Hide Ya Wives, Hide Ya Kids: Worldwide Coronavirus Pandemic!

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Instead of telling MAGAs that covid-19 is a conspiracy to mind-control everyone with the vaccine, we should've told them that the virus itself is the mind control.

Those tinfoil hat MAGAs would've been hiding in their nuclear winter bunkers for the past 9 months, living off rice and canned beans. Covid-19 would've disappeared by now.
Can't blame the politicians. We gotta blame the people. Much of the American populace are idiots. And you see this on both sides of the fence. They do a lot of gum flapping about what they want, but never go out and take action when it comes time to vote. Then you have the ones who blindly subscribe to their party, so they never actually know what they are voting for.
Cant' blame the politicians. We gotta blame the people.

well a good portion of America is broke and brain washed into thinking if they just work harder they will to be rich is the reason we can get away no relief yet all the infighting about unemployment benefits.

I mean we work harder than every eu country yet.....

when ish hits the fan we say oh we cant as a country afford that. While trying to actually find social programs to cut. Just to say lower taxes on rich folks.

America is getting a full dose of what the GOP is and actually their supporters most of which are broke and on social programs like it.
I hope the Dems play hardball if that’s the case. No deal hurts the GOP and their chances of controlling the senate with the January runoffs if the Dems do a good job of framing things. No deal is almost better than a crap deal imo, if they can turn no deal into taking those senate seats in Georgia.

Dems have horrible framing. That’s the reason they lose all the dang time.

republicans lose cause their policies and leaders are so toxic that people actually catch on. Other than that they frame everything under race and socialism so well their followers eat it up. I mean trump has a whole subsection of the party thinking elections are rigged.


dems are weak very weak and suck at framing. They can’t show actual Americans that hey you want 1,200 bucks if you do for the holidays Mitch is holding that up.

Hey there is also 500 billion of cares act money not spent. Yet republicans are stalling? (More on that later)

why Mitch doesn’t want relief even trump wanted direct payments.?

why did we put in Supream court judge in 45-60 days yet we can’t agree on a spending bill.?

It’s our jobs and we the Democrats are trying to do what we were hired for. Senate republicans aren’t. They are as lame duck as our president and we should vote them out.

that’s framingcongressional Democrats leadership are complicit and or willing to actually talk about a deal with no direct payment less money and say for 950 billion.

still Mitch said no needs to be 500 billion or less. Of which don’t forget he will get the cares money sitting to pay for it which means nothing was actually paid for its money they already had. So this stalling was just not spend new money.

that is framing but dems like it to some do they like the stall and the do nothing.
I’m posting more than ever :evil:
I had it in July..get Vitamin D, Zinc, Mucinex, Tylenol Cold & Flu (the color of the pill is neon yellow), and drink atleast a gallon of water everyday you should be straight..I would take it easy but I wouldn't sleep the entire day unless you have too...the virus supposedly attacks you the most while your sleep
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Dems have horrible framing. That’s the reason they lose all the dang time.

republicans lose cause their policies and leaders are so toxic that people actually catch on. Other than that they frame everything under race and socialism so well their followers eat it up. I mean trump has a whole subsection of the party thinking elections are rigged.


dems are weak very weak and suck at framing. They can’t show actual Americans that hey you want 1,200 bucks if you do for the holidays Mitch is holding that up.

Hey there is also 500 billion of cares act money not spent. Yet republicans are stalling? (More on that later)

why Mitch doesn’t want relief even trump wanted direct payments.?

why did we put in Supream court judge in 45-60 days yet we can’t agree on a spending bill.?

It’s our jobs and we the Democrats are trying to do what we were hired for. Senate republicans aren’t. They are as lame duck as our president and we should vote them out.

that’s framingcongressional Democrats leadership are complicit and or willing to actually talk about a deal with no direct payment less money and say for 950 billion.

still Mitch said no needs to be 500 billion or less. Of which don’t forget he will get the cares money sitting to pay for it which means nothing was actually paid for its money they already had. So this stalling was just not spend new money.

that is framing but dems like it to some do they like the stall and the do nothing.

If elections have high turnouts, the Dems usually win. But you’re right about their struggles to frame things. Voter suppression and gerrymandering is real and the Dems are at a disadvantage in that sense.

The GOP knows how to dumb things down to their racist base and simply the stuff to use trigger words to rile up their base. Socialism, defund the police, race etc.

Still, the fact that so many people in this country have no clue who the hell Mitch McConnell is, that’s on the Dems inability to simplify and frame things. Simplifying things down to this man controls the senate, he’s the one who is holding up your stimulus check, he’s the one who is holding up unemployment being extended, he’s the one holding up relief aid for small businesses, eviction moratorium etc. Make him public enemy number 1. Most importantly, run catchy well explained ads all throughout Georgia letting people know who he is, what he does and apply it to those senate runoffs.
I had it in July..get Vitamin D, Zinc, Mucinex, Tylenol Cold & Flu (the color of the pill is neon yellow), and drink atleast a gallon of water everyday you should be straight..Don't try to sleep the entire day as well..the virus supposedly attacks you the most when you're sleep
U ain’t lying. I felt like **** yesterday and today when I woke up. But when I got up and went and got tested I felt amazing. I feel good right now. Just can’t taste or smell.
U ain’t lying. I felt like **** yesterday and today when I woke up. But when I got up and went and got tested I felt amazing. I feel good right now. Just can’t taste or smell.
Thats how I was ...the first 2 days I had it I slept the entire time..I read online that the virus attacks you the most while your sleeping..after that I started taking mucinex and going on small walks that were like a half to a 1 mile.. nothing to crazy I just wanted to stay active during the day..I was quarantined at a hotel so I didn't want to sit there all day..but going on walks helped me a lot..it helped me open up lungs I was able to get rid of alot of mucus doing that
U ain’t lying. I felt like **** yesterday and today when I woke up. But when I got up and went and got tested I felt amazing. I feel good right now. Just can’t taste or smell.
FWIW, sleep when you’re tired because the virus doesn’t attack any different while you sleep. Any idea where you caught it? Did you take any risks around thanksgiving? You pretty good about mask wearing and hand hygiene?
I really want to know too how some of you got it. If you had interaction with other people w/o wearing mask between the 2 of you for more than 15 minutes, or large gathering, then we know wearing mask can reduce the transmission, or large gathering is a big no no.
Time spent with person and whether you're wearing a mask are two factors to consider.

When I got tested because of exposure the first two things the doctor asked me was 'Were you two wearing a mask?' and 'how long did you spend in each other's company?'.

Longer than 30 minutes within 24 hrs is considered high risk exposure, per the urgent care I got tested at
I really want to know too how some of you got it. If you had interaction with other people w/o wearing mask between the 2 of you for more than 15 minutes, or large gathering, then we know wearing mask can reduce the transmission, or large gathering is a big no no.
I caught mines hanging out with a chick..we were messing around in my car..2-3 days after we hung out I started to feel sick..I got tested July 5..I came back positive on July 8th..the ****** up part is when I told her I tested positive... she was like yeah I came back positive the day after we hung out...she's claims she didn't know she had it..she caught it from here parents who work for the dept of VA..if I didn't say anything to her she probably wouldn't have told me she had it
If elections have high turnouts, the Dems usually win. But you’re right about their struggles to frame things. Voter suppression and gerrymandering is real and the Dems are at a disadvantage in that sense.

The GOP knows how to dumb things down to their racist base and simply the stuff to use trigger words to rile up their base. Socialism, defund the police, race etc.

Still, the fact that so many people in this country have no clue who the hell Mitch McConnell is, that’s on the Dems inability to simplify and frame things. Simplifying things down to this man controls the senate, he’s the one who is holding up your stimulus check, he’s the one who is holding up unemployment being extended, he’s the one holding up relief aid for small businesses, eviction moratorium etc. Make him public enemy number 1. Most importantly, run catchy well explained ads all throughout Georgia letting people know who he is, what he does and apply it to those senate runoffs.

Nah joe thinks cause he and Mitch are friends it will just work it’s self out.

Mitch is basically a king at this point and runs the senate like one. If it doesn’t benefit his pockets or his party pockets or his legacy (judges). He doesn’t care Mitch proved he can get re-elected as much as he wants so why give a F. Lastly the only way to bring balance back is to take his power win the senate.

georiga run offs I don’t feel like dems will win either seat unless trump does what trump does and ruin everything he touches.

his ViCtOrY rally last night all he did was blame kemp, say some fake facts and some misleading information I mean a lot of misleading information.

dems haven’t framed anything in GA honestly just we are good they are bad. Blah blah no one cares

Republicans socialism socialism in fact I have no idea what whether republican candidate stance on anything is.

to top it off perdue isn’t even doing a debate cause why should he I mean he’s going to possible win off his name alone and idk socialism and race.
Nah joe thinks cause he and Mitch are friends it will just work it’s self out.

Mitch is basically a king at this point and runs the senate like one. If it doesn’t benefit his pockets or his party pockets or his legacy (judges). He doesn’t care Mitch proved he can get re-elected as much as he wants so why give a F. Lastly the only way to bring balance back is to take his power win the senate.

georiga run offs I don’t feel like dems will win either seat unless trump does what trump does and ruin everything he touches.

his ViCtOrY rally last night all he did was blame kemp, say some fake facts and some misleading information I mean a lot of misleading information.

dems haven’t framed anything in GA honestly just we are good they are bad. Blah blah no one cares

Republicans socialism socialism in fact I have no idea what whether republican candidate stance on anything is.

to top it off perdue isn’t even doing a debate cause why should he I mean he’s going to possible win off his name alone and idk socialism and race.

I hope that’s just Joe saying that stuff publicity for optics. He saw that turtle pussys behavior first hand for 8 years so I would hope he was just saying that for optics and showing a different energy behind closed doors. Hopefully Mitch dies soon so this country can progress.

Ive been saying it for a while. But the Dems need to out GOP the GOP. Play dirty. Go on attack mode and disrespect and violate those GOP bozos on every level. Jon Osoff wrote the blueprint with how he’s came at Purdue. The Dems would be well suited matching that energy collectively.

Decency and civility only works if both sides abide by it and consistently follow it. The Dems playing fair while the GOP makes and breaks the rules. That’s a Dems need to grow some balls and fight dirty too situation.
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