Help me, all my black suede Jordans after 2006 are fading grey!

Oct 20, 2006
I need help! Any tips to help restore my V's and VIII's will be appreciated. I only wore them both once and the black suede is fading grey. Thepictures show them fading a little bit. I just want help to help restore the shoe. This is only happening with my recent retros. My V's from 2000 are notfading at all.
Actually a good technique to use to restore the nubuck is to mix a bit of baby oil and a bit of water. Then afterwards apply it to the faded area. I know itsounds crazy but I've actually used it on my caro 5s and black and red 7s.
i think this is only happening with recent retros because my older suede retros arent fading my 2006 Vs are fading a lil two
my black cats faded like crazy on the right shoe for no reason i hope somebody know how to fix it
They are not in any light whatsoever. I have them boxed and put covers over the boxes. The room that they are stored in is not humid, cold, or too hot.
Cito what puttin silica packs in the box with them kicks? I doubt its the sunlight....unless you lettin them Tan or some izsh..
Yea, I got packets from this one store. Most of my kicks are in the paper that it comes in and I treat all my stuff with the upmost care. I was thinking aboutusing Kiwi shoe repair, but I don't want to mess up the color of the shoes.
Than thatz what it is fam...its the silica packs...with black nubuck/suede, the silica packs really aint needed..
It's only been like 3 days though. The shoes was like that before I started to use packs. I'm going out on a limb and concluding that it's poorquality from the manufacturer. I guess Jordan's will never be the same.

Sorry about your kicks, man, as that fading really sucks... but this is just further justification for me to never give Jordan another penny. Any company thatwould churn out a %+#+ product like that for an elite price deserves a boycotting.

I honestly wonder if Gentry and MJ are sitting back reviewing sales and laughing while saying "we played those fools again" (in reference to"loyal" us).

Wake up, people - JB is playing some of you like a fiddle.
it's like u rubbed them in the midst of cleaning them but i'd suggest what "EDWeeNO" said.....a similar method works for all my suede kicks.also try a suede renewer from a shoe repair shop
thats how mine wear and i bought some suede cleaner from footaction and thet got them black again.
it was like 5.99 in the foam dispenser
i dunno if this is the BEST remedy but i just get a washcloth and wet it, then wring it. then i rub my Aqua 8's down (all over) and it gets rid ofeverything
and people still pretend to be thrilled that these crappy retros are being released in lieu of a quality product because "the first gen retros wont lastas long." these arent looking very good pat two years...
Try some suede and nubuck cleaner. you want to brush them first to see if its dirt or some sort of build up then try the cleaners. i would be really hesitantto use any dye's as you may mess the whole shoe up if you are gonna try a dye at least use it on some unseen part of the nubuck that you can cover with alace. Good luck with that please post pics of your progress as i have Silver ink on a pair of my V's.
they look fine

who cares if they fade a little bit what doesnt

they are shoes they are meant to be a little messed up
ive worn my V's atleast 10 times n i clean them after every wear, bottom still looks very icy and the nubuck/suede still looks new

so i donno, i recommend some suede cleaner, not in spray form, foam works best IMO
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