Hide Ya Wives, Hide Ya Kids: Worldwide Coronavirus Pandemic!

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-I mean good times as when the economy is expanding, I didn't say we are in good times now, so ****ing miss me with that. I was clearly talking about the economy because I mention the current economic state of the country.

Maybe you don't understand economics, but when a country is in a recession or depression, that not only cost the country money it cost them lives on the aggregate. When people lose jobs and economic prospects, more people fall into economic despair and that results in low life expectancies. A recession doesn't only cost money, it cost lives.

You can't see the deaths because the happen in the long run, because aggregate of causes. Where as a pandemic deaths happen quickly by a much clearer cause.

Your trade war doesn't save any ****ing lives, it will just hurt ton of regular people, all because you want to be "be tough on China", while having a false sense of moral superiority. Your *** is the one that sounds just like Trump.

You plan is asinine and short sighted, but all things considered you have said dumber **** on NT.
man, why waste time with that dude? He just talks to talk. Doesn't know much about what he talks about,.

Don't even waste your energy. You cant talk sense into some people no matter how hard you try.
Vote or stop *****ing about it. You keep crying about the problems but won’t take 10 minutes out of your day once every two years to do something about it.

so your telling me this is the guy that’s going to save us

yeah ok I’m going to vote
what a joke
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man, why waste time with that dude? He just talks to talk. Doesn't know much about what he talks about,.

Don't even waste your energy. You cant talk sense into some people no matter how hard you try.

dont worry about me go and talk with your father and change his mind on who to vote for

you been on me since I said something back in April about the michael Jordan special and brought up my son when I sent to a privare message to make piece saying I’m worried bout my family

im not going to get into it with you but I don’t need to take any crap from you also because I’m not going to vote

go and take your millions and go and save the world
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dont worry about me go and talk with your father and change him mind on who to vote for
I aint changing his mind. Some people are too lost and cant be changed.

There's still some hope for you though. But I think you're too stubborn and a natural born complainer to realize it.
I aint changing his mind. Some people are too lost and cant be changed.

There's still some hope for you though. But I think you're too stubborn and a natural born complainer to realize it.

that’s what makes the world go around people have different ways of thinking and your way is not going to change my mind go and change someone else’s whos not a stranger to you on a message board
so your telling me this is the guy that’s going to save up

yeah ok I’m going to vote
what a joke

Is he going to be as bad as Trump?

The answer is no. Stop ******* crying and vote. People who ***** about the direction of this country but don’t do the easiest thing humanly possible to voice their opinion on it with actual action are the worst. You spent more time crying today than it would have taken to vote.

My guess is you didn’t vote last election either and then wonder how the hell we got here
Is he going to be as bad as Trump?

The answer is no. Stop ****ing crying and vote. People who ***** about the direction of this country but don’t do the easiest thing humanly possible to voice their opinion on it with actual action are the worst. You spent more time crying today than it would have taken to vote.

why should I vote for someone I don’t believe in
I don’t believe in politicians never have never will

the person would I would vote for unfortunately Didn’t win the Democratic Nomination

i want this country to get out of this mess and I don’t believe Biden can do it and you cursing doesnt change my mind

what im i crying about 2 boys that lost their mother and father
will Joe Biden bring them back ?
that’s what makes the world go around people have different ways of thinking and your way is not going to change my mind go and change someone else’s whos not a stranger to you on a message board
the problem is you do feel the same way we all feel but yet don't want to do anything about it. Again, a complainer and not a doer. Its what's wrong with this country. We have too many people like you.

Your inaction is a vote for Trump. Helping them out unintentionally
the problem is you do feel the same way we all feel but yet don't want to do anything about it. Again, a complainer and not a doer. Its what's wrong with this country. We have too many people like you.

Your inaction is a vote for Trump. Helping them out unintentionally

im not going to risk my life to vote for someone I don’t believe in

like you said let’s move on and back to what this thread is about and not me voting or not voting because I posted a news store about 2 children who lost their mother And father and your telling. me i should do something about it

please i don’t want to argue with you or anyone else
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im not going to risk my life to vote for someone I don’t believe in

like you said let’s move on and back to what this thread is about and not me voting because 2 children lost their mother And father and I’m complaining about it

you wouldn’t have had to risk your life had you and a bunch of other people like you voted last election cycle. We would invariably be better off today with Hillary as unliked as she was than we are with Trump and it’s still not enough to get lazy people like yourself out. Most states you don’t even have to leave your damn house, you can vote by mail. Keep finding excuses 🤡

You went on a long diatribe about how someone in here didn’t care about human lives because they talked about the economy but here you are talking about how you don’t care enough about other people to vote to make it better. That’s part of this thread discussion too. People are worse off today and dying in part because of laziness like this.
im not going to risk my life to vote for someone I don’t believe in

like you said let’s move on and back to what this thread is about and not me voting because 2 children lost their mother And father and I’m complaining about it
you know there are other ways to vote besides going to your local spot to vote, right? Right? Please tell me you do. Does NY not allow mail in voting? You even said you received something via mail and tossed it in the trash within minutes

You're a lost cause man. Forgive me for wasting my time. I will end this non-sensical back and forth.

Sorry everyone.
you wouldn’t have had to risk your life had you and a bunch of other people like you voted last election cycle. We would invariably be better off today with Hillary as unliked as she was than we are with Trump and it’s still not enough to get lazy people like yourself out. Most states you don’t even have to leave your damn house, you can vote by mail. Keep finding excuses 🤡

You went on a long diatribe about how someone in here didn’t care about human lives because they talked about the economy but here you are talking about how you don’t care enough about other people to vote to make it better. That’s part of this thread discussion too.

you could be right but again i didn’t want Trump and I especially wasent going to vote for Clinton
can we get back to the thread and not If I do or don’t vote

i care that people live not to get another old man in office who doesnt know what day of the week it is
Have we figure

you know there are other ways to vote besides going to your local spot to vote, right? Right? Please tell me you do. Does NY not allow mail in voting? You even said you received something via mail and tossed it in the trash within minutes

You're a lost cause man. Forgive me for wasting my time. I will end this non-sensical back and forth.

Sorry everyone.

yes ny stared mail in voting but again I’m not going to do so

im sorry also all this time you have have called me names and gave such a damn If I will vote or not vote

as i said can we please go back to the topic
yes ny stared mail in voting but again I’m not going to do so

im sorry also all this time you have have called me names and gave such a damn If I will vote or not vote

as i said can we please go back to the topic

Truthfully I don’t give a damn if you vote or not. Not voting is your right. Just don’t call out other people for not caring when you won’t spend 10 minutes to make an actual difference.

But that’s the last I’ll post on the topic. ******* vote like your life depends on it people because this election cycle it may actually come to that.
Truthfully I don’t give a damn if you vote or not. Not voting is your right. Just don’t call out other people for not caring when you won’t spend 10 minutes to make an actual difference.

when someone is more Interested in the economy then people living or dying then they care as much as the person they don’t want in office

I don’t see the different

He lost, let him be lost.

It as much as you many not think so I care that your grandmother will not be affected and lives a long life

i don’t want any of your guys to be affected or your family’s
thats what I care about not who the next president will be

we can all agree trump has no chance in hell to win a second term the way he handles this mess our country is in
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You can save the fake crocodile tears. You see people dying, you see the piss poor response, and you are aware that even more people are going to die because of it but you don’t give a **** either.

You have as much blood on your hands than anyone else in here but have the gall to complain about it.
You can save the fake crocodile tears. You see people dying, you see the piss poor response, and you are aware that even more people are going to die because of it but you don’t give a **** either.

You have as much blood on your hands than anyone else in here but have the gall to complain about it.

im Glad you think so
you have no idea how I feel

Have you heard ambulance and ambulance Whaling through your neighborhood In March april and May

i hope for your sake you haven’t
do you have an older family member that your worried about ?

your no different then the person your complaining about
you sound selfish and entitled

you wasted 2 pages going on 3 on how my personal views are
you must like to hear yourself talk too bad your not a politician
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