Hide Ya Wives, Hide Ya Kids: Worldwide Coronavirus Pandemic!

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The debate just happened. Isn’t there a 14 day general window? Where were all of them 14 days prior to the debate. That’s the main question. Don’t blame one event.
Thread explaining how the original antibody therapy the president received was kind of crazy given that the study showed no benefit in clinical outcomes. Also the numbers are extremely small so it's hard to draw any real conclusions:

As to why Trump and his team decided to try this unproven treatment?

This video from March 5 showing the CEO of Regeneron selling himself to Trump might explain it:

I’m confused how this outbreak happened at the WH. You would think they’d all be getting tested daily. Especially the presidents inner circle.
I’m confused how this outbreak happened at the WH. You would think they’d all be getting tested daily. Especially the presidents inner circle.
Olivia Troye, a former senior adviser for the White House coronavirus task force, said in an interview Friday morning that “the majority of people who work in” the Eisenhower Executive Office Building, which houses most offices for White House staffers, “weren’t getting tested daily” when they “went into the West Wing for meetings.”

Alot of inconsistencies with the supposed protocols they were supposed to follow.

Not shocking coming from this Administration
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