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I think we can all agree that China, as a whole, needs to regulate their food industry more effectively and poor governance regarding that results in disease outbreaks such as this situation. But, let's not paint the ENTIRE COUNTRY and people in a negative light like they're ALL a blight on humanity. There are plenty of country's that are a similar or worse state in comparison to China, the only difference is they're alot more susceptible given that their population is 1.5 billion people. The only country that can remotely relate to this issue is India.
I think we can all agree that China, as a whole, needs to regulate their food industry more effectively and poor governance regarding that results in disease outbreaks such as this situation. But, let's not paint the ENTIRE COUNTRY and people in a negative light like they're ALL a blight on humanity. There are plenty of country's that are a similar or worse state in comparison to China, the only difference is they're alot more susceptible given that their population is 1.5 billion people. The only country that can remotely relate to this issue is India.
Remotely? India is the most polluted place on the planet.
A couple years ago while I was waiting for somebody in front of A Chinese restaurant . A cook came outside right next to me and started smoking some cigs. Dude could care less I was right next to him . A lot of them don't value personal space . The same with walking around naked in gym locker rooms
Happy Lunar New Year!

The word bat sounds similar to "luck" in Mandarin...bat soup for good luck?
A couple years ago while I was waiting for somebody in front of A Chinese restaurant . A cook came outside right next to me and started smoking some cigs. Dude could care less I was right next to him .

Not to downplay your experience, but cooks of all backgrounds are like this. You ever been in the kitchens of restaurants? Filthy. Especially Mom and Pop spots. Cooks have disgusting habits too. Will have you reconsidering where you eat.

That's one of the only areas I'll give corporate chains like McD's and Wendy's props. For how gross some of those chains can be, independently run spots can be straight criminal. They cut all sorts of corners with how they do things, at the expense of the customer.
I think it’s a communist government, but that does a lot capitalist stuff. They won’t say it though.

the flu
They're a capitalist oligarchy at this point. The only vestige of Mao's government left is the centralization of the government and its forces. It's the exact kind of hell hole he didn't want China to become.
  • China announces another 15 deaths in Hubei province
  • Total number of confirmed cases now 1,000+, 41 dead.
Update (1420ET): AFP reports, citing a minister, that two cases of coronavirus are now confirmed in France, as the virus officially spreads to Europe. The outbreak will give President Emmanuel Macron a desperately needed distraction from seemingly never-ending protests of his government.

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They're a capitalist oligarchy at this point. The only vestige of Mao's government left is the centralization of the government and its forces. It's the exact kind of hell hole he didn't want China to become.
Not to mention the lack of control over local governments.
They're a capitalist oligarchy at this point. The only vestige of Mao's government left is the centralization of the government and its forces. It's the exact kind of hell hole he didn't want China to become.
Has China not improved since his reign though? They are still recovering from what took place during his time. I just see them as experimenting while a different type of communism or as u stated “a capitalist oligarchy.” They May not still be granting permission for couples to move in w/ one another anymore, but they are still doing other types ofextremely overbearing things to the ppl.
Has China not improved since his reign though? They are still recovering from what took place during his time. I just see them as experimenting while a different type of communism or as u stated “a capitalist oligarchy.” They May not still be granting permission for couples to move in w/ one another anymore, but they are still doing other types ofextremely overbearing things to the ppl.
I wouldn't consider the authoritarianism practiced by the Chinese government to be an element of Communism. More so of an extremely powerful ruling class. We have it here as well, so does Russia, or any other major player on the world stage.
IMore so of an extremely powerful ruling class. We have it here as well, so does Russia, or any other major player on the world stage.
To be fair, it's alot more blatant in both Russia and China and once you couple that with a suppressive regime, it's alot worse than other governments.
To be fair, it's alot more blatant in both Russia and China and once you couple that with a suppressive regime, it's alot worse than other governments.
Eh, I'd say that they're more blatant about it but it's hard to say we're any better when we have the largest prison population on the planet, not to mention what happens to immigrants here or what our military gets up to.
Eh, I'd say that they're more blatant about it but it's hard to say we're any better when we have the largest prison population on the planet, not to mention what happens to immigrants here or what our military gets up to.
I think once you factor in their stance against freedom of speech, the breach of multiple laws in order to unlawfully extend government positions, lack of governmental control in big regions, open-bribery from local law enforcement all the way up to top-government officials, and widespread racism against whole minority groups without opposition, than you'd realize how different Western countries are compared to them
I think once you factor in their stance against freedom of speech, the breach of multiple laws in order to unlawfully extend government positions, lack of governmental control in big regions, open-bribery from local law enforcement all the way up to top-government officials, and widespread racism against whole minority groups without opposition, than you'd realize how different Western countries are compared to them
You just made my point for me, the corruption, attack on freedom of speech through austerity, and discrimination against minority groups still happen here. There's some hand wringing about it and the occasional arrests but there's children locked up separated from their parents around the country, there's still members of the government pushing policies that directly benefit their financial and business interests and there's still violent responses to protests here as well. We just had a group of people carrying guns at a protest in Virginia, I doubt that would've if they weren't white or to the left of center.
You just made my point for me, the corruption, attack on freedom of speech through austerity, and discrimination against minority groups still happen here. There's some hand wringing about it and the occasional arrests but there's children locked up separated from their parents around the country, there's still members of the government pushing policies that directly benefit their financial and business interests and there's still violent responses to protests here as well. We just had a group of people carrying guns at a protest in Virginia, I doubt that would've if they weren't white or to the left of center.
America and China are really closer in terms of ******** than we like to admit.
You just made my point for me, the corruption, attack on freedom of speech through austerity, and discrimination against minority groups still happen here. There's some hand wringing about it and the occasional arrests but there's children locked up separated from their parents around the country, there's still members of the government pushing policies that directly benefit their financial and business interests and there's still violent responses to protests here as well. We just had a group of people carrying guns at a protest in Virginia, I doubt that would've if they weren't white or to the left of center.
I'm not in anyway downplaying our own injustices happening regularly in this country, but the scale and shameless manner in which regimes like China and Russia commit these unlawful behavior is considerably more egregious. Organ harvesty of convicts, political opponents being jailed then going missing or executed, the open persecution of Uyghurs, forceable transportation of whole populations, wide-spread arrests without trial, attempting to exterminate the Tibetan culture, crime syndicates paying local officials to operate undeterred, etc. All these aren't even regularly publicized because they monitor the media and internet. The news and newspapers can't even bring up these issues, the only time we know about these things is when foreign media comes across it. So in other words, if you even speak against the government and the wrong person catches wind of it, there's a chance that you and your family will disappear and everyone you know will be expected to look past it or it'll put a risk to their safety too.
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