HEROES - 2 Hour Premier Tonight @ 8PM EST

Originally Posted by Nike Star Jay

I gave up on this season weeks ago.

Anyone want to give me a quick rundown on what's happened after about the 4th ep?

No bull. I was just watching episodes pm Hulu to catch up
not missing much
@ the season finale. I hope they cancel it now, there's really nothing left for them. The ambiguous ending leaves it open to different interpretations and Sylar is a good guy. Nothing left to prove/accomplish

I missed several episodes this season so pardon my ignorance

-Why didn't they kill Samuel at the end?

-Where is The Haitian? Seems to be the only character with some cot dang sense, and he's just fresh

-Why is Peter so cool with the person who murdered his brother? there's a difference between forgiveness and being bff's

-Is the Petrelli mother still around?? How about the whole issue with the lady hiring someone to kill Nathan to avenge her dead daughter??

-What's folk talkin bout above saying Mohinder Suresh got killed??

can someone give me a brief rundown of what ive been missing? i left off somewhere where that bald dude found out nathan could fly.
Terrible season.

It makes one of the past seasons where Nathan was shot by future Peter for revealing everyone's powers a total waste.

I figure they didn't kill Bagwell so he could show up next season.

This finale was real trash. Everything just "worked" out and there was no suspense to the ending.

I just don't see how the writers can be happy with what they've done.
The entire season was trash.
As a matter of fact, every season after season 1 was trash.
Heroes FAIL !!!!
Originally Posted by QuKtIc

I haven't seen the season finale yet...is it really that bad?~

Same thing I'm wondering.

Oh well, might as well see it through.
Just saw it...Fing Clarie....I swear brings it all down...might as well call it Heroes (Clarie's story).~
Just finish watching the finale and to say it was anticlimatic would be an understatement.

I wish Claire's character could die, she is beyond annoying.

And Sylar is a hero now?

I'll admit though that next season could be interesting (if there is a next season) with specials being known now.
Oh yea since when does Samuel have NO powers just cuz a bunch of specials leave? He should still have his basic ability that he used to kill his brother, escape from Noah with the girl he was in love with, kill Suresh, and a couple other things he didn't need a whole bunch of specials for. Dude suddenly has no powers and gets arrested and hauled in a car by humans

Total bs ending. I was at least expecting one of the half assed fights they tend to do in season finales.
Originally Posted by Master Zik

Oh yea since when does Samuel have NO powers just cuz a bunch of specials leave? He should still have his basic ability that he used to kill his brother, escape from Noah with the girl he was in love with, kill Suresh, and a couple other things he didn't need a whole bunch of specials for. Dude suddenly has no powers and gets arrested and hauled in a car by humans

Total bs ending. I was at least expecting one of the half assed fights they tend to do in season finales.

Word.  I thought we'd finally get to see Ray Park do some damage
  I tried to stick by this show, but this show's really done
^ Good point.

He also didn't have any specials around when he leveled that whole town,
--They're coming up on the 5th season. Specials were gonna have to be known sooner or later.
--It might work out. It works in comic books where specials are widely known and welcomed (Avengers/Justice League) or despised (X-Men/mutants).
Originally Posted by bonafide125

Man Claire just ruined everything.

I really got irked by that. Sylar as a hero would be
but if they put a spin on it, say he was to good. Took it too literally.
I'm gonna be
if they actually renew this pos for another season, its been averaging like 4m viewers per episode for like the past two seasons. They giving actual quality shows like Friday Night Lights a hard time for drawing the same amount of viewers, but they keep giving Heroes a chance?!
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