Hide Ya Wives, Hide Ya Kids: Worldwide Coronavirus Pandemic!

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Perhaps it's a different cultural mindset. Japan, Korea, Taiwan, HK, SG and other smaller countries feel a responsibility to not let their actions negatively affect their country. Also most Asian countries loosely adhere to Daoism. ...ancestor worship, suffer now to lavish later...etc

I understand, but still feel that in order to truly test a population appropriately you have to test everyone often. Obviously someone can test negative today, but be infected tomorrow...
You'd be surprised how many people think they are immune because they tested negative once. I even have a co-worker who thought she was immune because she took both antigen and antibody tests and both came back negative. She was pretty disappointed when I explained that it meant she doesn't currently have c-19 and likely never has.
Nobody was saying that in March/April. I understand that even small "victories" can be worth celebrating, but it's still early and no states are out of the woods yet. With this disease, if it's anywhere it's everywhere...

Your right but its still better than any other state by far. I rather that and at least those folks and the governor are using their heads.

In March/April they were taking the most action out of everyone so nah your wrong people were saying it.
Nobody was saying that in March/April. I understand that even small "victories" can be worth celebrating, but it's still early and no states are out of the woods yet. With this disease, if it's anywhere it's everywhere...

Man what :lol:. TONS of people were saying that and taking action out there during that time. People just saying anything now :lol: .

Anyone else surprised that there's still no large scale antibody test initiative to try and accurately predict how many people have been infected and have some level of immunity? I guess nothing should surprise me about the lack of leadership at every level though. I even signed up for an antibody study with NIH months ago and never heard back.
Anyone else surprised that there's still no large scale antibody test initiative to try and accurately predict how many people have been infected and have some level of immunity? I guess nothing should surprise me about the lack of leadership at every level though. I even signed up for an antibody study with NIH months ago and never heard back.

No way Donny will let that happen.

Just like Xi Jingping, Shinzo Abe...Don't test, Don't tell.
Man what :lol:. TONS of people were saying that and taking action out there during that time. People just saying anything now :lol: .
Your right but its still better than any other state by far. I rather that and at least those folks and the governor are using their heads.

In March/April they were taking the most action out of everyone so nah your wrong people were saying it.

I apologize if I wasn't clear. I'm not saying they weren't taking action in March/April. All I meant was that the large majority of cases were in NY/NJ and infection figures were as out of control THEN as they are NOW in many other places. Of course now we can look back and it seems like things are currently under control, largely due to the sacrifices of responsible citizens and dedicated healthcare workers, along with the state and local government leadership. The biggest difference we see now is the tremendous lack of leadership and irresponsible citizens, which will undoubtedly lead to many unnecessary deaths. That's not to say that just because the situation in NY/NJ is currently under control that things can't go from 0-100 REAL QUICK again.
NY/NJ showing other states how its done. You would of thought with them having the most contact via public trans and spacing etc they would be the ones to end up like Texas/Florida. Shouts to them
I remember when deplorables were making fun of us and saying we were doing too much with the lockdowns. Also said Covid was only a North East problem. Now we’re slowly opening up and depolarable states are going through it. Hate to say I told you so.
NY/NJ showing other states how its done. You would of thought with them having the most contact via public trans and spacing etc they would be the ones to end up like Texas/Florida. Shouts to them
I remember when deplorables were making fun of us and saying we were doing too much with the lockdowns. Also said Covid was only a North East problem. Now we’re slowly opening up and depolarable states are going through it. Hate to say I told you so.
NY/NJ showing other states how its done. You would of thought with them having the most contact via public trans and spacing etc they would be the ones to end up like Texas/Florida. Shouts to them
I remember when deplorables were making fun of us and saying we were doing too much with the lockdowns. Also said Covid was only a North East problem. Now we’re slowly opening up and depolarable states are going through it. Hate to say I told you so.
It's so funny to me when the Trump patrol says "Covid is overblown" then says "we must punish China."
Well, which one is it? You can't say something isn't a big deal then want punishment for it. imagine you went to court because someone did something to you and your lawyer went up to the stand and was like "Your honor. What he did to my client was inexcusable. Was it a big deal? No. My client is just making it bigger than it is. But we want maximum punishment for the defendant!"

Anyone else surprised that there's still no large scale antibody test initiative to try and accurately predict how many people have been infected and have some level of immunity? I guess nothing should surprise me about the lack of leadership at every level though. I even signed up for an antibody study with NIH months ago and never heard back.
This isn't really surprising and fits what we were saying 2 months ago. Ionnadis and friends are still desperate to peddle his "this is just a mild flu" fantasy.

125k dead, 2.5 million infected. That's 5% CFR. But we've been saying that there's been an undercount of up to 10x, but likely down to 5x or even lower in areas with lots of testing and low prevalence. So I'd put the IFR between 0.5% and 1.0%, which is what we've been saying for a while ("we" being the mainstream epidemiologists and scientists who have been fairly spot on since this pandemic began). And, even with a 10x undercount, that means we're still on pace for 1.6 million deaths if we let this run through the population.

Blake P Blake P for your specific question, I'm surprised too. The California ones have been ******** but they should be done again now that the virus is more prevalent there. The best ones have come out of New York (and Spain). They found a maximum of 20% with antibodies in the hardest hit areas but I think 14% or so across the state. This means ~2.8 million were infected while 400k cases were documented, putting the ratio at 7x. This is for a state that was getting 50% of tests back positive, so they were severely undercounting. This puts an upper limit on the undercount. That article doesn't say how they came up with their number but it's hard to believe it's more reliable than the New York data.

edit: one caveat -- there is a possibility the infection has disproportionately infected the most vulnerable, although there's many reasons to doubt that this is a significant factor. For the sake of argument, if the deaths were higher before because this was only infecting old people, then the final numbers will look a lot better. The next month will reveal a lot as we'll see if deaths in Texas, Florida, etc. go up to mirror the rise in cases (spoiler: they are already inching up in many of these states).
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