Hey bros, with Father's day around the corner, the blues are setting in....

^True, cause if you try to hold out for a month, pretty sure 2-3 of those 30 days you're gonna feel your potential steezy juniors dried up on your boxers/bedsheets.
Damb bro!....I'm finna not have sex for a month in an attempt to rally all the troops I can and hang my wife from her legs for an hour after seeing that card :frown:

Sucks even more that I don't have bros or sis...

I don't know if you was just tryin' to joke, but you know that there is no such thing as "the longer you hold out the more you make" when it comes to sperm right?..I kinda seriously asking cause me and my ex-wife went through multiple rounds of IVF, and injections, and tests, and all the other stuff that a couple has to go through to get pregnant when nature won't take it's own course..If you wanna talk about your situation just hit me up man and I'd be glad to talk about what I/we went through..
I know just how you feel KSteezy.  Me and my wife have been trying for almost 2 years and now we are at the point where we are seriously considering options.  We are talking about going to fertility specialists if nothing happens this summer.  She thinks she has something going on with her and at the same time i feel like its me and I got some gimpy swimmers.   But I feel you on wanting to rub her belly, goin to the ultrasound appts, coaching her through the birth, etc.  I want the same thing bruh. 

So from one man trying to knock his wife up to another... I want to wish you the best of luck and hopefully you will end up with that bun in the oven. 
[COLOR=#red]Ksteezy...%100 percent seriously I may have a solution you can try...You can definitely try it while you decide whether you are going to get IVF or not....I'll reply with more detail when I get a chance. [/COLOR]
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I don't know if you was just tryin' to joke, but you know that there is no such thing as "the longer you hold out the more you make" when it comes to sperm right?..I kinda seriously asking cause me and my ex-wife went through multiple rounds of IVF, and injections, and tests, and all the other stuff that a couple has to go through to get pregnant when nature won't take it's own course..If you wanna talk about your situation just hit me up man and I'd be glad to talk about what I/we went through..

Lol I was exaggerating with the whole waitin a month idea...although before I produced my first sample the doc did tell me to not ejaculate for at least 4 days prior for optimal sperm....so some holding out is good according to them....thanks for all the advice fellas, appreciate it...I'll be seen a urologist soon and I'll ask him about the hormones.
I know just how you feel KSteezy.  Me and my wife have been trying for almost 2 years and now we are at the point where we are seriously considering options.  We are talking about going to fertility specialists if nothing happens this summer.  She thinks she has something going on with her and at the same time i feel like its me and I got some gimpy swimmers.   But I feel you on wanting to rub her belly, goin to the ultrasound appts, coaching her through the birth, etc.  I want the same thing bruh. 

So from one man trying to knock his wife up to another... I want to wish you the best of luck and hopefully you will end up with that bun in the oven.  8)

Hopefully everything is good with the two of you bro and is just bad timing....best of luck, if not just know you are not alone....stay positive.

Take steroids (it increases testosterone while on it, there's a certain technique when getting off of it that prevent things from shrinking, cause its not the steriod that does that but the after effect)

Don't fap or have sex for 7 days (that's when your hormones will peak)
And on the seventh day go ham and hang her by her legs.

Take steroids (it increases testosterone while on it, there's a certain technique when getting off of it that prevent things from shrinking, cause its not the steriod that does that but the after effect)

Don't fap or have sex for 7 days (that's when your hormones will peak)
And on the seventh day go ham and hang her by her legs.

Dumbest thing ive heard in this thread. More testosterone does not = more sperm.
Taking steroids will actually decrease your sperm count. Those who've suffered the affects of testicular atrophy from steroid use are often prescribed HMG and/or HCG to reverse the affects thus returning their testes to normal function.
I don't know if you was just tryin' to joke, but you know that there is no such thing as "the longer you hold out the more you make" when it comes to sperm right?..I kinda seriously asking cause me and my ex-wife went through multiple rounds of IVF, and injections, and tests, and all the other stuff that a couple has to go through to get pregnant when nature won't take it's own course..If you wanna talk about your situation just hit me up man and I'd be glad to talk about what I/we went through..
you sure about that first statement bro?

Take steroids (it increases testosterone while on it, there's a certain technique when getting off of it that prevent things from shrinking, cause its not the steriod that does that but the after effect)

Don't fap or have sex for 7 days (that's when your hormones will peak)
And on the seventh day go ham and hang her by her legs.
LOL your advise is the reverse of what he should do. Excersise is good, but NEVER EVER TAKE ROIDS REGARDLESS. The no fap thing is wrong too. I'm sure Steezy smarter than that
KSteezy, I look forward to seeing another thread from you in the near future titled, "We did it NT! I'm going to be a father!"

Best of luck to you. May you rub that round prego belly all that you want. :lol:
you sure about that first statement bro?

Yeah I'm sure..Most fertility doctors will tell you that abstaining from sex or masturbation for more than 3/4 days will not increase the amount of sperm you ejaculate..In fact after 3/4 days your sperm starts to die and that's why when you have your sperm tested they tell you to come and give a sample after not having sex for no more than 4 days..If your groin area is too hot your sperm die..Wearing boxer shorts doesn't make you produce more sperm..These are all things that any credible IVF dr. will tell you..

I went 2 weeks. About that at least.

My thought process was not only that my sperm count would be higher (I'll take your word for it that I was incorrect. I'm no doctor and my wife is not an MD) but also that my blast radius would be significantly higher.

So are you not still producing sperm even as some are dying? Meaning the number is about the same.

And does the blast distance not play a factor?

Like I said, we got pregnant the first time we tried.

But I'm also Puerto Rican, so my virility is off the charts. HA!

I went 2 weeks. About that at least.

My thought process was not only that my sperm count would be higher (I'll take your word for it that I was incorrect. I'm no doctor and my wife is not an MD) but also that my blast radius would be significantly higher.

So are you not still producing sperm even as some are dying? Meaning the number is about the same.

And does the blast distance not play a factor?

Like I said, we got pregnant the first time we tried.

But I'm also Puerto Rican, so my virility is off the charts.


I went 2 weeks. About that at least.

My thought process was not only that my sperm count would be higher (I'll take your word for it that I was incorrect. I'm no doctor and my wife is not an MD) but also that my blast radius would be significantly higher.

So are you not still producing sperm even as some are dying? Meaning the number is about the same.

And does the blast distance not play a factor?

Like I said, we got pregnant the first time we tried.

But I'm also Puerto Rican, so my virility is off the charts. HA!

The longer you wait doesn't mean you'll produce more sperm..Waiting, however, can make you have an increase in seminal fluid..So even though you wait 2 weeks and you bust a big one doesn't mean you are making more sperm..
Sooooo... Why when I over fap, I get different results from when I under fap/

I have zero clue what you are talking about..If you want to translate that into English for me, I'd be glad to try to answer your question..
I have zero clue what you are talking about..If you want to translate that into English for me, I'd be glad to try to answer your question..
He saying when he overfaps, dude shoots air.

But when he underfaps, it's like Apollo 13.

Don't feel like googling it, but I think the sperm you shoot if you abstain for a long period of time has little to to no swimmers.
He saying when he overfaps, dude shoots air.

But when he underfaps, it's like Apollo 13.

Don't feel like googling it, but I think the sperm you shoot if you abstain for a long period of time has little to to no swimmers.
thank you famb... Ol boy up top trying to stunt on me for no clear reason. Talking about "speak English"

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:lol: ricky409 & ninjahood are tied in the "what are you saying?" category. (No shots) But, they speak their own language. :rofl:

:lol: Yeah I'm not firing any shots..I just, honestly, had no clue about what my boy was trying to say..I guess it's cause I'm old and ain't up on the lingo these days..:tongue:
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