Hide Ya Wives, Hide Ya Kids: Worldwide Coronavirus Pandemic!

Are You Getting The Covid Vaccine?

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This is getting worst and worst by the day and so damn scary

I wish I had an outlet to tell people how I really feel

if someone I’m close to gets affected by this I would loose my mind
but I’m glad this thread is here to share information

That seems to happen to me. The coffee house that I usually go to, one of the employees tested positive and of course his/her shift was when I went. They wore mask and so did I. It's been 2 weeks ago and I found out about it last week. They had temporarily closed last week. I am not sure if I get infected or I have been asymptomatic the whole time. I always wear mask where ever I go. Lightheaded/vertigo is one of the symptoms?
That seems to happen to me. The coffee house that I usually go to, one of the employees tested positive and of course his/her shift was when I went. They wore mask and so did I. It's been 2 weeks ago and I found out about it last week. They had temporarily closed last week. I am not sure if I get infected or I have been asymptomatic the whole time. I always wear mask where ever I go. Lightheaded/vertigo is one of the symptoms?

I hope your ok but the unfortunate thing a mask no matter how good it is is not 100%

i do believe dizziness could be a symptom but I hope I’m wrong in your case

I’m sure their is someone on here who would have a better answer for you be safe if possible
as crazy as this has made me and probably you there are people who are doing so much worse

I feel so bad for my grandparents. My grandmother who lives in an assisted living facility hasn't been able to have visitors or interact with other residents since April. My grandmother and grandfather have basically stayed home since March, but at least they have each other.
Might try to get an antibody test tomorrow, select pharmacies are conducting them in cooperation with the regular vaccination program.
I feel so bad for my grandparents. My grandmother who lives in an assisted living facility hasn't been able to have visitors or interact with other residents since April. My grandmother and grandfather have basically stayed home since March, but at least they have each other.

they have you
your family
each other and hopefully very good heath
as hard as it is try and stay positive for them
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Is it just me, or is it completely nuts to open schools back up? WTF have they waited this long to even set up a plan to open schools, GOVT. makes me sick. Hey let's send our future (kids) back into a dangerous environment, so we can lower unemployment. That's basically what I'm hearing today. If I had kids they'd be getting homeschooled this year...
Y’all catch this task force on right now. They want to open up schools fully for the fall. How would that be possible because aren’t schools one of the easiest ways of spreading colds/flu and then now most likely Covid? Come on man. I get that schools are in a sense a form of day care for parents but honestly with the way this is going a shut down seems most likely to happen again. Government needs to step it up and get ready to help the American people and not these multimillion dollar companies. Honestly though I don’t know **** I’m just mad.
Depends on the situation though. Outdoor 3 on 3 ball with light defense is pretty low/moderate risk, but an aggressive 5 on 5 indoors would be high risk, IMHO.
Ok yeah I can see that.
Pre-covid I played basketball 3-4x a week. Pickup games with like 15+ people on the court at a time. All walks of life. Also in a men’s league. This has to be a 9/9 on that scale.
Outdoor 3 on 3 with “mostly” safe people you know I guess is around a 7, maybe less

We can't let the people who know what they're talking about tell people who don't know **** what's the right thing to do.
Y’all catch this task force on right now. They want to open up schools fully for the fall. How would that be possible because aren’t schools one of the easiest ways of spreading colds/flu and then now most likely Covid? Come on man. I get that schools are in a sense a form of day care for parents but honestly with the way this is going a shut down seems most likely to happen again. Government needs to step it up and get ready to help the American people and not these multimillion dollar companies. Honestly though I don’t know **** I’m just mad.



When schools open in August/September and are closed by Halloween, he’s going to say who could have seen this coming, along with all the other ridiculous **** he said after getting warnings from WHO and top doctors around the country. I hope common sense prevails....
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