Hide Ya Wives, Hide Ya Kids: Worldwide Coronavirus Pandemic!

Are You Getting The Covid Vaccine?

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  • No

  • Only if mandatory

  • Not if mandatory

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This is my biggest fear in life at the moment.

Having a kid with someone and then disagreeing on how to protect them.

I'd say if you are able to, consult 2-3 different pediatricians and get their thoughts. The fact that the kid doesn't go to daycare doesn't mean a whole lot because the kid comes in contact with you and your girl on a regular basis and I'm sure you guys have varying levels of exposure.

Best of luck to you!

It’s putting a lot of strain on our relationship today.

It also frustrates me a ton because when Covid started, she never cared about my concerns. Last year the baby shower was supposed to be outside, and then it was so hot that they did it inside, and she didn’t care about my concerns then either. It’s just funny that when I’ve been worried about Covid, my worries are pushed aside, but when the shoes on the other foot, I’m supposed to not think of how I feel.

I’d like to understand the argument against it. Has the child been infected before? If recently, I could understand waiting, but if not you want the child’s first exposure to be a safe/controlled one. That age group has suffered some of the worst outcomes, comparatively.

What kind of outcomes? I’ve mostly heard kids typically don’t have issues.
It’s putting a lot of strain on our relationship today.

It also frustrates me a ton because when Covid started, she never cared about my concerns. Last year the baby shower was supposed to be outside, and then it was so hot that they did it inside, and she didn’t care about my concerns then either. It’s just funny that when I’ve been worried about Covid, my worries are pushed aside, but when the shoes on the other foot, I’m supposed to not think of how I feel.


What does My favorite family member think? Jameson will be your guide.
What kind of outcomes? I’ve mostly heard kids typically don’t have issues.
Everything you need to know, from an epidemiologist and mother of children under 5…
What kind of outcomes? I’ve mostly heard kids typically don’t have issues.
This is a child my kids go to school with who is currently in our local childrens hospital suffering from MIS-C. Her parents obviously love her and thought that they were making the best decision for her by NOT getting her vaccinated and NOT having her wear a mask as soon as the school mandate was removed. In fact, the mother was there on campus when some misinformed (by their parents) students staged a walkout over the mask mandate. The mother was cheering on students telling them they were doing the right thing and giving them snacks and blankets to keep their poor privileged skin from getting cold in the frigid 50 degree morning temps.




I pray this girl makes a full recovery, but let this be an example that kids DO in fact suffer long term damage to their vital organs and some die, but you can’t measure the disease severity by life and death alone. There are many common long term consequences caused by COVID, and very few incredibly rare side effects caused by the vaccines. As a parent, you would certainly not be alone in being vaccine hesitant thinking you are making the best choice for your child. Benjamin Franklin was right there with you, but unfortunately his choice came with a consequence he regretted for the rest of his life.
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My workplace met the criteria for us to revert back to full-time work from home, because of rising cases in our country. But we just got a new CEO, and they seem hostile to working from home generally

So yesterday at an all managers meeting, they were talking that "we are stronger when we can gather together" corporate talk

Meanwhile, half my team is out with covid
My workplace met the criteria for us to revert back to full-time work from home, because of rising cases in our country. But we just got a new CEO, and they seem hostile to working from home generally

So yesterday at an all managers meeting, they were talking that "we are stronger when we can gather together" corporate talk

Meanwhile, half my team is out with covid
good thing my wife's boss is a germaphobe so she rarely goes in. problem is that we've had to rearrange the house a few times to make it easier for her to work from home without feeling trapped in a rut. for me, i gotta go in to work everyday but i have my own office and bathroom so i can go the whole day without interacting with too many people. bunch of co-workers have gotten covid but none got really ill.
It’s been 2 weeks since I first had symptoms and since I had my first covid positive test. I’m still testing positive for covid on my home tests, but the symptoms went away after about 3 days.

1st 2 home tests I took, it says to wait 15 mins for results. Positive line lit up after like 2 seconds :lol: . Fast forward to now, the red line doesn’t show up until almost the full 15 minutes. So I guess the amount of covid in me has dwindled but still present?
It’s been 2 weeks since I first had symptoms and since I had my first covid positive test. I’m still testing positive for covid on my home tests, but the symptoms went away after about 3 days.

1st 2 home tests I took, it says to wait 15 mins for results. Positive line lit up after like 2 seconds :lol: . Fast forward to now, the red line doesn’t show up until almost the full 15 minutes. So I guess the amount of covid in me has dwindled but still present?

I'd guess you viral load now isn't just half of what it was early on. it's probably like 1%. you should go fully negative soon.
What are trends looking like these in the states for the summer (cases vs. hospitalizations)?

Stopped by the IHME model and saw everything trending/remaining down until Fall. Wondering if that's looking to be the case with other data out there
It’s been 2 weeks since I first had symptoms and since I had my first covid positive test. I’m still testing positive for covid on my home tests, but the symptoms went away after about 3 days.

1st 2 home tests I took, it says to wait 15 mins for results. Positive line lit up after like 2 seconds :lol: . Fast forward to now, the red line doesn’t show up until almost the full 15 minutes. So I guess the amount of covid in me has dwindled but still present?

That’s exactly how I was too - stopped having any line after 2 weeks.
🤡 shaming people for trying to stay healthy is stupid. Just found out that my Mother in Law (who is Black) is anti Vax, voted for Trump twice, watches Christian TV all day, was just diagnosed with Cancer and has been over to my house without a 😷. Let's just say I'm glad her and I have been on the outs since my mom died so I haven't spoken to her or been around her for over a year. Stopped going to my wife's church during the pandemic so I don't have to see her there either. I have asthma so I am not trying to get sick. Not trying to be hooked up to a Ventilator posting on NT asking Delk why he supports Republican Pedophiles.
Welp wifey's pops tested positive today. He's having minor symptoms. He was over here mowing the lawn on Friday but didn't come in the house luckily. I didn't come into contact with him but the wife was out there helping him. I guess we're going to find out just how much of a risk outdoor exposure is.
Trying to get hm an appointment with his prescriber tomorrow morning or get him to a CVS minute clinic and hopefully get him a paxlovid as this man is in a high risk category
Anyone experience symptoms like months after having COVID? I had it 2 months ago, pretty mild symptoms. Basically felt like an annoying cold for about 5 days.

Fast forward 2 months and I wake up randomly a week ago with mild dizziness, a little woozy and lightheaded. Urgent care said no to vertigo because nothing was spinning. No stroke, heart findings. I did fall the day before playing with my nieces and nephews and sort of got jostled so I guess there is a chance of a mild concussion. It's only when I'm up walking around, stairs, jumping, running, etc. When I'm sitting or lying down I'm okay.

Just figured I'd ask to see if there's a link. I had been completely fine since having COVID at the end of March.
Anyone experience symptoms like months after having COVID? I had it 2 months ago, pretty mild symptoms. Basically felt like an annoying cold for about 5 days.

Fast forward 2 months and I wake up randomly a week ago with mild dizziness, a little woozy and lightheaded. Urgent care said no to vertigo because nothing was spinning. No stroke, heart findings. I did fall the day before playing with my nieces and nephews and sort of got jostled so I guess there is a chance of a mild concussion. It's only when I'm up walking around, stairs, jumping, running, etc. When I'm sitting or lying down I'm okay.

Just figured I'd ask to see if there's a link. I had been completely fine since having COVID at the end of March.

I would recommend seeing a doctor for a full physical, including a complete blood count. Even mild infections can cause long term damage to any/all of your vital organs, including heart, brain, lungs, kidneys, liver, etc. Hope it's nothing and was just a temporary condition.
I would recommend seeing a doctor for a full physical, including a complete blood count. Even mild infections can cause long term damage to any/all of your vital organs, including heart, brain, lungs, kidneys, liver, etc. Hope it's nothing and was just a temporary condition.

Yeah I had blood work on Friday. Waiting for those results. Had two EKGs over the past week. CT of my head upcoming. I also have a physical scheduled for next month.

The thing is my symptoms were completely gone 2-3 months ago. And it sounds like the long COVID peoples' symptoms never really go away. My doctor doesn't think it has anything to do with COVID but I figured I'd ask to see if anyone had a similar experience.
Yeah I had blood work on Friday. Waiting for those results. Had two EKGs over the past week. CT of my head upcoming. I also have a physical scheduled for next month.

The thing is my symptoms were completely gone 2-3 months ago. And it sounds like the long COVID peoples' symptoms never really go away. My doctor doesn't think it has anything to do with COVID but I figured I'd ask to see if anyone had a similar experience.

Sounds like you're all over it. Props for being proactive. "Long COVID" is such a general catch-all term that can vary widely in symptoms and length. For example, if an infection damaged your pancreas and led to diabetes you wouldn't likely notice symptoms for some time, whereas if you had lung scarring you would know very quickly. People who have damage to their vagus nerve experience all sorts of different symptoms that can come and go. This all makes me think of NT'er fargin fargin who was one of the first here to experience long COVID. Maybe he can chime in, as he's probably best suited to discuss from first hand experience.
Anyone experience symptoms like months after having COVID? I had it 2 months ago, pretty mild symptoms. Basically felt like an annoying cold for about 5 days.

Fast forward 2 months and I wake up randomly a week ago with mild dizziness, a little woozy and lightheaded. Urgent care said no to vertigo because nothing was spinning. No stroke, heart findings. I did fall the day before playing with my nieces and nephews and sort of got jostled so I guess there is a chance of a mild concussion. It's only when I'm up walking around, stairs, jumping, running, etc. When I'm sitting or lying down I'm okay.

Just figured I'd ask to see if there's a link. I had been completely fine since having COVID at the end of March.
Back in 2018 I had something similar happen exactly as you described. I had EKG's and MRI of the head come back negative. I went to my ENT and they checked my hearing and it was fine. The ENT did some more checks on me and he determine dthat I may have had a sudden head movement or jumped out of bed too fast or slept wrong and that could have moved around the "crystals" in my ears that help keep you balanced.
I know it sounds crazy but he sent me to a physical therapist that had me do a bunch of different balance exercises and some light room tests. A few weeks of doing that and I was all better.
Back in 2018 I had something similar happen exactly as you described. I had EKG's and MRI of the head come back negative. I went to my ENT and they checked my hearing and it was fine. The ENT did some more checks on me and he determine dthat I may have had a sudden head movement or jumped out of bed too fast or slept wrong and that could have moved around the "crystals" in my ears that help keep you balanced.
I know it sounds crazy but he sent me to a physical therapist that had me do a bunch of different balance exercises and some light room tests. A few weeks of doing that and I was all better.

My googles actually did take me down this road. Calcium crystals in the inner ear canal that can become dislodged and affect the senses. Wild. Had no idea something like that existed. I was wondering if when I play playing with the kids that something got jarred, either those crystals, a nerve in my neck or a mild concussion.

Was one of the maneuvers called the Epley maneuver? You turn your head 45 degrees to one side then lay down with your shoulders on pillows and your head hanging off the edge and then your turn your head again? Then do the opposite side to determine which side was affected.
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