Would you guys still be roommates with your ex if you didn't have to pay rent? We got a dog together n I wanna see him as much as possible (she has custody) while I still can so i stay over a few times a week. A new bf or husband may not let me see him if he's insecure. I love him like my son, can't imagine not seeing him anymore.
The f buddy situation is coming to an end soon, been about three months since breaking up. So it'll be strictly platonic.
It got a bit weird when I caught her going into the washroom with this polaroid group photo that contains her and a potential new male partner. Think she was rubbing one out. I never told her I know this though she'd cut me off bc of embarrassment. I did hit an hour or so after so maybe she wasn't doing it, idk what her refractory period is like. Still weird to bring that into the shower. My ego took a little hit bc I don't think she was ever into my looks like that.
Perks for me is also being able to chill in a trust fund babys millionaire condo and get gym access and convenient commute to work.
Hard to walk away but everyone is telling me to cut her off if there's no more sex.
If there was no dog in the picture I wouldn't feel so conflicted. We started off as rebound fwbs (each fresh off a one year breakup) and then dated for a year and now friends again. I've lived at hers for almost two years now, change is hard.