Hide Ya Wives, Hide Ya Kids: Worldwide Coronavirus Pandemic!

Are You Getting The Covid Vaccine?

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Hit them with a left hook on the drive over to the landfill as well. You get cardiovascular health and they get a nice nap on their way to their final destination.

1. I agree with you wholeheartedly.

2. laughing my ******* *** off at your avatar.
Unless it’s determined that it was intentional (highly unlikely IMO) I could care less. We like to act high and mighty like it would never happen here, but there have been many recent lab accidents in the US with even more dangerous pathogens that (as far as we know) never infected anyone. We need to remain humble enough to admit that a similar (or worse) thing could happen here and certainly never be appropriately contained. In fact, we had enough intelligence and advance warning that we could and should have been able to proactively respond and contain this virus back in January 2020.

And to take it further, what could the US do in retaliation? While it would be wonderful to see Walmart destroyed, trade sanctions would cripple the US economy (in most sectors aside from domestic military weapon production).
Idk what countries would do if actual evidence comes out, but I think every country is already plotting on repercussions when this is over.

I'm pretty sure something somewhere went terribly wrong would be shocked if this was an intended bioweapon for the future.

Conspiracy theorists are gonna run wild though.
anyone here experience a lot of fatigue and sleepiness after getting covid?
i tested negative but i think i was exposed to the new variants but just didn't get infected. the vaccine probably held me down cause i didn't experience any harsh symptoms other than a little congestion.
the problem is now i've been sleeping a lot lately. yesterday i fell asleep at 545 pm and slept through the whole night.
this has been an ongoing trend these last couple of weeks where i've been wanting to take a lot of naps and im pretty much out by the time i get home from work.
i usually only sleep 5-6 hours and extremely energetic. this is def not the case lately. i feel fine otherwise.
anyone here experience a lot of fatigue and sleepiness after getting covid?
i tested negative but i think i was exposed to the new variants but just didn't get infected. the vaccine probably held me down cause i didn't experience any harsh symptoms other than a little congestion.
the problem is now i've been sleeping a lot lately. yesterday i fell asleep at 545 pm and slept through the whole night.
this has been an ongoing trend these last couple of weeks where i've been wanting to take a lot of naps and im pretty much out by the time i get home from work.
i usually only sleep 5-6 hours and extremely energetic. this is def not the case lately. i feel fine otherwise.

That is one of the long covid lasting effects that people do experience. I’m not saying you have it but lack of energy and needing to sleep 12 hours is one that has been covered extensively.

On the topic of China's accountability in all this....

At this point in time what are people's thoughts in regards to what the origin of Covid-19 is?

Wet market? Lab leak? Or something else?

I still hold The CCP accountable and let’s say for arguments sake that this disease started either in the US or Italy or any of the places that popped up pre-March 2020

The reason I hold China accountable because they kept it a secret and didn’t tell the world that people where dying until in early 2020 And they couldn’t keep it a secret any longer

They allow Chinese citizens to travel the world and spread this while China blocked off travel inside of China

With China’s incompetence and secrecy to the world everyone else has to suffer
No one can tell me that this disease wasn’t started in a laboratory by Gain of function research

Don’t forget China also arrested the Doctor Who discovered COVID-19 And let him die in a hospital from a disease he was trying to save people from

Sure it was taken from nature i’m not arguing that it was taken from a bat I’m sure this is all true but scientists in China Manipulated this virus and made it into something it didn’t need to be

“We propose that, when frozen samples derived from the miners were eventually opened in the Wuhan lab they were already highly adapted to humans to an extent possibly not anticipated by the researchers. One small mistake or mechanical breakdown could have led directly to the first human infection in late 2019.
Thus, one of the miners, most likely patient 3, or patient 4 (whose thymus was removed), was effectively patient zero of the COVID-19 epidemic. In this scenario, COVID-19 is not an engineered virus; but, equally, if it had not been taken to Wuhan and no further molecular research had been performed or planned for it then the virus would have died out from natural causes, rather than escaped to initiate the COVID-19 pandemic.”

I personally believe that the truth needs to be found out but will the truth will ever come to light that’s another story

The west has made China the sweatshop of the world and the only way that China would be affected is monetarily by the world but that’s not going happen either

people who lost love ones I think I need to know the truth There is been over 4 million deaths across the globe and I’m pretty sure out of those 4 million deaths a lot of those family members who lost people would like to know the truth about this virus and its origins
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If true, I'm guessing the virus must've mutated a million times in that lady. Might sound harsh, but she should be quarantined?

That's not how long COVID works. Unless you're immune compromised and the virus persists, these symptoms that remain are caused by the body's own immune overreaction to the initial infection that is now long gone. This is exactly why we cannot allow the virus to tear through schools in children who are too young to be vaccinated or whose parents are too ignorant to recognize the risk/benefit analysis. Otherwise, we'll be dealing with a pandemic of autoimmune diseases and partially disabled children who will require some level of care the rest of their lives.
That's not how long COVID works. Unless you're immune compromised and the virus persists, these symptoms that remain are caused by the body's own immune overreaction to initial infection that is now long gone. This is exactly why we cannot allow the virus to tear through schools in children who are too young to be vaccinated or whose parents are too ignorant to recognize the risk/benefit analysis. Otherwise, we'll be dealing with a pandemic of autoimmune diseases and partially disabled children who will require some level of care the rest of their lives.

FDA gotta hurry up with that FULL APPROVAL STATUS already on these vaccines............that way more nationally-spread businesses and places have the federal leverage to push more federal mandate requirements for vaccines in their facilities that these "red state governments" have no more legal leg to stopping.
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