Hide Ya Wives, Hide Ya Kids: Worldwide Coronavirus Pandemic!

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The way a doctor explained it to me once, a long time ago, is that most US hospitals operate in the red. I assume covid just makes it worse? More patients coming in for treatment, but I don't think everyone will be be able to pay.
Are hospitals making good money right now? Are people.being billed like crazy? It's interesting to see some get laid off from the hospital? I'm guessing they're not keeping them on payroll?

Even in the worst of times, it's all about the $$$

I was surprised to see what looked liked mass firings. I did hear about some people where I work struggling to get 40 hours. **** crazy.
let's be real, even if China reported its actual numbers, nobody would care until it starts happening to non-Asians. BIG FACT.
Yup no one cared until it slapped them in the face in their own backyard. Look in this thread...people were posting their travel pics with laughing emojis basically mocking the virus and the people who were affected.

and to this day we still have people congregating and acting like their personal freedom is more important than other people’s health just so they can feel like they are in control of their own life.
Maybe it was posted here but don't remember
But i read that after treatment the bill comes out to around $35k or something like that
I imagine half the patients don't have health insurance
Maybe it was posted here but don't remember
But i read that after treatment the bill comes out to around $35k or something like that
I imagine half the patients don't have health insurance

the amount of a hospital bill depends on so many factors that you can’t accurately determine the cost
it's Fing 4/1/20 & our government still fails to see the importance of mass testing...our government still fails to see how we need to strictly enforce social distancing. but you know what our government isn't failing to do? find someone to pass the blame on. unbelievable. and you know what? dat dip**** will get rewarded by getting re-elected.
a society dotted with total whack jobs gets months at home to sit and google things, and:

AN PEDRO, LOS ANGELES (KABC) -- An engineer deliberately ran a train off the tracks at high speed near the Port of Los Angeles in an attempt to crash into and damage the USNS Mercy hospital ship, prosecutors say.

The Pacific Harbor Line train derailed Tuesday, running through the end of the track and crashing through barriers, finally coming to rest about 250 yards from the docked naval ship.

Federal prosecutors allege train engineer Eduardo Moreno, 44, of San Pedro intended to hit the ship, saying he thought it was "suspicious" and did not believe "the ship is what they say it's for.'"
I wanted to check in give a quick update on my mom:

I posted last week about my mom being in the hospital. It happened pretty abruptly amongst this chaos. She is still there and actually still in ICU on a ventilator but today should be the last day. The first couple days were kinda nuts but she started making a turn for the better the other night.

For anyone with a parent or loved one in the hospital right now I share your pain. My moms been sedated since Thursday but literally not being able to speak to or see your loved one might be one of the hardest things I've ever gone through emotionally. I have to imagine seeing a loved even when in a coma is or not well is easier than that person going to a place and then just going dark. You even start to feel guilty for calling the nurses so much because you know their busy with other ****.

Anyways 2 test in my mom still negative (probably one of the only uplifting news in 2 weeks), but the docs can't explain her pneumonia. They've even a 3rd test out now. When I asked the docs about why the repeat testing they said the virus is so new science is still sensitivity testing impact.

Lastly, if you know a person suffering stay away from the thread. While this is easily thread of the year (it's kinda a ****** year), this **** will not help. I saw those freezer trucks pull up to hospitals and freaked out. I spent days just avoiding this **** to keep sane.

Oh and tons of people reached out. Yo I love NT. Been here a long time that love goes a long way man. #DIEFORTHEHIVE.
who said it's one or the other?

I'm saying on worldwide scale, China fudging the numbers downplayed the seriousness of it and because of that (some) other countries didn't prepare as they would have.

Now, the US specifically, would've been woefully underprepared either way because the Orange Kool-Aid man is running things and he, and his administration, are absolute idiots.
so let's think about this...so we live in a country where our GOVERNMENT was actually believing what China was reporting/saying at face value? that seems even more embarrassing if that's the story that they are just passing along now.

c'mon man

:rofl: :lol: :rofl:
I'm saying on worldwide scale, China fudging the numbers downplayed the seriousness of it and because of that (some) other countries didn't prepare as they would have.

Now, the US specifically, would've been woefully underprepared either way because the Orange Kool-Aid man is running things and he, and his administration, are absolute idiots.

so those countries you mentioned have to be Spain & Italy, right? Do you really think white people care about people before it affects one of theirs? You really think France & Spain would give us their touchy-kissy culture before they actually get hit? C'mon man!! Let's be real, whites think they are untouchable. Sweden has been seen all the damage & they STILL don't give AF.
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