Hide Ya Wives, Hide Ya Kids: Worldwide Coronavirus Pandemic!

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Dengue fever been around for a while in the tropics. I growing up in the Caribbean in the 90s, it was a big problem. That joint nearly took a few of my cousins. One of my neighbors kids died from it. That joint makes you feel like you are sore from two-a-day football practices, then they threw you into an oven. You really feel like you are dying.

Chikungunya is another one. You legit feel like you were just in a car crash, and the feeling last for weeks even months.

Mosquito are a ******* plague.
Dengue fever been around for a while in the tropics. I growing up in the Caribbean in the 90s, it was a big problem. That joint nearly took a few of my cousins. One of my neighbors kids died from it. That joint makes you feel like you are sore from two-a-day football practices, then they threw you into an oven. You really feel like you are dying.

Chikungunya is another one. You legit feel like you were just in a car crash, and the feeling last for weeks even months.

Mosquito are a ****ing plague.

my girl is always heated because I be out here getting bit up with no dambs. I don’t want any parts of that.
they really trying to bring pre-k kids back to my sister's school that she works at :smh:
parents aren't willing to pay for online learning and school doesn't want to lose out on the money

some staff already said they are opting out if this happens
Dengue fever been around for a while in the tropics. I growing up in the Caribbean in the 90s, it was a big problem. That joint nearly took a few of my cousins. One of my neighbors kids died from it. That joint makes you feel like you are sore from two-a-day football practices, then they threw you into an oven. You really feel like you are dying.

Chikungunya is another one. You legit feel like you were just in a car crash, and the feeling last for weeks even months.

Mosquito are a ****ing plague.

You've had both Dengue and Chikungunya?!

they really trying to bring pre-k kids back to my sister's school that she works at :smh:
parents aren't willing to pay for online learning and school doesn't want to lose out on the money

That problem is happening at many private schools, unfortunately. I've heard from so many parents who figure if their kids are going to be homeschooled anyway they might as well not be paying to teach them.
That problem is happening at many private schools, unfortunately. I've heard from so many parents who figure if their kids are going to be homeschooled anyway they might as well not be paying to teach them.

This is happening at my son’s private school. Why pay for tuition when they can be homeschooled. The problem with that is that some of these parents feel entitled and are straight lazy. When we went into lockdown, they were complaining about having to teach their children and was trying to get other parents to join their group on getting homeschooled. I swear some of these people are stupid cuz you as a parent gotta be present during homeschool so it’s essentially the same thing as online learning.

my main concern is the education of my son. I feel the school he is attending does a great job at online learning so i will continue to pay tuition. And me being able to work from home enables me to focus on my son’s education during these times.
a guy at my job is pretty sure he had it. he called in on the 10th. he didn't get tested until the 15th and still hasn't gotten his results. He came back today and I'm a little nervous because we work in the same office space...
a guy at my job is pretty sure he had it. he called in on the 10th. he didn't get tested until the 15th and still hasn't gotten his results. He came back today and I'm a little nervous because we work in the same office space...

Why bother getting tested if he is just going to keep working and go around people anyways. Smh.
This is happening at my son’s private school. Why pay for tuition when they can be homeschooled. The problem with that is that some of these parents feel entitled and are straight lazy. When we went into lockdown, they were complaining about having to teach their children and was trying to get other parents to join their group on getting homeschooled. I swear some of these people are stupid cuz you as a parent gotta be present during homeschool so it’s essentially the same thing as online learning.

my main concern is the education of my son. I feel the school he is attending does a great job at online learning so i will continue to pay tuition. And me being able to work from home enables me to focus on my son’s education during these times.
It amazes me that there are parents who don't want nothing to do with their kids when it comes to school. I've heard some friends complain how they wish their kids were in school and not home SMH.

IDK if it's because I've only been a father for 4 years, but I value the time I have with my kids every chance I get. Teaching and educating them starts at home.
It amazes me that there are parents who don't want nothing to do with their kids when it comes to school. I've heard some friends complain how they wish their kids were in school and not home SMH.

IDK if it's because I've only been a father for 4 years, but I value the time I have with my kids every chance I get. Teaching and educating them starts at home.

lol i think we should all accept the FACT that a lot of people should have never been parents

kudos to you tho - you are doing it right
It amazes me that there are parents who don't want nothing to do with their kids when it comes to school. I've heard some friends complain how they wish their kids were in school and not home SMH.

IDK if it's because I've only been a father for 4 years, but I value the time I have with my kids every chance I get. Teaching and educating them starts at home.

I feel the same way!!! By your post, you sound like an awesome father and it all starts at home.
These are your kids. The future. You get what you put in so i make sure to support and help my 2 sons in whatever they want to do.

Ever since we went into lockdown in March, my son started online learning for Kindergarten. At first it was tough but thankfully the school adjusted quickly and we were all on the same page. The growth i saw with my son was the best moments ever. From learning how to read and doing adding and subtracting, i was super proud.

Add to that, he learned how to ride a bike w/ no training wheels and learned how to swim during these tough times and it was one of the best feelings in the world to see your child accomplish these milestones. My wife and i try our best to make our sons lives as normal as possible cuz early childhood education is super important as a foundation for them.
I feel the same way!!! By your post, you sound like an awesome father and it all starts at home.
These are your kids. The future. You get what you put in so i make sure to support and help my 2 sons in whatever they want to do.

Ever since we went into lockdown in March, my son started online learning for Kindergarten. At first it was tough but thankfully the school adjusted quickly and we were all on the same page. The growth i saw with my son was the best moments ever. From learning how to read and doing adding and subtracting, i was super proud.

Add to that, he learned how to ride a bike w/ no training wheels and learned how to swim during these tough times and it was one of the best feelings in the world to see your child accomplish these milestones. My wife and i try our best to make our sons lives as normal as possible cuz early childhood education is super important as a foundation for them.

Wow, so many similarities with my daughter who was in kindergarten last year. Part of the "blessing in disguise" with this pandemic has been that the time at home resulted in many other growth opportunities that would not have been possible with long school days and extracurricular activities that take up so much of our childrens' daily lives.
a guy at my job is pretty sure he had it. he called in on the 10th. he didn't get tested until the 15th and still hasn't gotten his results. He came back today and I'm a little nervous because we work in the same office space...

Why would your job allow him to come back without results?
Dengue fever been around for a while in the tropics. I growing up in the Caribbean in the 90s, it was a big problem. That joint nearly took a few of my cousins. One of my neighbors kids died from it. That joint makes you feel like you are sore from two-a-day football practices, then they threw you into an oven. You really feel like you are dying.

Chikungunya is another one. You legit feel like you were just in a car crash, and the feeling last for weeks even months.

Mosquito are a ****ing plague.

As are liberals.
it was great for my son to be home at the end of first grade because my wife wasn’t working since she quit her job to take care of our baby girl. he was thriving with the online learning and my wife would plan tons of other activities for him. distance learning was working out great for us!

but now that my wife took a new job and is working from home, it’s been super tough. she’s in meetings much of the day and doing work. she’s also finishing up her masters. she hired her cousin to come and help during the day but it’s not the same and i’m afraid that if my son had to distance learn this fall, it might not be so good.

i can see where some parents want the kids back in school if they are having a hard time juggling work and childcare. as the cases rise here, my wife is super torn. she isn’t super afraid about my son getting sick but more worried that he would get covid and be asymptomatic and pass it on to my mom that lives upstairs in our building (or me who is kinda healthy but very fat). my son is supposed to go back full-time in-person at the end our august. my wife and i are still worried about the whole thing and how wearing a mask and face shield at school will impact the kids. overall, it’s just a tough situation.
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