Hide Ya Wives, Hide Ya Kids: Worldwide Coronavirus Pandemic!

Are You Getting The Covid Vaccine?

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  • No

  • Only if mandatory

  • Not if mandatory

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There is so much nuance to these studies and discussions, and most of it seems to be based on global equity. I don't know if any of you listen to Andy Slavitt's "In the Bubble" podcast, but he had Fauci on there last week and after listening I was CONVINCED that boosters were a good idea for Americans, but then he had Ed Yong on today and I'm back to thinking they're not. While it's true that boosting our antibody production quickly will lead to a sharp decrease in symptomatic COVID, is it really fair for us to be so selfish to think that our first world problem of symptomatic COVID is more important than those in poorer countries who likely won't have a chance to get their first dose for many more months, if they live that long? When you think about where the most serious variants of concern have come from so far, it becomes obvious that we need to help vaccinate the rest of the world as quickly as possible if we ever hope to get this virus under control.

EDIT: Then again, pretty soon it might be the rest of the world trying to figure out how to help vaccinate those poor Americans...
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I'm glad that you spoke up. Clowns like him and his dumb views are getting people killed.

She's a busybody wine mom who doesn't work and complains about cyclists even though the things she'd be complaining about were entirely legal and appropriate. Whenever I would point this out to her and provide proof of why she's dead wrong she would just reply "whatever you say" and stop replying. She also denies the existence of systemic racism and brags about never following any COVID precautions from day one, stating she "should've been dead 10 times over if this was actually real."

I feel bad for her kids.

She's a busybody wine mom who doesn't work and complains about cyclists even though the things she'd be complaining about were entirely legal and appropriate. Whenever I would point this out to her and provide proof of why she's dead wrong she would just reply "whatever you say" and stop replying. She also denies the existence of systemic racism and brags about never following any COVID precautions from day one, stating she "should've been dead 10 times over if this was actually real."

I feel bad for her kids.

What an IDIOT

She's a busybody wine mom who doesn't work and complains about cyclists even though the things she'd be complaining about were entirely legal and appropriate. Whenever I would point this out to her and provide proof of why she's dead wrong she would just reply "whatever you say" and stop replying. She also denies the existence of systemic racism and brags about never following any COVID precautions from day one, stating she "should've been dead 10 times over if this was actually real."

I feel bad for her kids.
Did you respond "Well, let's hope for the 11th time, shall we?" lol

She's a busybody wine mom who doesn't work and complains about cyclists even though the things she'd be complaining about were entirely legal and appropriate. Whenever I would point this out to her and provide proof of why she's dead wrong she would just reply "whatever you say" and stop replying. She also denies the existence of systemic racism and brags about never following any COVID precautions from day one, stating she "should've been dead 10 times over if this was actually real."

I feel bad for her kids.
Sounds like the neighbor I had when I was living in the OC lol.
kdawg kdawg is it true that childhood vaccination is not mandatory for school, etc in the UK? I was told that recently and didn’t believe it, but everything I read seems to indicate it’s true.

I think that's right - I've just had a quick search and can't find anything that says they are mandatory - it's just the norm though and I think that it's only a single digit percentage that don't get all the usual ones - until recently anti-vaxxers were rare. We have a pretty efficient school vaccine programme for all the usual stuff - and the take-up is high for those.

Turns out my aunt (a nurse!) was one though and persuaded my mom to miss a few of mine too - think she changed her tune a bit after my cousin got mumps - but this last year I've heard a few wacky things.

this is intentional right? All the stupid tweets and ignorance of the facts placed in front of them and dumbed down explanations, they have to be doing this to pander to the idiots. I would like to believe people this dumb don’t get into positions of power, but here we are.
this is intentional right? All the stupid tweets and ignorance of the facts placed in front of them and dumbed down explanations, they have to be doing this to pander to the idiots. I would like to believe people this dumb don’t get into positions of power, but here we are.

Don't attribute to malice something best explained by stupidity.

And there a lot of dumb *** legislators in this country who have been elected by dumbass constituents.
Honestly renewing an order every 5 days isn't a big deal considering doctors in hospitals have to renew PRN narcotics every 3 days, level II restraints daily, and level I restraints multiple times a day. Just dumb that it even has to be ordered by a physician instead of just making it hospital policy.

Odds are most of those physicians will be ordering restrictions for all of their COVID patients.
If part of you understands then you’re as much of a clown as them. This isn’t an issue you can “both sides”.
A part of me can’t be slightly optimistic towards vaccine hesitant people? This place is brutal. Not everyone is a right wing wacko. Expand your horizons people. Medical exemptions do exist. Sadly they’ve been lumped all together.

edit: if someone hasn’t missed a day of work taking care of covid patients daily for 18 months, I do have a bit of sympathy for them wanting to wait it out. The freedom of choice is pretty great. And also, let their work fire them. They have that right too.
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