Hide Ya Wives, Hide Ya Kids: Worldwide Coronavirus Pandemic!

Are You Getting The Covid Vaccine?

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The cough and upper respiratory symptoms are most concerning because it is my understanding that the current H5N1 strain binds to receptors that are located in the eyes of humans, not the respiratory tract. If it has indeed mutated to cause respiratory symptoms in humans then it is more likely to spread from person to person. Of course, people can and do get infected with more than one thing at a time, so hopefully that is not the case.
my wife was sick from friday and got worse over the weekend. we finally tested her and she has covid 😖 her symptoms are not too bad but she had taken the week off to have fun with the kids and now she has to stay separated.

so far me and the kids are negative. wild how we didn’t even really think to test until her co-worker said she tested positive so my wife wanted to check herself too. few years ago we were burning through tests like wildfire.

a lot of Filipino citizens already hate China for the BS they're pulling in the West Philippine Sea, this is unnecessary :smh: and then they pushed folks over the tipping point in not getting vaccinated :stoneface:

I posted this three years ago:

Cebu, Philippines about a week ago. Hospitals overrun even worse than before
they're on like the 5th or 6th different quarantine/stay at home order.


more blood on the hands of the US Military :smh:
Both my kids (12 & 10) tested positive today, both for the first time ever. Still masking indoors and haven’t really been anywhere this week, so not entirely sure where they got it. Anyone whose kids have had it recently please let me know what your experiences were… symptoms, length of illness, etc. My 12 y/o son is old enough to get paxlovid but doesn’t weigh enough. He started out this afternoon with a high 102+ fever, slept most of the afternoon then just got nauseous and threw up. 9 y/o Daughter had a headache this evening so we tested her and it came back lightly positive. She’s been complaining of her head and stomach, but she’s prone to GI issues, so I’m afraid of that for sure. Wife and I are expecting to be next since we’re taking care of them, though wearing masks.
Both my kids (12 & 10) tested positive today, both for the first time ever. Still masking indoors and haven’t really been anywhere this week, so not entirely sure where they got it. Anyone whose kids have had it recently please let me know what your experiences were… symptoms, length of illness, etc. My 12 y/o son is old enough to get paxlovid but doesn’t weigh enough. He started out this afternoon with a high 102+ fever, slept most of the afternoon then just got nauseous and threw up. 9 y/o Daughter had a headache this evening so we tested her and it came back lightly positive. She’s been complaining of her head and stomach, but she’s prone to GI issues, so I’m afraid of that for sure. Wife and I are expecting to be next since we’re taking care of them, though wearing masks.

Hope they get better ASAP. I'm sure you'll take good care of them famb.

Aren't you in the Central Valley? wouldn't be surprised if some spawns of rural anti-vaxxers got them on the last day of school :smh:
Hope they get better ASAP. I'm sure you'll take good care of them famb.

Aren't you in the Central Valley? wouldn't be surprised if some spawns of rural anti-vaxxers got them on the last day of school :smh:
Ha! Thx man. They’ve been out of school a couple weeks already, but yea I’m pretty sure they’re the only kids in their classes who got the Covid vaccine. Definitely the only ones masking the past couple years.
Both my kids (12 & 10) tested positive today, both for the first time ever. Still masking indoors and haven’t really been anywhere this week, so not entirely sure where they got it. Anyone whose kids have had it recently please let me know what your experiences were… symptoms, length of illness, etc. My 12 y/o son is old enough to get paxlovid but doesn’t weigh enough. He started out this afternoon with a high 102+ fever, slept most of the afternoon then just got nauseous and threw up. 9 y/o Daughter had a headache this evening so we tested her and it came back lightly positive. She’s been complaining of her head and stomach, but she’s prone to GI issues, so I’m afraid of that for sure. Wife and I are expecting to be next since we’re taking care of them, though wearing masks.

My 20yo got it for the first time recently - right at the end of his university term (although I’m suspicious his sitter gave it to him - she was sniffly for a week or so but never particular sick).

He just felt a bit lousy for a week - and was clear in the test after 6 days.

A lot will depend on the dominant strain where you are I suppose.
I got it to for the first time a few months ago. Dodged it for 4 years. Grocery store I will always wear an N95 mask. Don't care what people think. Still don't know how I picked it up. Just glad I didn't get the original strain or even Delta. While Omicron is not mild, it is milder than the previous ones. Mine was generally mild but had a horrendous sore throat. Tested positive for 2 weeks. I was vaxxed about 4 months earlier.

Everything that I've read is kids 99.9% come out unscathed with milder symptoms. If they are generally healthy. From Googling it says body temp for a child is not dangerous until 104 (but you may want to double check that just to confirm).

I'm sure they will be fine. No need to worry 🙏
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Both my kids (12 & 10) tested positive today, both for the first time ever. Still masking indoors and haven’t really been anywhere this week, so not entirely sure where they got it. Anyone whose kids have had it recently please let me know what your experiences were… symptoms, length of illness, etc. My 12 y/o son is old enough to get paxlovid but doesn’t weigh enough. He started out this afternoon with a high 102+ fever, slept most of the afternoon then just got nauseous and threw up. 9 y/o Daughter had a headache this evening so we tested her and it came back lightly positive. She’s been complaining of her head and stomach, but she’s prone to GI issues, so I’m afraid of that for sure. Wife and I are expecting to be next since we’re taking care of them, though wearing masks.

You’re wearing a n-95 in your own home?
You’re wearing a n-95 in your own home?
Of course not. I also don’t bother locking my doors, installing smoke/co2 detectors, or taking any other potentially lifesaving measures. It’s my own home, what could possibly harm me there?! FFS

My kids are starting to feel much better and my wife and I are still well. I appreciate your lack of concern.
Of course not. I also don’t bother locking my doors, installing smoke/co2 detectors, or taking any other potentially lifesaving measures. It’s my own home, what could possibly harm me there?! FFS

My kids are starting to feel much better and my wife and I are still well. I appreciate your lack of concern.

My bad man, I’m glad you all are doing well
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