Hey NT, is 25 y/o too old to be living with your parents?

Originally Posted by DAYTONA 5000

At 25 I need to be married with kids already. But that is just me, everyone's situation is different. Are you at least contributing money (didn't read the thread?)
I'm not contributing any money, just working and saving up.
25 is waaaaaay too old, culture or no culture.
21 and will def. try to be out by the end of summer.
I moved out at 18...moved in for 7-8 months then back out at 19 and dont plan ongoing back again
depends, im 23 and still at home wit the folks...i cant afford to move out right now
Might have to move back to the crib to get outta debt (school).

Thankfully, it's not that much.... less than $10K

If I can't pick a major by summer term, I'ma just call this a wrap and boot back to NY.
Originally Posted by SUCKAFREE85

I'm happy where I'm at. Im 23 living at home with both of my parents. Its coo, I help out with bills and groceries or whatever and I'm an only child too so that may play a role.

Even if I wanted to move out I couldnt right now. I have car payments/insurance payments, and CC bills just to name a few. Ill probably move out until I get married or find the right chick to move in with. It doesnt really matter though because I do what I want. It would be nice to have your own place because it sucks not being able to bring home random broads.

Yeah I'm staying until I find room-mates, get a very good paying job, or find a coo girl to move with. Paying $800/month for rent in the bay is not goodwhen your going to school and you can't work full-time. Besides, I need to save money anyways for the future. If I don't have section 8 or somethingwith my apartment, I ain't moving out until I'm done with school or the situations stated above.
I was out the house the day after HS graduation. but thats just how I needed to live
aint nothin wrong with living wit ur parents as long as ur working towards something.If Moms helpin u so u can save up so u can make big moves, then do u.
If u just bein a bum livin out moms house and puttin ya name on the Orange Juice then thats some shameful %@+%.
dont be that guy buyin all these expensive items while livin at moms and not pitchin in a single dime to help her out since she's helpin u out

Originally Posted by Mr Fizzy Womack

Might have to move back to the crib to get outta debt (school).

Thankfully, it's not that much.... less than $10K

aint nothin wrong with that.
I'm 23 and still living at home. I give my mom $500 a month just for kicks. I get along with my parents well so I don't have a reason to move out now.The only people I know that are around my age that moved out are living paycheck to paycheck and that's not how I want to live. I'll move out when Ieither have 20% for a down payment or if I need to relocate for a job.
Originally Posted by MR MONDAY NIIGHT

Originally Posted by Crank Lucas

so whats the reasonable age for you to move out? man Im getting scared Im gonna be 20 this year so the clock is tickin
only so long u can milk mommy for money
at least its money and not foodstamps yee digg?
A decent apartment (or even shared apartment) in any part of NYC will be at least $1,000. If you have the option of living at home, renting for that much moneyisn't a smart decision. If you're dropping money on housing, it better be going toward a mortgage, not a landlord.

With that said, there is absolutely nothing wrong with living at home at age 25, as long as you have some sort of goal in mind. I have friends ages 25-27 whostill live at home who hold good careers and have girlfriends.
i honestly dont think theres any age limit to be living with your parents..i mean if your just sitting around all day without a job or not going to school thenyou need to get out but if youre actually doing soemthing with your life i dont see the problem with it
No its not! But you gotta be something productive!
I just turned 18 and I plan on living with my parents till Im like 26..........
Because I will be going to college and probably not graduating till I turn 22/23, and when Im done, it will me 3-4 years to see the world, live life and savelots of cake towards a home of my own for me my future wife and kids!
Originally Posted by cs02132

i honestly dont think theres any age limit to be living with your parents..i mean if your just sitting around all day without a job or not going to school then you need to get out but if youre actually doing soemthing with your life i dont see the problem with it

Who is to decide when you are too old to be living with your parents? It seems like your parents do not mind it, and you are living comfortably at home.
Originally Posted by worldbeefreeg

Originally Posted by jawn piece


What is she doing???
Love that movie

Originally Posted by Hazeleyed Honey

Originally Posted by cs02132

i honestly dont think theres any age limit to be living with your parents..i mean if your just sitting around all day without a job or not going to school then you need to get out but if youre actually doing soemthing with your life i dont see the problem with it

Who is to decide when you are too old to be living with your parents? It seems like your parents do not mind it, and you are living comfortably at home.

everybody's situation is different
Originally Posted by Crank Lucas

Originally Posted by MR MONDAY NIIGHT

Originally Posted by Crank Lucas

so whats the reasonable age for you to move out? man Im getting scared Im gonna be 20 this year so the clock is tickin
only so long u can milk mommy for money
at least its money and not foodstamps yee digg?
man, honestly for me...I want to stay home until im DONE with school and start my career...i know my parents support me 100% and would rather haveme stay with them and save my money first..my brother is 23 and just finishing college and works part time at chillis and still lives at home(rentfree)...dudes off to the police academy in a couple months and when he gets done with that, hes moving out

but again...just depends on ones situation
Originally Posted by cs02132

i honestly dont think theres any age limit to be living with your parents..i mean if your just sitting around all day without a job or not going to school then you need to get out but if youre actually doing soemthing with your life i dont see the problem with it
But what about becoming a man an standing on your own two? You aren't a kid forever, so your parents shouldn't have to take care of youforever if you are capable of doing well for yourself. Your parents need some time to just chill with no kids around and have old people sex everywhere. I knowthats what I would do.

But real talk if you stay with your parents until you in your mid-20's once you move out, you need to have your own house. %%!* paying rent.
I'm 23 and I moved back living with my parents after living out the house for three years and honestly it's been highly beneficial. Finish up mycredential program and not stressing out to make ends meet on expenses help a lot. I've been able to simply focus on graduating and saving up for a placeof my own.
Who cares what other people think is too old? *%*% aint sweet out here. The problem people run into is they feel they gotta do something by a certain age , dueto somebodies conventions. Then you force yourself into bad situations, marriage you can't stand, house/apt you can't afford, credit card bills, nowyou out there @!%$**% our economy up. Do what you yourself believe is correct. These lames with the rollin smileys aren't even old enough to be makingthese decisions.
Nothing wrong with it, as long as your not on your ^%$^ playing video games 24/7, then I don't see a problem.
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