Hide Ya Wives, Hide Ya Kids: Worldwide Coronavirus Pandemic!

Are You Getting The Covid Vaccine?

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Also a strange time to start calling people out for not washing their hands after using the restroom considering the disease isn’t spread through the GI or GU tract.
See, and you work in health care. I respect you are putting yourself in harms way to save people, but acting like you know more than other and being nonchalant spreading misinformation is not it. You are the professional, people are coming to you for knowledge and gauging YOUR reaction to see how they should act

people are just taking information they know from what they familiar with and applying it to covid-19

I think this is where the “this is just/like the flu”mindset comes from. People can’t wrap their head around or are afraid of the unknown so they try to minimize it and compare it to things that are more relatable

again I’m not trying to come at you but I’ve seen this type of behaviour from my own fam. My siblings are respiratory therapists and were like “oh please!” Until they were staring at it face to face. Both of their hospitals have had cases come through now. They’re on the front lines.
If you use too much hand sanitizer the germs and bacteria on your body become immune to it

Fact check: eh... not exactly true

New research published by Science Translational Medicine shows that several strains of bacteria have begun adjusting to alcohol-based hand sanitizers. They're not resistant to the alcohol — at least, not yet — but they're becoming "more tolerant" of it, the authors write. That means the bacteria were able to survive for longer periods of time after being doused with alcohol. The researchers used different strengths of alcohol concentrations to combat the bacteria, starting with 23 percent. Eventually, at a 70-percent alcohol mixture, the bacteria were conquered. Typically, hand sanitizers are 60 percent alcohol.
Wasn't there a big story a year ago about an ingredient being removed from hand sanitizer? Was it alcohol?
Wasn't there a big story a year ago about an ingredient being removed from hand sanitizer? Was it alcohol?

If I had to guess, you're thinking of antibacterial soap ingredients being banned...

"In September 2016, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration banned the use of the common antibacterial ingredients triclosan and triclocarban, and 17 other ingredients frequently used in "antibacterial" soaps and washes, due to insufficient information on the long-term health effects of their use and a lack of evidence ..."
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Fact check: eh... not exactly true

New research published by Science Translational Medicine shows that several strains of bacteria have begun adjusting to alcohol-based hand sanitizers. They're not resistant to the alcohol — at least, not yet — but they're becoming "more tolerant" of it, the authors write. That means the bacteria were able to survive for longer periods of time after being doused with alcohol. The researchers used different strengths of alcohol concentrations to combat the bacteria, starting with 23 percent. Eventually, at a 70-percent alcohol mixture, the bacteria were conquered. Typically, hand sanitizers are 60 percent alcohol.
That’s what I heard. Gotta be some truth to it.
I’m definitely not that guy to be rubbing sanitizer on my hands multiple times a day unless I touch something or someone physically dirty
See, and you work in health care. I respect you are putting yourself in harms way to save people, but acting like you know more than other and being nonchalant spreading misinformation is not it. You are the professional, people are coming to you for knowledge and gauging YOUR reaction to see how they should act

people are just taking information they know from what they familiar with and applying it to covid-19

I think this is where the “this is just/like the flu”mindset comes from. People can’t wrap their head around or are afraid of the unknown so they try to minimize it and compare it to things that are more relatable

again I’m not trying to come at you but I’ve seen this type of behaviour from my own fam. My siblings are respiratory therapists and were like “oh please!” Until they were staring at it face to face. Both of their hospitals have had cases come through now. They’re on the front lines.

And on the other end, other people are trying to OD on the fear and panic. Theres plenty of articles stating that it is a weaker virus and most cases will recover on their own, and we know whos more at risk for complications. And guess whats? Thats just like the regular ol flu. How you saying medical professionals, who deal with all sorts of crap, cant wrap their hands around it yet the normal citizen who reads a few online articles and whatnot knows a little more?
That two year old kid with a fever, even if he has the coronavirus, should be ok. The evidence is limited, small sample size and the virus being so new and everything, but it would seem that the coronavirus presents much milder in children. Sort of like how the chickenpox is more dangerous in adults than children.
See, and you work in health care. I respect you are putting yourself in harms way to save people, but acting like you know more than other and being nonchalant spreading misinformation is not it. You are the professional, people are coming to you for knowledge and gauging YOUR reaction to see how they should act

people are just taking information they know from what they familiar with and applying it to covid-19

I think this is where the “this is just/like the flu”mindset comes from. People can’t wrap their head around or are afraid of the unknown so they try to minimize it and compare it to things that are more relatable

again I’m not trying to come at you but I’ve seen this type of behaviour from my own fam. My siblings are respiratory therapists and were like “oh please!” Until they were staring at it face to face. Both of their hospitals have had cases come through now. They’re on the front lines.

It’s the elitist mentality of those of us who do work in healthcare bro, a lot of people at my job going off with this attitude, not me...I’ve been concerned about it from the jump, the NY cases were toooo close to home, last night I spent my night treating a rule out, luckily patient was negative, but we do have another confirmed positive in our hands, luckily I had minimal contact with the patient...I’m sad mostly because I had to cut my dates with my mom and grandma, I’m not even concerned for my own health as I feel my immune system can handle it, my concern is passing it on to someone who cant.
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the thing is no one knows anything about this. i work in health care and everyone here is just as clueless as everyone else
none of your nurse friends have any experience with this virus. nor do any of the doctors
none of us can do much but take precautions and go to work as usual
what else are we supposed to do?

people traveling at their own risk...obviously that doesn't mean they will catch the virus but just because a medical professional with ZERO experience with this virus goes on vacation doesn't mean its necessarily safe to do
cause lets be honest your friends have put themselves at greater risk no matter how you look at it.

just because you are a nurse doesnt mean you are an expert in the matter.

no disrespect but misinformation is bad for us.
It’s the elitist mentality of those of us who do work in healthcare bro, a lot of people at my job going off with this attitude, not me...I’ve been concerned about it from the jump, the NY cases were toooo close to home, last night I spent my night treating a rule out, luckily patient was negative, but we do have another confirmed positive in our hands, luckily I had minimal contact with her....I’m sad mostly because I had to cut my dates with my mom and grandma, I’m not even concerned for my own health as I feel my immune system can handle it, my concern is passing it on to someone who cant.
u making tough decision my guy
wishing yall the best
And on the other end, other people are trying to OD on the fear and panic. Theres plenty of articles stating that it is a weaker virus and most cases will recover on their own, and we know whos more at risk for complications. And guess whats? Thats just like the regular ol flu. How you saying medical professionals, who deal with all sorts of crap, cant wrap their hands around it yet the normal citizen who reads a few online articles and whatnot knows a little more?

You know you always been my mans on these forums bro, but we can’t have a nonchalant attitude about this virus, I’ve seen it’s aggressiveness first hand, took that 50 year old man out in less than 28 hours...that could be any of us, or maybe not us since a lot of us are still young and hopefully in good health, so chances are we could carry it and not even know it before is out of us....what we have to be cautious about is our contact with the elderly in our lives, our grandparents and even parents...they might not have the same luck as us dealing with it and unfortunately we don’t understand the severity of these things till they hit home.
You know you always been my mans on these forums bro, but we can’t have a nonchalant attitude about this virus, I’ve seen it’s aggressiveness first hand, took that 50 year old man out in less than 28 hours...that could be any of us, or maybe not us since a lot of us are still young and hopefully in good health, so chances are we could carry it and not even know it before is out of us....what we have to be cautious about is our contact with the elderly in our lives, our grandparents and even parents...they might not have the same luck as us dealing with it and unfortunately we don’t understand the severity of these things till they hit home.

Agreed, but again not getting into it heavy.

Youve seen the aggressiveness first hand and have that one story to tell, theyll be a lot more recovery stories that will go untold though.
And on the other end, other people are trying to OD on the fear and panic. Theres plenty of articles stating that it is a weaker virus and most cases will recover on their own, and we know whos more at risk for complications. And guess whats? Thats just like the regular ol flu. How you saying medical professionals, who deal with all sorts of crap, cant wrap their hands around it yet the normal citizen who reads a few online articles and whatnot knows a little more?

Here are six differences between coronavirus and the flu:

— Coronavirus appears to spread more slowly than the flu.
This is probably the biggest difference between the two. The flu has a shorter incubation period (the time it takes for an infected person to show symptoms) and a shorter serial interval (or the time between successive cases). Coronavirus’s serial interval is around five to six days, while flu’s gap between cases is more like three days, the WHO says. So flu still spreads more quickly.

— Shedding: Viral shedding is what happens when a virus has infected a host, has reproduced, and is now being released into the environment. It is what makes a patient infectious. Some people start shedding the coronavirus within two days of contracting it, and before they show symptoms, although this probably isn’t the main way it is spreading, the WHO says. (However, one non-peer-reviewed article this week also suggests that coronavirus patients are shedding huge amounts of the virus in these early stages, when they have either no symptoms or just mild ones.) The flu virus typically sheds in the first two days after symptoms start, and this can last for up to a week. But a study in the Lancet this week, which looked at patients in China, showed that survivors were still shedding the coronavirus for around 20 days (or until death). One was still shedding at 37 days, while the shortest time detected was eight days. This suggests coronavirus patients remain contagious for much longer than those with flu.

— Secondary infections. As if contracting coronavirus wasn’t bad enough, it leads to about two more secondary infections on average. The flu can sometimes cause a secondary infection, usually pneumonia, but it’s rare for a flu patient to get two infections after the flu. The WHO warned that context is key (someone who contracts coronavirus might already have been fighting another condition, for example).

— Don’t blame snotty kids—adults are passing coronavirus around. While kids are the primary culprits for flu transmission, this coronavirus seems to be passed between adults. That also means adults are getting hit hardest—especially those who are older and have underlying medical conditions. Experts are baffled as to why kids seem protected from the worst effects of the coronavirus, according to the Washington Post. Some say they might already have some immunity from other versions of the coronavirus that appear in the common cold; another theory is that kids’ immune systems are always on high alert and might simply be faster than adults’ in battling Covid-19.

— Coronavirus is far deadlier than the flu. Thus far, the mortality rate for coronavirus (the number of reported cases divided by the number of deaths) is around 3% to 4%, although it’s likely to be lower because many cases have not yet been reported. The flu’s rate is 0.1%.

— There is no cure or vaccine for the coronavirus. Not yet, anyway, although work is under way. There is, however, a flu vaccine—and everyone should get it, not least because being vaccinated could help lessen the load on overstretched medical services in the coming weeks.
People need to understand how QUICKLY things go down hill once your ability to oxygenate goes down the drain....I’ve seen that **** happen wayyyyy too often to take it lightly, we can’t oxygenate you, don’t matter how young or healthy you were your whole life, you are now on borrowed time unless you end up at the right facility equipped with both, competent staff AND equipment
People need to understand how QUICKLY things go down hill once your ability to oxygenate goes down the drain....I’ve seen that **** happen wayyyyy too often to take it lightly, we can’t oxygenate you, don’t matter how young or healthy you were your whole life, you are now on borrowed time unless you end up at the right facility equipped with both, competent staff AND equipment

when I had a traich(sp?) that was pretty much the priority, getting off oxygen, down sizing the traich and pulling it out.

once that happened I was able to recovery really quickly for all that happened to me.
Agreed, but again not getting into it heavy.

Youve seen the aggressiveness first hand and have that one story to tell, theyll be a lot more recovery stories that will go untold though.

Maybe is my personal experience working in this field, but the lives lost are the ones that stick with me, every life is precious...so yeah, the number of lives that won’t be lost to this will dwarf those who were lost, I refuse to measure it’s severity on statistics, THats what hospital suits do, not what I do...I saw a 50 year old man in what I consider otherwise good health go from alert and oriented talking to his family to literally clinging to his life in a little over 24 hours.
That two year old kid with a fever, even if he has the coronavirus, should be ok. The evidence is limited, small sample size and the virus being so new and everything, but it would seem that the coronavirus presents much milder in children. Sort of like how the chickenpox is more dangerous in adults than children.

Sure, but that doesn't mean he can't spread it to his parents, or his grandparents (that frequently watch him).
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