suppose. I was kinda bummed I was cleaning up like crazy on Hinge I bagged a news anchor here and hung out with her for about a year and a half before I messed it up being a *****. Anyways, I went thru her social media and she barely has any pictures of her *** which is pretty rare in today's world these pics don't even do it justice.



Damn, sorry to hear it didn't workout pa. What city were ya'll at?
The girl I posted we just started kicking it the past couple of weekends. The news anchor that ship sailed like summer 2022. Bro the news anchor was so damn bad yall would've been ashamed of me blowing it. I'm in Indianapolis tho!
Man I live in Indy, and I gave up on the dating apps a long time ago although I was a big fan of Hinge but I got banned (apparently if enough women report you for not responding/not following up on dates they will ban you .. who knew).

I'm 32 and I've been getting a good amount of yams just meeting women in person and it's been working. I went to a street festival like two weekends ago and saw my dog I do business with and met his family. I've known his sister since undergrad and she hit me up to hang later that night and I cracked and we been hanging ever since. She might have the fattest *** of any woman I've ever had. Can you post women on here still? I haven't posted ina while
I'll be there this weekend.
Can't wait to see how yall live.
Any go-to spots that you recommend for this weekend?
You talmbout da homie krider31 krider31 ? He always had the QS pics
Think it was someone else.


Had a threesome
Long story.. if you wanna know I’ll share

Quickstrike pic for the gang

YOU MISSED THE QUICK STRIKE… will bring it back if this post gets enough likes… refer to story below!

Story time..

Refer to quickstrike pic.. hopefully you caught it.. If not.. oh well

Let’s refer to the joints as C and J.. so I went to college with C, used to pipe her back in the day.. this is 10+ years ago.. haven’t seen her since

She hits me up and says that she’s in the city.. cool

C&J both are getting a room at a hotel downtown..

I tell my mans “yo I got 2 joints tryna link, what u tryn do”

Me and my man’s link the joints.. we take em to a lil spot.. all good vibes enjoying ourselves.. order a few rounds of shots, wings etc..

Leave the spot and we go back to the hotel room… my man’s is texting me saying he wants to link with 2 other joints we had linked with previously (whole nother story)

He wants to link with them because they do very well for themselves professionally but I’d rather link with my 2 I brought to the table

Reluctantly I finesse our way out of the hotel with them and go link wit the other joints

They cool.. but I ain’t really messin wit them like that

We go to the joint condo and it’s lit.. good vibes.. playing games.. I’m messing wit the lil friend but she ain’t really who I want for the night

During this time C &J blowing my phone UP! But obviously I’m not picking up

(Hindsight) they are FaceTiming me to show them eating each other out getting nasty etc

Long story short, after LITERALLY 40 missed calls i finesse my way out the condo and go back DOLO to the hotel because bro wants to stay wit the boujie joints

When I get back to the Telly both of them are in different beds J is laying down on her phone and C is laying in the bed

I go lay down wit C and back out on her (free Willy)
She starts toppin me in front of the friend

I’m drunk so I ask C to tell J to record her giving me the top

j starts to record

I tell C to tell J to come get her cookies ate by yours truky

c and J are both laying down looking like two rotisserie chickens.. I start eating both the joints 2 minutes at a time..

After 5 back n forths.. it’s my turn.. one getting the pebbles and the other one the pickle.. they start switching

I’m looking at J and her yams are extra juicy.. *** on swole.. I go behind her and start hittin it.. and J starts eating C cookies..

Then I start hitting C.. but C don’t eat cookies… so I go back to J bc her yams are fuego and fire..

After idk how long I get tired.. pass out and wake up and hit C again, J goes back to her bed.. and then me and C slide off and go to Wendy’s lol

I come back spend the night and feel like a heathen in the morning

It was a good night
TAY was the best time one could have on NT

I miss y’all- when’s the reunion in DA CHI? #Summit2024


I feel like I just solved INCEPTION

Street dreams tour vol 24 coming LIVE to you soon!

We waiting until 24 for ‘Da Go? I have to link with a peer out there and been brainstorming a time that coincides with a short week (Friday off) and weekend Bulls game (maybe Thursday). It can wait til Q1 but I know some of YALL ain’t built for shenanigans in da cold
We waiting until 24 for ‘Da Go? I have to link with a peer out there and been brainstorming a time that coincides with a short week (Friday off) and weekend Bulls game (maybe Thursday). It can wait til Q1 but I know some of YALL ain’t built for shenanigans in da cold


You know Donnie is the first to venture wherever - we could even do another spot

CC suberzat1 suberzat1
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