Hide Ya Wives, Hide Ya Kids: Worldwide Coronavirus Pandemic!

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Abbott is an idiot.

Yep we said it right when he said he was opening the city before memorial. Guy is a idiot and now look at him change his tune. Unfortunately that 5,000 figure is not going to be the high IMO and they probably will have to shut down the state again.
Yep we said it right when he said he was opening the city before memorial. Guy is a idiot and now look at him change his tune. Unfortunately that 5,000 figure is not going to be the high IMO and they probably will have to shut down the state again.

What makes you think they would shut the whole state down? I could see them putting restrictions on activities in certain hotspot counties, but I really don't see any extreme lockdowns happening anytime soon in red states. I hope I'm wrong and governors do what's in the best interest of citizens, whether they like it or not...
Yep we said it right when he said he was opening the city before memorial. Guy is a idiot and now look at him change his tune. Unfortunately that 5,000 figure is not going to be the high IMO and they probably will have to shut down the state again.

Abbott is too stubborn to shut the whole state down via the local county governments, and you know this.

That being said, I see certain business closing back the **** up as these numbers climb...........specifically all these damn clubs and bars that triggered this "Memorial Day infection spread" in the first place.

A good number of bars in Texas have already gotten their alcohol licenses suspended for "violating social distancing guidelines." I fully expect this to continue as the numbers start climbing (and more AWARE Texans start snitching out certain businesses)
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One interesting thing to keep in mind with timelines -- NYC cases blew up in mid-to-late March and deaths in late-March through April but the first case was March 1 and there were likely already cases for weeks prior. Most of this happened after the shut down. The way I see it is you plant a few seeds but it can take weeks or longer for it to hit those superspreaders and really blow up.

Texas, Florida, and Arizona are just now seeing the tip of the iceberg. They were being cute, thinking that they were ok because things didn't blow up in those first couple weeks after opening. But if NYC is any lesson, it will take 1-2 months from reopening until cases really start to go up, and deaths will persist for up to 2 months after lockdown.

Good luck.
2020 is over all the states . States where numbers are booming are gonna take months to reduce numbers and schedule a reopening . These states are gonna be forced into a lockdown when hospitals reach max capacity . Look at New York took 3 months for **** to reopen and we were on lockdown and 80 percent of people were wearing masks . If there are outbreaks in New York or other states where numbers are down y’all can def cancel 2020
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