Hey guys could you guys give me feedback on my Shooting Form please

Sep 20, 2013
This was my shooting practice video from earlier, I just want to know if my form is right?, what do I need to do better? and stuff please give me some feedback and yes I have a beer belly I haven't balled up in years hahah Im working on to better conditioning but please give me some tips. I also wanna know if my shooting form reminds you guys of any NBA players lol.

Yeah thats the problem I have no hops and when I go full force on the lift my shot tend to either air ball from the sides or backboard -.-
It doesn't look bad...but that's going off a blurry video from head on with something blocking 3/4 of you...
looks good to me, but a good thing to do when shooting off the dibble is to bounce the ball hard before picking it up so you can get in your shooting motion faster. helps if you dont have the hops to shoot over people whenever you want
looks good to me, but a good thing to do when shooting off the dibble is to bounce the ball hard before picking it up so you can get in your shooting motion faster. helps if you dont have the hops to shoot over people whenever
I also heard that to dribble harder. I try to stepback but I will definitely work on my dribbling skills thanks man
It doesn't look bad...but that's going off a blurry video from head on with something blocking 3/4 of you...
yeah sorry bout the post lol

keep your right elbow in, hold your follow through a little longer, and the last thing I cant describe to well I feel as if you hold your arm straight up and snap your wrist, your forearm should be at about 90 degrees when your leave your feet and at about 180 when you follow through.
keep your right elbow in, hold your follow through a little longer, and the last thing I cant describe to well I feel as if you hold your arm straight up and snap your wrist, your forearm should be at about 90 degrees when your leave your feet and at about 180 when you follow through.
i know what you mean, if you shoot at 90 degrees you are pushing the ball up and towards the basket while if you shoot at 120 degrees you're kind of catapulting it. way more power from pushing it, word to steve nash
keep your right elbow in, hold your follow through a little longer, and the last thing I cant describe to well I feel as if you hold your arm straight up and snap your wrist, your forearm should be at about 90 degrees when your leave your feet and at about 180 when you follow through.
thanks man actually I have short reach for my arms and I tried bending my arm at 90 degrees but the ball hits my head so I compensated by having not the perfect 90 but around 70 or 75 and I tried copying Ray Allen shot but I end up having the "Silky" Jumpshot form from NBA 2k series lol
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