Hinge Takeover >>> Tinder, Bumble Pof

I just dont understand how some women can have a mentality of wanting something for nothing from a whole nother person
These type think their P or presence is enough for you to work hard and spend all your bread on em, so it’s not exactly nothing in their mind …Sadder part is the dudes that be with it and enable that type of mentality
Got hit with the game on the first phone conversation...

Her: "So what are you looking for"

Me: I'm just interested in meeting new people for now and if something comes from it then I'd be cool with that. Either way.

Her: "Well, I'm only interested in seeking a serious relationship."

Me: Is that right?

Long pause...

Me: So I'll be in DC this weekend if you'd like to meet up.

Her: "I don't think we'd be a good match"

If everyone just said what it is instead of being ambiguous things would be a lot easier.

Are women still using the "friends first" routine?
If everyone just said what it is instead of being ambiguous things would be a lot easier.

Are women still using the "friends first" routine?
Some do. Most on hinge from what I’ve experienced either want to date and progress from there or get straight to the “what are you looking for off this app” as soon as they feel like they vibe with you.
Got hit with the game on the first phone conversation...

Her: "So what are you looking for"

Me: I'm just interested in meeting new people for now and if something comes from it then I'd be cool with that. Either way.

Her: "Well, I'm only interested in seeking a serious relationship."

Me: Is that right?

Long pause...

Me: So I'll be in DC this weekend if you'd like to meet up.

Her: "I don't think we'd be a good match"

"Demonstrate you're relationship material and we'll take it from there"
Thats a pretty normal dating conversation these days. If they dont hear the words serious relationship out of your mouth, they wont waste their time

Yeah, I tend to stay away from those types :lol:

Imagine it the other way around...

Me: So what are you looking for?

Her: I'm just interested in meeting new people for now and if something comes from it then I'd be cool with that. Either way.

Me: Well, I'm only interested in sexually active women.

Her: Is that right?

Long Pause...

Her: Well I'll be in DC this weekend if you'd like to meet up.


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If it's family/friends/a woman I'm already smashing, then I'll call if they don't text me back b/c something could have happened.

If it's a woman I just met and don't know like that...meh. She'll be aight.

The *last two women were definitely just piggybacking off the first girl’s response because it was likely higher than their threshold. I just don’t understand why the first woman arbitrarily chose $150K in Philadelphia :lol: Makes me think of the “Can’t Do This Alone”/Bills Thread
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The *last two women were definitely just piggybacking off the first girl’s response because it was likely higher than their threshold. I just don’t understand why the first woman arbitrarily chose $150K in Philadelphia :lol: Makes me think of the “Can’t Do This Alone”/Bills Thread

Thats the feeling I got as well. They cant even think for themselves
Thats the feeling I got as well. They cant even think for themselves
Yea seemed like she was the "leader" of that girl group.

Girls and their groups :lol:

The girl in the middle was the realest one. Stated her salary ($70K) and lowkey backed off the $150K requirement to simply say “He has to make more than me.” The last one was going to say her salary then stopped herself :lol:

That’s one of my general problems with social media is that it has taken the competitive/comparison environment that has always existed and taken it to a saddening extreme. For example, those yambs aren’t all that and are demanding $150K. Someone good dude out there that makes less than that might see the video and be discouraged.

I think women women are more to blame than they let on for the current state of affairs in the dating/relationship world.
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