Hide Ya Wives, Hide Ya Kids: Worldwide Coronavirus Pandemic!

Are You Getting The Covid Vaccine?

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  • No

  • Only if mandatory

  • Not if mandatory

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Yeah, I can see people who don't have PTO/Sick leave forcing themselves to work. But everyone person on the team has plenty of accrued time off AND choose to be in the office.
Yeah this is what I was getting at.

People who have the leave to stay home don’t or you have the ones that can telework but choose to be in the office for some reason
Yeah, I can see people who don't have PTO/Sick leave forcing themselves to work. But everyone person on the team has plenty of accrued time off AND choose to be in the office.

Yeah this is what I was getting at.

People who have the leave to stay home don’t or you have the ones that can telework but choose to be in the office for some reason
That's crazy 🤣 type of mfer to eat a cheese sandwich at their desk for lunch. They should be written up for coming to work sick AND having plenty of PTO or wfh option.
Have there been reports of anyone testing positive after getting the bivalent shot??

Got the booster last month and tested positive last Monday. Couple days were rough sleeping wise. Cough and fatigue were the main culprits. When I got COVID in 2021 after getting vaccinated I really only dealt with the loss of taste and smell. Virus is hitting harder as it mutates even being vaccinated.
That's crazy 🤣 type of mfer to eat a cheese sandwich at their desk for lunch. They should be written up for coming to work sick AND having plenty of PTO or wfh option.
Im in IT and this is my 3rd job I’ve been at since the pandemic started, all three places I’ve heard idiots saying “I enjoyed teleworking but after a while i needed to be back in the office to get real work done” same idiots spend most their day just talking to other coworkers about nothing
Im in IT and this is my 3rd job I’ve been at since the pandemic started, all three places I’ve heard idiots saying “I enjoyed teleworking but after a while i needed to be back in the office to get real work done” same idiots spend most their day just talking to other coworkers about nothing

************* would rather have their OG gossip hour around the water cooler (spreading COVID and all from they mouths next to each other) than teleworking and doing their actual ******* jobs :smh:
Mother****ers would rather have their OG gossip hour around the water cooler (spreading COVID and all from they mouths next to each other) than teleworking and doing their actual ****ing jobs :smh:

That’s like one of my bosses who asked me to come in one day. He closed his door and was on the phone call day. Like why ask me to come in if you don’t have time to do some face to face. Granted he doesn’t ask me to come in often but at least make it a reason to make it worthwhile.
Mother****ers would rather have their OG gossip hour around the water cooler (spreading COVID and all from they mouths next to each other) than teleworking and doing their actual ****ing jobs :smh:
This is exactly what they do. Hell even people on my teams do is as well. Plus only a handful of people wear mask including myself.

I get called anti social because I would rather be away from everyone instead of gossiping and spreading germs. Had Covid twice and do not want it again.
a lot of my manufacturer contacts in china caught covid these past 2-3 weeks :smh:
Visited my barber today, havent seen him since covid started, mainly cause I ended up getting cuts from my boy and then I got sick and my hair is all crazy so I didnt bother for a haircut, this dude said he got covid 5 times. :lol: Dude says he feels perfectly fine though. He looked good, hes like in his 50's. Told dude he gotta chill, even cats only got 9 lives.
I do agree that it seems backwards to require testing from one country when you have allowed the virus to spread freely among your own population while pretending the pandemic is over. However, my understanding is that there’s a political element to it in order to encourage CCP to be more forthcoming with information and data sharing. And it’s not like travel from China has been banned or restricted, just a negative test, which should be a thing for everyone TBH. What are they doing with travelers who test positive on arrival though?
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