Hide Ya Wives, Hide Ya Kids: Worldwide Coronavirus Pandemic!

Are You Getting The Covid Vaccine?

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  • No

  • Only if mandatory

  • Not if mandatory

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I still pay my membership because I don’t want my gym to fail. I just don’t go now. :lol:

I just lift at the crib.

I'm the same PLUS it'll be an "easy transition" back into the gym once COVID is controlled since my gym membership monthly fees have been maintained all this time (not to mention, my gym only charges $10/month.........ez pennies)
I'm the same PLUS it'll be an "easy transition" back into the gym once COVID is controlled since my gym membership monthly fees have been maintained all this time (not to mention, my gym only charges $10/month.........ez pennies)
Y’all wild. My gym closes I’m not paying ****. Sorry. This ain’t a charity. Was with golds when this all started and they suspended charges. I ended up closing the account
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7-day average cases above 140k and deaths over 1100. Keep in mind that these are undershoots because we have an upward trajectory. With no signs of slowing, we will probably get to 200k cases per day and 1500 deaths per day soon.

Maybe this belongs in the politics thread but had trump issued a Nationwide mandate, many Democrats would shout out wheres my freedom. So he let governor's dictate what to do. And now that some are closing, the blame is still on him. They cant expect instant aid because you chose to close a second time without even truly surging. Both sides need to admit they failed here. But that will never happen.

You've been trying to pass this opinion off as fact for multiple pages its as trash then as it is now. It's patently false that Dems would have cried "Freedom." I live in arguably the most strict county in the country (Bay Area, CA) and I can tell you that we shut down earlier than any other place in the US based on SCIENCE. No one cares about what Trump has to say about anything because he has the DNA of a slug. It had nothing to do with politics because shutdowns don't help politicians. On the contrary, I predict these shutdowns will actually cost some local democrats votes in CA. Again, in the Bay Area, we listen to epidemiologists, immmuneologists and County health officials when it comes to highly infectious RNA viruses. The fact is that Democrat Governors have been pleading for federal plans and financial assistance since the beginning and have been hand waved because Trump doesn't have a leadership bone in his body. Ventilators are great but we needed a war time mass organization campaign. Instead he's committed to delusions of Neverland and pixie dust. We need help right now and he's tweeting from the bottom of the ocean.

It's not theoretical physics, if you have more people that are sick than specialized nurses and doctors to take care of them
you have no other choice but to shutdown because of the surges of the sick and dying that will inevitably pile up and clog the healthcare system. It doesn't matter if you have beds if you don't have doctors to take care of them. It seems no one gives a **** anymore about the nurses who have to pump air into covid coma patients and hold the hands of the dying in ICU's all day everyday. What happened to all those commercials they used to show back in April?

From the very beginning we had all of the procedures in order to keep the virus down to a controllable case amount. All the scientists knew this 2nd wave was coming but not enough people were listening. Being inside with a lack of masks and social distancing is a respiratory diseases wet dream. The plan was really simple:

1. Shut down all movement that is unnecessary for at least 20-25 days ( Essential workers must wear masks and social distance when outside/working)

2. Isolate people within their households/people they live with.

3. Comprehensive tracking, tracing and testing program that uses "virus detectives" and app based notifications for the population.

4. Get the level of cases down to a manageable level ( less than 10,000 cases per day nationally) where you can immediately spot and isolate cases in the community and things can open up on a measured tier basis because it's easy to see when and where clusters occur.

All this while the Federal government gives stimulus money to its citizens and businesses so they have no excuse to go out and work/congregate and infect others. Taiwan and South Korea were able to keep their numbers low. It was more than possible and has nothing to do with "Prison Lockdowns." Aggressive testing and national buy-in. This is difficult when you claim Covid is a democrat hoax to stop the Presidential re-election and the heads of the CDC are wrong about the things they've spent their entire lives studying while holding the highest position in their respective sector.

Instead we got make believe wishes and magic potion spells from the Federal Government. When they couldn't push their magic serums or self help mantras anymore they just disappeared completely. The Federal Government's covid response team failed the American People it took an oath to protect. It's not both sides anything. It's too late now though, most people checked out and there's no stimulus so people can't stay home even if they wanted. We're essentially going full speed ahead with infections, bodycount and apocalyptic economic damage until a vaccine is being dispensed at your local CVS.
charlie parker charlie parker I wasn't calling it fact, just an opinion or thought I've had in the back of mind. Some hate trump so much, they go the opposite of what he says no matter what or simply has no trust in him. There's no doubt he botched it. Other than free money, there's not much they want out of him anymore.

I can visualize many governor's saying 'you can't tell me how to run my state' if he did issue mandatory lockdowns. They disagree on everything it seems. But those are just what ifs. I'll leave them out of here from here on out.

Any thoughts on Newsom attending a dinner party, or Pelosi planning a big party. Lots of hypocrisy by leaders on both sides. There's no doubt our main leader failed us. But the others aren't far behind.

oh man

oh man, oh man not again

We going back 2 back

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Maybe this belongs in the politics thread but had trump issued a Nationwide mandate, many Democrats would shout out wheres my freedom. So he let governor's dictate what to do. And now that some are closing, the blame is still on him. They cant expect instant aid because you chose to close a second time without even truly surging. Both sides need to admit they failed here. But that will never happen.

What Cait fails to mention is that it's her own governor and policies who state big box can have 500 but little restaurant with 15 folks is bad. What's the federal government got to do with this so called science they're using for many closures? Closures need to be equally distributed but often they are not. Maybe the little guys are being antagonized. Many would rather work then take a handout.
I'm in the part of NYC with the highest rate of Covid infections. Naturally everyone is b*tching about the Curfew and whatnot. Some chick I know who works at a bar of course complained bc she'll be losing money due to the earlier curfew. Then today she posts a video of her at a private party at some restaurant with 20+ people at one table. So yeah, this is gonna be a longgggg winter
charlie parker charlie parker I wasn't calling it fact, just an opinion or thought I've had in the back of mind. Some hate trump so much, they go the opposite of what he says no matter what or simply has no trust in him. There's no doubt he botched it. Other than free money, there's not much they want out of him anymore.

I can visualize many governor's saying 'you can't tell me how to run my state' if he did issue mandatory lockdowns. They disagree on everything it seems. But those are just what ifs. I'll leave them out of here from here on out.

Any thoughts on Newsom attending a dinner party, or Pelosi planning a big party. Lots of hypocrisy by leaders on both sides. There's no doubt our main leader failed us. But the others aren't far behind.
Mans outchea writing both sides fan fiction. Good grief :lol:
Yep not looking forward to the upcoming Seattle restrictions but with the spikes lately cant say I'm surprised. Its supposed to be four weeks but we'll see how much numbers really go down in that time.
Yep not looking forward to the upcoming Seattle restrictions but with the spikes lately cant say I'm surprised. Its supposed to be four weeks but we'll see how much numbers really go down in that time.
Just hoping these stores aren't too crazy and ppl panic stock up again
took a walk and folks really out here playing pick up basketball
park was packed today :smh:
as much as i want to hoop, i aint risking it for covid. probably blow out a knee as well :lol:
the death rate was half of what it was earlier in the year but that just means we're ok with 5 times as many people getting infected.

we really are not equipped as a society and with our politics and current leadership to handle this. as has been said many times, Donald Trump is literally THE WORST human alive to be president during this pandemic. but we're also just a generally ******, selfish society, and we take pride in being dumb as rocks contractions.

the most depressing thing is we're still having to explain away the same misconceptions from back in March.
Yikes. This is ten times worse than the lockdowns the first time around. The panic buying will be something else
They're closing any business that has 4 cases within 14 days FOR 14 days. This now includes essential places. Every Walmart is about to be closed in my state. So much food will rot away. And places that can open will have 3-4 hour long lines, as the closed places have food rotting away. Is this when looting becomes acceptable?
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