Hide Ya Wives, Hide Ya Kids: Worldwide Coronavirus Pandemic!

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A lot of misinformation out there educate yourself before panicking

Willful ignorance doesn't sit right with me. The death rate is what it is and I've already heard the juxtaposition of cancer death rates compared to this...I guess that means people deserve to die because cancer is more prevalent.

Most would/will survive, but that can't be at a replacement level of those who did/will.
Chick I used to date just got back from Hawaii with her friends. I just called her and her voice was gone and she said she was sick. I said 'uh oh' and she says 'i do not have Corona, I went to the Dr and I have bronchitis and a sinus infection'. Hopefully that's the case bc I got nervous when I heard her voice.
Doodled this yesterday at work.
Figured, mite as well make a shirt:

Considering it's serious with no end in sight and many people are losing their lives, I think this is kinda in poor taste homie.
Switzerland reports first death due to coronavirus

first Coronavirus death case in Switzerland: a 74-year-old lady was chronically ill


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Iran confirms 591 new cases of coronavirus and 15 new deaths; total of 3,513 cases and 107 deaths

Palestine confirms first 4 cases of coronavirus in the West Bank

Excrement poses coronavirus risk

Health authorities in China are warning that the new coronavirus could be transmitted via the excrement or urine of infected people. They say the virus has been detected in feces and urine samples.

The warning came in a set of revised guidelines on coronavirus diagnosis and treatment that China's National Health Commission released on Wednesday.

The authorities have been saying that human-to-human transmission mainly occurs through airborne droplets released by infected people, or through close contact with them.

They also said infection is possible when people are exposed to high concentrations of contaminated aerosols, or tiny particles floating in the air, in a closed environment for a long time.
They now say that people could become infected by such tiny particles contaminated by excrement or urine, and are calling for caution.

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) estimates that swine flu infected nearly 61 million people in the United States and caused 12,469 deaths. Worldwide, up to 575,400 people died from pandemic swine flu.
Glass half full ....

Well only 575k? Millions recovered though my G, we good, stay positive.
Willful ignorance doesn't sit right with me. The death rate is what it is and I've already heard the juxtaposition of cancer death rates compared to this...I guess that means people deserve to die because cancer is more prevalent.

Most would/will survive, but that can't be at a replacement level of those who did/will.
100% with you.
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