Hide Ya Wives, Hide Ya Kids: Worldwide Coronavirus Pandemic!

Are You Getting The Covid Vaccine?

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  • No

  • Only if mandatory

  • Not if mandatory

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if they can produce and transport and deliver johnson and johnson faster, you'd be a fool to wait indeterminate amount of time for the moderna one.
Im so annoyed and pissed with governments coronavirus performance.

like wtf is this?????

**** should be moving at warp speed, 24/7 vaccination no expense spared.

before World war ii the canadian government produced 800,000 military transport vehicles, 50,000 tanks, 40,000 field, naval, and anti-aircraft guns, and 1,700,000 pistol.

we did it because we had to have it, the Nazis were as existential threat to the nation.

there are new variants spreading and vaccinations are taking evenings and weekends off i don't ******* get it.
I'm already following protocol, i'll be the fool that waits for the package deal knowing it will still be sometime this year. Not knocking anyone who goes for it though, would prefer folks do actually, it all leads somewhere.
Not taking the Johnson and Johnson because you wanna wait for the other vaccines is the perfect encapsulation of the phrase "hustling backwards."
im just tryna help you out seriously.
if you get chance at the johnson and johnson please take it bro.
And I suggest everyone does as well, i'm just happy we're at the point where we have options. Personally i've had the pfizer vaccine mapped out as the one that works for me.

Realistically i'm not turning away whatever call comes in first, just have a preference based on research.
I got my first dose of the Moderna shot yesterday. my wife has a friend who is a nurse at a vaccination center and they had a few leftover shots at the end of the day due to cancellations, so she offered it to us. Feeling super lucky and a little sore.
Can you take every companies vaccines? How does that work?

Are you asking whether you can take a pfizer, but then also a moderna vaccine? If so, I don't think you can

I just got randomly picked for pfizer, you take one dose and then 3 weeks later you get the second dose

for moderna its the same process except there's a 4 week interval between your first and second dose
I thought I read you can mix Moderna & Pfizer since they are both mRNA?

Blake P Blake P ?

Edit: I see the CDC says you can't now
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