Here's a thankless job that DESERVES every dollar of your tip....

Barber Shop: $15 for a cut + $5 tip

You tip for a few reasons

1. Keeps him motivated. Especially long days, when you sit in his chair, he doesn't BS
2. In a customer dispute of, "who was there first", he is more likely to look out for you and let you sit in the chair first
3. If you call and ask, "How many do you have in the shop." He MIGHT have 4, but for you, he might say 2. ANd when you get there, he might tell the people waiting that you were already there.

So tipping a barber is about investment honestly.
Repped........Couldn't have said it better. Especially on college football weekends or in general they be stupid packed with ppl so they low key overwhelmed.
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I only tip if they show the rims extra love. Other than that standard fee boy. I need some of y'all dudes to send me checks man since we tip everybocy who does a service.
I'm sure you're doing fine if you're paying for something you can do yourself. 
Do you non tippers actually return to the places you don't tip at? And if you do is it regularly? Workers remember who don't tip and will spread the word. Unfortunately not everybody will put in the same effort if they feel they won't be getting a decent tip or know they won't. I've seen people get horrible service on a return visit cause they didn't tip the previous time
On a more serious note though.. Why do bartenders feel the need to be tipped so much/often? Unless you gotta tab they expect a tip for every drink.. Nah I'm not tryna tip a few bucks for a $7 Heineken when all you did was get it out of the fridge
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Did it as  a young buck. Job sucked ***.  We used to get high as **** though 
Thought it was universally known that tipping service industry worked was a common practice. Funny thing is all the non tippers would complain if they were on the other side and got stiffed.
No I wouldn't. I'd quit my job, go back to school or take online courses so I could pursue a better paying job.

If you knowingly accept a job that pays you less than min wage, you're basically agreeing that the work you're doing is valued at less than min wage. If you do any job expecting to get extra money because you did what you were suppose to do you gotta ****** up world view.

The whole reason anyone works these types of jobs is the incentive of making tips. No one is going to work these type of jobs for minimum wage.
This is the inherent flaw and poor reasoning I've been pointing out.

Working at a job where you're depending on customers giving you extra money is dumb. That **** is not even good work experience.
No I wouldn't. I'd quit my job, go back to school or take online courses so I could pursue a better paying job.

If you knowingly accept a job that pays you less than min wage, you're basically agreeing that the work you're doing is valued at less than min wage. If you do any job expecting to get extra money because you did what you were suppose to do you gotta ****** up world view.

That's easy to say.. have you ever been in such a situation?
I've worked in the service industry before. It wasn't for me.

How do you expect to survive until you finish your education in hopes for a higher paying job?
Stop pretending service industry jobs are the only jobs out there for struggling students going to school. Working off commission is better than working in the service industry.
If you're already working a low wage job, what are the chances of affording tuition for said classes? 
I'd assume one would be smart enough to make use of all of their opportunities when pursuing a college education and dealing with tuition. Granted everybody's situation is not the same so you might not have parents giving you some support but on your own there's grants, scholarships, financial aid, and if you have to student loans. That's what I did.

It's easy to say that people are "choosing" to work low paying jobs, but the truth is that some people simply have no choice. They gotta keep the money coming in somehow, as little as it may be.
Nah there's always a choice. If you feel forced in to a job due to being on hard times you need to fix your world view. It's broken. Adjust that ASAP. You shouldn't be doing the job long term, you should be saving money and have a plan for when you gonna quit and get a better job or at least aim to get a promotion so you aint doing a job where your income is not reliable. All those ppl feeling forced to take the job would begetter off banding together, forming a damn union, going on strike, and demanding a living wage for their job but no they're getting less than min wage.
Do you non tippers actually return to the places you don't tip at? And if you do is it regularly? Workers remember who don't tip and will spread the word. Unfortunately not everybody will put in the same effort if they feel they won't be getting a decent tip or know they won't. I've seen people get horrible service on a return visit cause they didn't tip the previous time
These fear tactics don't work.

I mean what they gonna do? Provide poor service? Then all they're doing is guaranteeing they won't be tipped.

Crazy how yall don't see what is clearly flawed thinking if you say you're going to do your job poorly today because the person you're serving won't give you extra money you think you deserve.

**** don't make sense. It makes sense why ppl like that are doing jobs like that then. Cuz in ones where more responsibility and accountability is required if those ppl behaved the same things would just fall apart.
As seen in TAN...THIS is a thankless job worthy of your tipss...

View media item 1637940

Looks like he's giving the elephant more than the tip.
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I asked if you frequently return to the places you don't tip at? Cause I can almost guarantee if you regularly don't tip and return to these places often, that you'll get worse service that a first timer of returning customer that actually tips.. Service workers remember people like that man. Especially those that don't tip. Somebody will remember and next time you come in, they'll know you won't tip or leave a ****** tip, they'll provide the better service to the family that's there on the weekly who actually drop a tip. Like DCallamerican put it.. If you don't tip then you'll be on the back burner and never have any leeway at these establishments.. But not that you do/should care about that
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It never fails when it comes to tipping threads. The excuses people make for poor service. Now time to make it racial. There are studies that have shown that servers discriminate against black people and treat them poorly because they think they tip the worst. If you treat someone poorly, you will get tipped the worst or nothing at all. If you depend on people to supplement your income then you should treat them fairly. You know making sure they have things like utensils and getting their orders right. Spitting or tampering with someone's food is reprehensible. You deserve to get your teeth kicked in for something like that. Then again, those qualities show why you work a job in which you depend on me to keep your lights on.
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I asked if you frequently return to the places you don't tip at? Cause I can almost guarantee if you regularly don't tip and return to these places often, that you'll get worse service that a first timer of returning customer that actually tips.. Service workers remember people like that man. Especially those that don't tip. Somebody will remember and next time you come in, they'll know you won't tip or leave a ****** tip, they'll provide the better service to the family that's there on the weekly who actually drop a tip. Like DCallamerican put it.. If you don't tip then you'll be on the back burner and never have any leeway at these establishments.. But not that you do/should care about that

Who here said they don't tip at all no matter what though? You're asking a question directed to nobody
How do you expect to survive until you finish your education in hopes for a higher paying job?
Stop pretending service industry jobs are the only jobs out there for struggling students going to school. Working off commission is better than working in the service industry.
But you said quit your job and go back to school. Did you mean you would still be working through school or focus solely on school? How do you plan to pay for living expenses and food without income for the time being? 

Also for working students, service industry is likely to have better and much more flexible hours than a commission based job.
 I'd assume one would be smart enough to make use of all of their opportunities when pursuing a college education and dealing with tuition. Granted everybody's situation is not the same so you might not have parents giving you some support but on your own there's grants, scholarships, financial aid, and if you have to student loans. That's what I did.

Nah there's always a choice. If you feel forced in to a job due to being on hard times you need to fix your world view. It's broken. Adjust that ASAP. You shouldn't be doing the job long term, you should be saving money and have a plan for when you gonna quit and get a better job or at least aim to get a promotion so you aint doing a job where your income is not reliable. All those ppl feeling forced to take the job would begetter off banding together, forming a damn union, going on strike, and demanding a living wage for their job but no they're getting less than min wage.
What if you're an illegal immigrant and don't have the same opportunities afforded to you? What if you're 40+ years old with 2-3 kids that you need to support? Would quitting your job and going to school still be a viable option? It seems that your ideas are centered around students and the younger demographic that HAVE the opportunity but do not utilize them. I totally agree with you on that mindset.

But my view is based on the people that have limited options, I'm guessing it's because I'm from SF and I see a lot of it almost everywhere I go, so I just don't think we should pass such judgement over them, saying that it's their "choice", but when in reality, it may be their only option at the moment. I'm just saying that everyone has their own story.

Banding together and forming a union? C'mon. That's just not reality.

I was lucky enough to be supported by my parents and was able to get through college without any student loans. But also understand that I worked throughout high school and college, even when I didn't really need to, but I did because I could. I believe I have taken advantage of the opportunities presented to me, so I guess I have sympathy for those not as lucky. I don't mind tipping my server if they did a satisfactory job, tipping the complimentary valet dude for getting my car, or tipping ol' dude slaving away drying my car in the heat.
It never fails when it comes to tipping threads. The excuses people make for poor service. Now time to make it racial. There are studies that have shown that servers discriminate against black people and treat them poorly because they think they tip the worst. If you treat someone poorly, you will get tipped the worst or nothing at all. If you depend on people to supplement your income then you should treat them fairly. You know making sure they have things like utensils and getting their orders right. Spitting or tampering with someone's food is reprehensible. You deserve to get your teeth kicked in for something like that. Then again, those qualities show why you work a job in which you depend on me to keep your lights on.
Getting your food spat in or tampered with is likely due to some other reason, since there's no way to know if you will tip or not at the end of the meal. You gotta be real jerk for a server to want to do something like that. Maybe they remembered that you didn't tip them last time? 

How do you expect to survive until you finish your education in hopes for a higher paying job?
Stop pretending service industry jobs are the only jobs out there for struggling students going to school. Working off commission is better than working in the service industry.

But you said quit your job and go back to school. Did you mean you would still be working through school or focus solely on school?
I meant that as if that job is the only job you can get I'd quit my job and go back to school. Get a better education so I could be better qualified for better paying jobs.

But if the problem is just *****ing about ppl who don't tip. Quit and get another job where you're not relying on tips.
How do you plan to pay for living expenses and food without income for the time being?
If you don't have the money to pay for school, get a job and go to school to pay for tuition along with the other options I mentioned.
Also for working students, service industry is likely to have better and much more flexible hours than a commission based job.
Depends on the commission job but regardless like I said those aren't the only jobs you can get. As for being student, you can set your schedule to accommodate your work hrs.
What if you're an illegal immigrant and don't have the same opportunities afforded to you?
Then you're screwed more than the struggling American student.

I will say this though, if you're an illegal immigrant in this country complaining about tips in this country you got some ******* nerve. How you gonna come to this country looking for better opportunities and then complain about not getting tipped when you're doing a job that aint paying you enough to have a standard of living? That's *** backwards thinking.

What if you're 40+ years old with 2-3 kids that you need to support?
You 40+ with kids still working in the service industry? Time to apply for welfare and food stamps. That's what I'd say to that person. I'd still say go back to school though cuz with kids as dependents you will get more in financial aid to pay for school.

Would quitting your job and going to school still be a viable option?
Getting a better job would be the better option. You can't bring up the advantage of flexible hrs of working in the service industry and then complain about your situation if you don't want to go back to school.

It seems that your ideas are centered around students and the younger demographic that HAVE the opportunity but do not utilize them. I totally agree with you on that mindset.
But my view is based on the people that have limited options, I'm guessing it's because I'm from SF and I see a lot of it almost everywhere I go, so I just don't think we should pass such judgement over them, saying that it's their "choice", but when in reality, it may be their only option at the moment. I'm just saying that everyone has their own story.
This is true. Everyone has their own story, disadvantages and struggles. I won't solve them all with suggestions but I'm not talking on a micro level.

I'm not passing judgement. I'm just saying tips are not deserved, they're not mandatory so they shouldn't be expected. You should not be complaining to the customer about you not being paid a living wage. If there's a group of yall going through that same struggle you should work together to fix that. Spitting in food and drinks, and providing poor service does not solve those problems.
Banding together and forming a union? C'mon. That's just not reality.
This just sounds like a defeatist mentality.

I'm sure plenty other unions in the past had some ppl doubting them and not joining to start. When's the last time service industry went on strike? Seems like it'd take customers not tipping for yall to be motivated to do what you need to do to get paid appropriately.

The reply seems to just be ppl should just keep tipping and those who don't should start. It doesn't make sense.

I was lucky enough to be supported by my parents and was able to get through college without any student loans. But also understand that I worked throughout high school and college, even when I didn't really need to, but I did because I could. I believe I have taken advantage of the opportunities presented to me, so I guess I have sympathy for those not as lucky. I don't mind tipping my server if they did a satisfactory job, tipping the complimentary valet dude for getting my car, or tipping ol' dude slaving away drying my car in the heat.
So you tip based off of sympathy. That's your choice as long as you recognize it's a choice.
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Bro, you're just not even trying to open your mind.

"Quit work and go to school" is your only excuse for being cheap.

Also who's saying that these people are truly complaining about tips?
I don't know that tipping is as big a deal in the real world as it is on NT.
You speak with so much conviction but you're going all based on assumptions.
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Zik speaks the truth whether you like it or not is your problem. Stop trying to tell people how to live their lives and what's right and wrong for them. That's dictatorship. People with that mentality are WRONG. If that were right, why can't we just as easily tell you how to live your life? The people that aren't adamant about mandatory tipping don't care what you do with your money. The people that are pro tipping are the ones telling everyone how they should conduct themselves and if they don't it's because A, B, C etc. FOH, mind your business.
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Zik speaks the truth whether you like it or not is your problem. Stop trying to tell people how to live their lives and what's right and wrong for them. That's dictatorship. People with that mentality are WRONG. If that were right, why can't we just as easily tell you how to live your life? The people that aren't adamant about mandatory tipping don't care what you do with your money. The people that are pro tipping are the ones telling everyone how they should conduct themselves and if they don't it's because A, B, C etc. FOH, mind your business. :rofl:  

He speaks the truth because you agree with him
all immigrants? yall never seen Daves auto spa in DMV area then... i worked there from 15-17 each summer str8 DYING in a thick  cardboard dickies shirt... that job was hell on earth... standing on blacktop pavement all day under the sun with no shade in a hot uniform.... and this dude has the nerve to say tips only matter on NT HA! ur right money doesnt matter to a person getting paid 2.25 to stand outside in an oven basically
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Zik speaks the truth whether you like it or not is your problem. Stop trying to tell people how to live their lives and what's right and wrong for them. That's dictatorship. People with that mentality are WRONG. If that were right, why can't we just as easily tell you how to live your life? The people that aren't adamant about mandatory tipping don't care what you do with your money. The people that are pro tipping are the ones telling everyone how they should conduct themselves and if they don't it's because A, B, C etc. FOH, mind your business. :rofl:  

You dudes will argue for 10 pages about how you justify not tipping when it really all boils down to beubg cheap.

Zik over here talking bout advising people to go back to school or how people need to re evaluate their lives when it really all comes down to looking out for his bottom line.

You guys stop trying to justify your non tipping ways is the only reason these threads go as long as they do.

I ain't trying to tell you what to do with your lives. Don't nobody care about what you do with your measly little 3 dollars.

As sad as it is, in this world we need the haves and the have nots.
The Mexican that dries my car does not need a degree.
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if the non tippers lost their job and had to take a service job to make ends meet, they would be the loudest when they didn't receive a tip
if the non tippers lost their job and had to take a service job to make ends meet, they would be the loudest when they didn't receive a tip

Go back to school and better their life.
The landlord will understand.
I think people fail to realize that in the US it's customary to tip. So you can try to rationalize it any which way you want to but you're just cheap or a terrorist.
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