Hey NT, suggest me some controversial historical figures.

Originally Posted by PersiaFly

Ayatollah Khomeini would be an interesting one.

He led the Iranian revolution as a pious old man and many thought he'd be the world's new Ghandi. Then the hostage crisis happened and he became a villain throughout the world, to the extent that Time magazine's single most controversial and derided cover was their Khomeini Man of the Year issue (more people cancelled subscriptions over that issue than any other).

Originally Posted by PersiaFly

Ayatollah Khomeini would be an interesting one.

He led the Iranian revolution as a pious old man and many thought he'd be the world's new Ghandi. Then the hostage crisis happened and he became a villain throughout the world, to the extent that Time magazine's single most controversial and derided cover was their Khomeini Man of the Year issue (more people cancelled subscriptions over that issue than any other).
Interesting. So wait, he's this dude that's known for sparking anti-Americanism in the middle east, but actually is a Gandhi, philosophical dude that saved Iran?

That's just from quick Wiki reading.
Originally Posted by B Smooth 202

Originally Posted by sillyputty

Charles Darwin pretty much turned the known world upside down.


don't listen to that clown... Darwin was not even the originator of the theory...

pick Karl Marx especially with whats going on in our world today.

While Huxley might have come up with some of it, Darwin gets credit for actually pushing it. 
Kinda like Newton over Leibniz for Calculus.

In any case, they say if science and math are true, it gets re-discovered over and over again. 

Add to this list, Genghis Khan. Dude basically has 1% of the world's population carrying his genes I think. 
Religion. Or if you want to concentrate on something more specific, Christmas. It used to be a gay orgy back in the day, and the iconic 'christmas tree' is actually against orthodox Christianity.
Robert the Bruce...

one of Scotland's greatest King's and leaders
but Braveheart kinda leaves you with a bad impression of the guy
Most of the guys in the October revolution could be used... Lenin, Trotsk and Stalin.

However, most of the best ones are listed thus far: Lincoln, who totally abused his power as head of the executive; Che Guevara along with Fidel Castro; Ayatollah Khomeini; Malcolm X; Benedict Arnold; Caesar.
he pretty much gave the order to kill thousands of native americans, yet he is regarded as a great president
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