Hide Ya Wives, Hide Ya Kids: Worldwide Coronavirus Pandemic!

Are You Getting The Covid Vaccine?

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Didn’t they just say antibodies wear off in like a month leaving you open to get infected a 2nd time? Didn’t some famous world leader get it a 2nd time?

Here's my non-scientific explanation: antibodies are made to fight off the disease and they remain active in your system for several months afterward, but it is normal for them to taper off. Your "memory" T cells will recognize if the disease tries to infect you again and produce antibodies to fight that disease off. Sometimes you can still have mild disease, but it should not be serious. However, not all immune systems are equal and it is possible that in rare cases people could be reinfected if the immune system does not recognize and fight off the disease as expected. In general, this should lead to some level of immunity, even though there may be rare cases of reinfection.
damn bro watch yourself as best you can
could be they still have the antibodies in there system ?

That could be possible. That person has no symptoms at all. For the most part, it hasn't been scary like it was back in April when it was hitting ny. I have no choice but to keep my mask on for 8 hours a day at work, 1/2 hour off for eating lunch. They test us every week, so at least we get the heads up if anything. But I'm still careful not to be careless.
Here's my non-scientific explanation: antibodies are made to fight off the disease and they remain active in your system for several months afterward, but it is normal for them to taper off. Your "memory" T cells will recognize if the disease tries to infect you again and produce antibodies to fight that disease off. Sometimes you can still have mild disease, but it should not be serious. However, not all immune systems are equal and it is possible that in rare cases people could be reinfected if the immune system does not recognize and fight off the disease as expected. In general, this should lead to some level of immunity, even though there may be rare cases of reinfection.

This is the article I talked about from june. It’s in the context of herd immunity but it talks about the antibodies wearing off in 2-3 months.

So we’re still ****** until there’s a vaccine, and in fall and winter people will be indoors close to eachother
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That could be possible. That person has no symptoms at all. For the most part, it hasn't been scary like it was back in April when it was hitting ny. I have no choice but to keep my mask on for 8 hours a day at work, 1/2 hour off for eating lunch. They test us every week, so at least we get the heads up if anything. But I'm still careful not to be careless.
In the article I posted it says that asymptomatic people don’t develop antibodies cause their body has a weak immune response
This is the article I talked about from june. It’s in the context of herd immunity but it talks about the antibodies wearing off in 2-3 months.

So we’re still ****ed until there’s a vaccine, and in fall and winter people will be indoors close to eachother

Don't focus on the antibodies because it is natural for them to wear off after several months. The "shocking" articles being posted with headlines about antibody levels wearing off are misleading for clicks/views. Anybody who knows anything about science realizes that it is completely normal for antibodies to taper off, at which time your memory T cells will produce new antibodies if the same virus is detected.
I realize most people don't have the time or desire to sit and watch an hour and a half video about COVID, but this is an excellent discussion if you have time to listen while commuting or sitting at work multi-tasking

This is a really interesting thread on the “its the flu” debate. Both are really similar in ways I didn’t know like how 50-70% of flu cases are asymptomatic (~70% for COVID) and both can cause long term adverse side effects.

I really had no clue flu could present as asymptomatic. That’s crazy.
Didn’t they send 2 people home?

Not quite Bruno caboclo (Rockets), went to the front desk to ask for more food or where to get it🤣 when he could have just called. Richaun Holmes (Kings) ordered postmates and met them in the lobby. Both were sent back to quarantine for 8 days. Only ones that left, left willingly for family emergencies.
Well chicago is putting in new restrictions for bars and restaurants starting friday
No more indoor drinking at bars
No more than 6 people allowed inside restaurants for dining if i'm reading that right which seems strange
Not sure if it depends on the size or not
Wait i think it means you can't have more than 6 people at a table

pointless, if you serve food you can still serve inside. All these bar going to say they selling chips. I bike all over the city, all these rooftops, patios, bar, fully popping, people out and about like no virus and IL has been one of the better states too
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