Hey NT - I'm propsing to my GF tomorrow. How did you guys do it?

Feb 12, 2003
The plan has been in the works for a while. The hardest part is being secretive to someone you live with and hiding something, since I typically do not.

So the big day is tomorrow.

More details when I get back on Monday, hopefully w/ pics.....

-I work in accounting, so I planned this day based on saying "Lets have one weekend together before I work every Saturday till April"
-Asked her parents for permission on Christmas Eve before she got home from work
-Had a good friend's gf make the ring since she's a jewelery maker and does great work (wholesale - FTW!)
-The ring is simple and fitting for my gf: 3 stone set, 1 center (.50) and 2 side stones given to me by my mother from my grandmother's ring
-We've planned to go hiking by the Golden Gate, something she has wanted to do and loves the area
-Hotel that she doesn't know about
-Dinner reservations she doesn't know about

Should be a great time.

How did you guys propose?
How long have to been together? I been with my girl for almost 3 years and i dont want to get married for a while (i know she is the 1) but then i'm only22
BEST of luck to you both

BTW, my curiosity got to me, how long you been with her, and how old are you?
Originally Posted by Thousandaire

Don't do it man....how old are you if you don't mind me asking?


I don't need the word, definitely coming from the heart...I was asking what yours guys situation was
. Dinner? Randomly? Embarrassingly? etc.
Asking NT on proposal tips though? you're ahead of your time man, some of us are still trying to ask the girl we like in our classroom hello
Congrats bro.

Dont do it infront of anyone. Just you and here. Its a better moment. Good luck man. You're already doing everything right..
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