Hello, I'm No On Prop 8

Originally Posted by FIRST B0RN

truthmain wrote:
Originally Posted by FIRST B0RN

You can't be serious with yours

When an individual chooses to educate themself, they open their mind up to the endless possibilities that exist. Gathering facts to debunk theories or ideas. Religion on the other hand is absolute doctrine. You blindly accept something that can easily be manipulated and defend it like it's truth. What Christians don't like or want to hear is that Christianity has been debunked and proven to be nothing more than a preservation of the greatest story ever told, which is not the story of a man named Jesus Christ. The greatest story ever told is the history of mankinds relationship with Sun worship. Many people have posted about the movie Zeitgeist on this forum, but if you were to open your mind and watch this film, you would be able to really see how Christianity has preserved the truth of Sun worship, but has taken a form all of it's own. Many of you Christians here are automatically going to dismiss what I say, but the truth is what it is.
The fact that this response has so many assumptions about Christians just proves to me how close-minded you are. I also like how you originally put Education > Religion, yet confined your clarification to Christianity. You might as well just put Education > Christianity, since that's what you meant.
What "so many assumptions" did I make about Christianity? (FACT) Christianity is the preservation of Sun Worship, the names have only been changed. You need to step up your education before you come at me sideways truthmain, this isn't a Cubs - Cardinals debate my man. You are on a whole different echelon with me on this topic. I have been studying religion for 16 straight years, you better know what you are talking about if you want to get into this with me. I mentioned Christianity in my reply because those opposing this prop keep referring to their "Christian values". Read what I highlighted in yellow, does that constitute my many assumptions? Those are nothing more than facts.

Come on dog, you can't say you respect one's beliefs in one post and turn around and say Christian's are mindless, ignorant sheep in the next.
I like how you twisted what I have said, you have clearly shown you can't have this discussion. Nowhere in any of my responses have I said Christians are mindless, ignorant sheep. Good try though, your lack of intelligence really reflects in your responses. You should stick in the S & T forum, you do better in those threads.

You act like I'm a novice on such issues. I'mhappy you studied religion for 16 years, but your conclusions do not equal fact, and there's no point of discussing it as such because we can go back andforth forever. I got no problem with you (other than being a Cards' fan) but you can't sit here and tell me that your posts haven't given off theposition of religious folk being mindless sheep. Whether explicit or not, I'd find it hard to believe that deep down you don't feel that way. And Itake offense to that. I'm a fairly educated dude, and there was nothing "blind" about my decision to be a Christian. I know it's hard foryou to believe, but many people come to Christ the same way. I get tired of this idea that all Christians are ignorant, hateful, following "fairytales", etc. I'll challenge anyone who has that poor assumption.
I have an honest question for those voting strictly on their religious beliefs and not on "insurance benefits"
If you believe god hated gays what else do you take literal in the bible? Readthis please before you answer

Long but worth it:

[size=+3]Proof that fundamentalists selectively quote the Bible:[/size]

[size=+1]A lesson about the book of Leviticus . . .[/size]
Homophobic fundamentalists often quote two particular verses that seem to be against gay people. These two verses, both of which appear in the book of Leviticus, are . . .
"You shall not lie with a male as with a woman. It is an abomination." (Leviticus 18:22)

and . . .

"If a man lies with a male as he lies with a woman, both of them have committed an abomination. They shall surely be put to death. Their blood shall be upon them." (Leviticus 20:13)

Below, we'll take a look at other scripture verses that are in the exact same book (Leviticus) as the above verse. This exercise proves that those preachers who are so enthusiastic about quoting the book of Leviticus to affirm their personal prejudice against people who are gay or lesbian become awfully quiet when it comes to other verses that appear in the very same book.

Remember, this isn't about faith whatsoever. It's about people who have pre-existing anti-gay prejudice in their hearts. They choose the Christian Bible as the tool with which they attempt to affirm and legitimize that pre-existing prejudice.

Sadly, the truth is that they just don't like gay people.


"For everyone who curses his father or his mother shall surely be put to death. He has cursed his father or his mother. His blood shall be upon him." (Leviticus 20:9)

Imagine what would happen today if we killed every child who was disrespectful to his parents. Fundamentalists explain this verse away, saying that it is part of the Old Levitical Holiness Code and is not meant to be taken literally.

But the above verse is just a mere 3 verses before Leviticus 20:13, one of their favorite anti-gay scriptures which, of course, they do choose to apply literally.

It's just incredible, isn't it?

Fundamentalists change their entire methodology of scriptural interpretation when it suits their purpose, even when dealing with verses that are a just couple of sentences away from each other!

"If a man lies with a woman during her sickness and uncovers her nakedness, he has discovered her flow, and she has uncovered the flow of her blood. Both of them shall be cut off from her people." (Leviticus 20:18)

Imagine what would happen today if we deported every man and woman who had ever had sex together while the woman was having her period. Fundamentalists decline the opportunity to take this verse literally, which is merely 5 verses after Leviticus 20:13.

"Your male and female slaves are to come from the nations around you; from them you may buy slaves. You may also buy some of the temporary residents living among you and members of their clans born in your country, and they will become your property." (Leviticus 25:44-45)

Did you ever wonder where racist, uneducated people in the 19th century got the idea that slaves were just property and not people? Directly from the above verse, which fundamentalists do not, of course, take literally.

"Do not cut the hair at the sides of your head or clip off the edges of your beard." (Leviticus 19:27)

"Bible-believing" fundamentalists never preach against the evils of shaving, as they do not take this verse literally for our day. Of course, they most certainly would do so if they had a personal bias against shaving, but apparently, they do not.


"...and the swine, though it divides the hoof, having cloven hooves, yet does not chew the cud, is unclean to you." (Leviticus 11:7)

As you can see, the book of Leviticus also prohibits the eating of pork (a swine is a pig). Of course, fundamentalists do not choose to use this verse to preach against eating pork. Sadly, however, they have no problem abusing the Bible to condemn gay and lesbian people. Remember, it's about their personal prejudice against gay people, not about a true desire to understand what the Bible actually says.


"...do not plant your field with two kinds of seed. Do not wear material woven of two kinds of material." (Leviticus 19:19)

Farmers in this country almost always grow more than one kind of crop in their fields. In fact, they often must do so for ecological reasons. Fundamentalists do not apply this verse literally. If they were to preach against farmers, there would be an uproar, and rightfully so.

Fundamentalists also ignore the Biblical command to not wear clothes that have two different kinds of material. The shirts that many fundamentalists are often seen wearing must be a cotton/polyester blend, the most common in the United States of America. They may be "Bible believing" Christians, but this is yet another verse that they don't believe should be applied to today.

An "abomination?"
Fundamentalists also like to use Leviticus 18:22 to justify their anti-gay prejudice. That verse says, "You shall not lie with a male as with a woman. It is an abomination." Perhaps you have heard some people refer to gay people as an "abomination." They get the idea directly from Leviticus 18:22. But did you know...
  • The Bible says that eating shrimp and lobster is an abomination:
"But all in the seas or in the rivers that do not have fins and scales, all that move in the water or any living thing which is in the water, they are an abomination to you." (Leviticus 11:10)

"They (shellfish) shall be an abomination to you; you shall not eat their flesh, but you shall regard their carcasses as an abomination." (Leviticus 11:11)

"Whatever in the water does not have fins or scales; that shall be an abomination to you." (Leviticus 11:12)


In conclusion . . .
The above exercise proves that anti-gay fundamentalists selectively quote the Bible. They enthusiastically and openly embrace those parts of the Bible which affirm and justify their own personal, pre-existing prejudice against gay people, while declining to become as enthusiastic about verses like the ones listed above.

After all, how many times have you heard a fundamentalist say that eating shellfish was an abomination? But they sure don't hesitate to say it about gay people, do they? What does that tell you?

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Originally Posted by truthmain

You act like I'm a novice on such issues. I'm happy you studied religion for 16 years, but your conclusions do not equal fact, and there's no point of discussing it as such because we can go back and forth forever. I got no problem with you (other than being a Cards' fan) but you can't sit here and tell me that your posts haven't given off the position of religious folk being mindless sheep. Whether explicit or not, I'd find it hard to believe that deep down you don't feel that way. And I take offense to that. I'm a fairly educated dude, and there was nothing "blind" about my decision to be a Christian. I know it's hard for you to believe, but many people come to Christ the same way. I get tired of this idea that all Christians are ignorant, hateful, following "fairy tales", etc. I'll challenge anyone who has that poor assumption.

Well the fact of the matter is you tried to twist what I said and weren't able to address anything I refuted. You know it's hard for me to believe?Actually you don't have a clue what I know. I have always found it amusing how humans always seem to find Christ in prison or when they have hit rockbottom. This seems to be when human nature kicks in, only when faced with a life altering experience (most of the time a bad one) people somehow find Christ.The thought of being on their own is too overwhelming and placing their hopes and belief into Christ seems to be comforting. I feel that people use religionas a crutch and as Karl Marx once stated "Religion is the impotence of the human mind to deal with occurrences it cannotunderstand". I actually agree with this and agree with you that we can go back and forth forever on this. I am done with this thread now, all I know isthat I will be voting no on prop 8 come Tuesday.
Originally Posted by CincoSeisDos

a few of you will get a kick outta this... and it's legit

[h3]Dodgers Player Jeff Kent Donates $15K to Support Prop 8[/h3]

Look at Dodgers second baseman Jeff Kent, he just looks so angry in that photo. Well, he's sort of angry all the time, probably even when he donated $15,000 to the Yes on Prop 8 campaign that seeks to ban gay marriage in California. "In a disclosure filed with the California secretary of state, Kent listed his occupation as professional baseball player for the Dodgers and his address as Austin, Texas. He gave the $15,000 in a transaction dated Monday but which only now is public," reported the LA Times blog Top of the Ticket. "A review of campaign records shows no other donations to federal or California state campaigns by Kent." Does this mean Kent hates gays? We don't know, but he does appear to be an equal-opportunity hater.

Brad Pitt Calls your $15K Mr. Kent & Raises to $100k

[h1]Brad Pitt donating $100,000 to fight gay marriage ban[/h1]

By Tina Daunt, Los Angeles Times Staff Writer
September 18, 2008

Brad Pitt announced Wednesday that he's donating $100,000 to fight California's Proposition 8, a November ballot initiative that would eliminate same-sex couples' right to marry.

"Because no one has the right to deny another their life, even though they disagree with it, because everyone has the right to live the life they so desire if it doesn't harm another and because discrimination has no place in America, my vote will be for equality and against Proposition 8," the actor said in a statement.

Pitt's donation marks the largest thus far to the anti-Prop. 8 campaign by an A-list celebrity.
Man please look into this people before you decide to vote my parents feel for that commercial with the little girl thinking its about schools smh...

Please vote NO on prop 8 im str8 as can be but my little brother is gay before he came out i was mad homophobic but not im cool with all his friends and istill love him the same! with that said who are you to tell another person they cant be with the person they love or have health care, joint accounts andvisitation in hospital like married couples do?

Its just not fair next they are gona try to ban interracial couples. everyone agrees that the constitution gave everyone equal rights when blacks didn'thave them why should this be any different?

VOTE NO ON 8!!!!
Originally Posted by 23MCpizzle23

Man please look into this people before you decide to vote my parents feel for that commercial with the little girl thinking its about schools smh...

Please vote NO on prop 8 im str8 as can be but my little brother is gay before he came out i was mad homophobic but not im cool with all his friends and i still love him the same! with that said who are you to tell another person they cant be with the person they love or have health care, joint accounts and visitation in hospital like married couples do?

Its just not fair next they are gona try to ban interracial couples. everyone agrees that the constitution gave everyone equal rights when blacks didn't have them why should this be any different?

VOTE NO ON 8!!!!
Good on you for saying this on this site.
Originally Posted by 23MCpizzle23

Man please look into this people before you decide to vote my parents feel for that commercial with the little girl thinking its about schools smh...

Please vote NO on prop 8 im str8 as can be but my little brother is gay before he came out i was mad homophobic but not im cool with all his friends and i still love him the same! with that said who are you to tell another person they cant be with the person they love or have health care, joint accounts and visitation in hospital like married couples do?

Its just not fair next they are gona try to ban interracial couples.
everyone agrees that the constitution gave everyone equal rights when blacks didn't have them why should this be any different?

VOTE NO ON 8!!!!
Fear tactics anyone?
Originally Posted by KB8sandiego

Originally Posted by RKO2004

Originally Posted by lobotomybeats

Originally Posted by RKO2004

Originally Posted by AG 47

Did you really just cross species to make an argument against gay marriage? You must be running out of things to say.

Both are a act of desire. Like some desires to beat someone up. Its unnatural. Peep this. If it were meant to be gay people. What would have happened in evolution or religion if two men had to get the ball rolling?
Again with the "this = this". Homosexuality isn't any more of an act of desire than your attraction to females. IT IS NATURAL TO THEM. IT IS THEM! How do you not get this? Lumping homosexuality with incest and bestiality is stupid. They aren't the same. I implore you to look up Rick Santorum and see what trouble he got in for doing the same thing.

Also, what makes you think that homosexuality isn't the product of evolution?

I find it funny that you really think you are making valid points. Like in your Rube Goldberg of a brain you are hammering home some solid talking points. Like to your little mind you are just killing it. That to me is funny.

You attempt at coming at me is funny. Oh and I don't buy evolution. But how would we have made it this far if people are born gay? Wouldn't the population be at like 3 billion or less? If its not natural then how can it be justified? They served no purpose when it comes to human reproduction. Thats the main reason why God made Adam and then a female. If gay was cool wouldn't he have gave Adam a male? He didn't. He made a male and a female.A man having sex with another man serves no purpose but to satisfy a sexual desire.
Yo RKO, interesting enough, I come back from my break at work and find a Vote NO ad printed and taped to my monitor.

Insulting thing is, my coworkers know that I'm Christian, and never have I even called out on anyone for voting no nor have I given them anything about it. I don't even debate with them on it. I respect their views and I stand by mine. But it's funny that those that are voting no seem more to have a problem with those voting yes rather than the other way around.

A couple minutes later a coworker emails me this and I thought I should share it with you since you're a fellow Christian.

Matt 5:11-12

11"Blessed are you when people insult you, persecute you and falsely say all kinds of evil against you because of me. 12Rejoice and be glad, because great is your reward in heaven, for in the same way they persecuted the prophets who were before you.

James 1: 2-3

2Consider it pure joy, my brothers, whenever you face trials of many kinds, 3because you know that the testing of your faith develops perseverance.

Don't compare all people voting no in your office to all the people voting no. Its just funny to me how most people would agree that this country wasfounded on the separation of church and state for the reason no person is prosecuted for there religious beliefs then people vote on the basis of religion. Imchristian also but i live my life that way i don't force it by the law on other people! Just as we allow Jewish, Muslim and other religions to live inAmerica we should not find it ok to make laws that are based on religious beliefs its hypocritical!!!!
Originally Posted by 8tothe24

Originally Posted by 23MCpizzle23

Man please look into this people before you decide to vote my parents feel for that commercial with the little girl thinking its about schools smh...

Please vote NO on prop 8 im str8 as can be but my little brother is gay before he came out i was mad homophobic but not im cool with all his friends and i still love him the same! with that said who are you to tell another person they cant be with the person they love or have health care, joint accounts and visitation in hospital like married couples do?

Its just not fair next they are gona try to ban interracial couples.
everyone agrees that the constitution gave everyone equal rights when blacks didn't have them why should this be any different?

VOTE NO ON 8!!!!
Fear tactics anyone?
umm just like the fair tactics you guys use when you say "next thing beastality is going to be legal! and pedophilla! Next thing you knowwell have a bunch of gay underage man-hippos walking around!" Next time think before you type considering interracial marriage used to be illegal
Originally Posted by 8tothe24

Originally Posted by 23MCpizzle23

Man please look into this people before you decide to vote my parents feel for that commercial with the little girl thinking its about schools smh...

Please vote NO on prop 8 im str8 as can be but my little brother is gay before he came out i was mad homophobic but not im cool with all his friends and i still love him the same! with that said who are you to tell another person they cant be with the person they love or have health care, joint accounts and visitation in hospital like married couples do?

Its just not fair next they are gona try to ban interracial couples.
everyone agrees that the constitution gave everyone equal rights when blacks didn't have them why should this be any different?

VOTE NO ON 8!!!!
Fear tactics anyone?

Call it what you want but when people start inacting laws that take away rights given by the constitution you need to ask whats next! maybe i put that thewrong way i meant to say that when you give this power to people it is only a matter of time until it is abuse and history will tell you that. But the samefear tactics were used in those adds saying that gay marriage will be taught in schools when in fact marriage isn't even taught in school!
Originally Posted by ScottHallWithAPick

Originally Posted by 8tothe24

Originally Posted by 23MCpizzle23

Man please look into this people before you decide to vote my parents feel for that commercial with the little girl thinking its about schools smh...

Please vote NO on prop 8 im str8 as can be but my little brother is gay before he came out i was mad homophobic but not im cool with all his friends and i still love him the same! with that said who are you to tell another person they cant be with the person they love or have health care, joint accounts and visitation in hospital like married couples do?

Its just not fair next they are gona try to ban interracial couples.
everyone agrees that the constitution gave everyone equal rights when blacks didn't have them why should this be any different?

VOTE NO ON 8!!!!
Fear tactics anyone?
umm just like the fair tactics you guys use when you say "next thing beastality is going to be legal! and pedophilla! Next thing you know well have a bunch of gay underage man-hippos walking around!" Next time think before you type considering interracial marriage used to be illegal
And please quote where I said that. Oh yeah, I didn't. Furthermore, I am not any "you guys." "Used to be illegal,"before civil rights movements yes. Will this country ever go back on that, no. Don't try and twist what he said. Should take your own advice on thinkingbefore typing BTW.
Im seriously as offended by gay dudes at times as anyone, BUT, that being said i will be voting NO on prop 8. I question any of you that would be voting Yes asto why do you feel it is any of your business what so ever? I really dont understand, i would think in a state such as California that this Prop would go downin a landslide, unfortunately that doesn't seem to be the direction this is going and i think it's a little sad.
Originally Posted by FeelMode

Im seriously as offended by gay dudes at times as anyone, BUT, that being said i will be voting NO on prop 8. I question any of you that would be voting Yes as to why do you feel it is any of your business what so ever? I really dont understand, i would think in a state such as California that this Prop would go down in a landslide, unfortunately that doesn't seem to be the direction this is going and i think it's a little sad.
Well it seems that you are the only one offended (sarcasm, some people are voting Yes for the wrong reasons). I have nothing against gay people,I wish them the best of luck together and I have several gay friends.

I am taking a stand against the courts that think that they have privilege to make law as they determine fit. We vote for a reason and these justicesundermined the voting process.
Originally Posted by 8tothe24

Originally Posted by ScottHallWithAPick

Originally Posted by 8tothe24

Originally Posted by 23MCpizzle23

Man please look into this people before you decide to vote my parents feel for that commercial with the little girl thinking its about schools smh...

Please vote NO on prop 8 im str8 as can be but my little brother is gay before he came out i was mad homophobic but not im cool with all his friends and i still love him the same! with that said who are you to tell another person they cant be with the person they love or have health care, joint accounts and visitation in hospital like married couples do?

Its just not fair next they are gona try to ban interracial couples.
everyone agrees that the constitution gave everyone equal rights when blacks didn't have them why should this be any different?

VOTE NO ON 8!!!!
Fear tactics anyone?
umm just like the fair tactics you guys use when you say "next thing beastality is going to be legal! and pedophilla! Next thing you know well have a bunch of gay underage man-hippos walking around!" Next time think before you type considering interracial marriage used to be illegal
And please quote where I said that. Oh yeah, I didn't. Furthermore, I am not any "you guys." "Used to be illegal," before civil rights movements yes. Will this country ever go back on that, no. Don't try and twist what he said. Should take your own advice on thinking before typing BTW.

Real talk i respect every man so im not gona question your motives this is why America is so great because we have a vote. But what gives you such security tothink that we can never revert back racist America the thing that have been said by some americans during this election should show you we are not in the clearof racism. I never thought that in 2008 we would be voting to take away fundamental rights to anyone gay or str8 but look at us now! with that said your voteis your vote and i respect your motives and would not accuse you of saying those thing what he was trying to say is that people have said them not you.
Originally Posted by 8tothe24

Originally Posted by ScottHallWithAPick

Originally Posted by 8tothe24

Originally Posted by 23MCpizzle23

Man please look into this people before you decide to vote my parents feel for that commercial with the little girl thinking its about schools smh...

Please vote NO on prop 8 im str8 as can be but my little brother is gay before he came out i was mad homophobic but not im cool with all his friends and i still love him the same! with that said who are you to tell another person they cant be with the person they love or have health care, joint accounts and visitation in hospital like married couples do?

Its just not fair next they are gona try to ban interracial couples.
everyone agrees that the constitution gave everyone equal rights when blacks didn't have them why should this be any different?

VOTE NO ON 8!!!!
Fear tactics anyone?
umm just like the fair tactics you guys use when you say "next thing beastality is going to be legal! and pedophilla! Next thing you know well have a bunch of gay underage man-hippos walking around!" Next time think before you type considering interracial marriage used to be illegal
And please quote where I said that. Oh yeah, I didn't. Furthermore, I am not any "you guys." "Used to be illegal," before civil rights movements yes. Will this country ever go back on that, no. Don't try and twist what he said. Should take your own advice on thinking before typing BTW.
Ok you specifically didnt say it but why didnt you quote any one else using fear tactics? ooo cause it goes against your viewpoint so you decidedto ignore it. You're a stand up guy. But anyways I'm through with this thread til someone can give me a real reason why theyre voting agaisnt and iftheir reason is religion then they have to counteract all the bible verses i posted in the last page. And dont say im voting against it cause judges overturnedthe peoples decision. The judges made brown vs board so do you want segrated schools again. And plus judges didnt make gay marriage legal they gave the powerback to the people to make the decision.
Originally Posted by ScottHallWithAPick

Originally Posted by 8tothe24

Originally Posted by ScottHallWithAPick

Originally Posted by 8tothe24

Originally Posted by 23MCpizzle23

Man please look into this people before you decide to vote my parents feel for that commercial with the little girl thinking its about schools smh...

Please vote NO on prop 8 im str8 as can be but my little brother is gay before he came out i was mad homophobic but not im cool with all his friends and i still love him the same! with that said who are you to tell another person they cant be with the person they love or have health care, joint accounts and visitation in hospital like married couples do?

Its just not fair next they are gona try to ban interracial couples.
everyone agrees that the constitution gave everyone equal rights when blacks didn't have them why should this be any different?

VOTE NO ON 8!!!!
Fear tactics anyone?
umm just like the fair tactics you guys use when you say "next thing beastality is going to be legal! and pedophilla! Next thing you know well have a bunch of gay underage man-hippos walking around!" Next time think before you type considering interracial marriage used to be illegal
And please quote where I said that. Oh yeah, I didn't. Furthermore, I am not any "you guys." "Used to be illegal," before civil rights movements yes. Will this country ever go back on that, no. Don't try and twist what he said. Should take your own advice on thinking before typing BTW.
Ok you specifically didnt say it but why didnt you quote any one else using fear tactics? ooo cause it goes against your viewpoint so you decided to ignore it. You're a stand up guy. But anyways I'm through with this thread til someone can give me a real reason why theyre voting agaisnt and if their reason is religion then they have to counteract all the bible verses i posted in the last page. And dont say im voting against it cause judges overturned the peoples decision. The judges made brown vs board so do you want segrated schools again. And plus judges didnt make gay marriage legal they gave the power back to the people to make the decision.
Or maybe, just maybe I didn't read those posts. And yes, this is about the judicial system. California voter made a clear decision on thedefinition of what California declare marriage to be, as have many other states. 4 Justices said the voters are wrong and overturned their votes. That issignificant and sets precedent for other courts. The power was always in the peoples hands and the Court decided theydidn't like the peoples judgment. You are creating issues in your head, I never said they made gay marriage legal, they denied the California people theright to define marriage within the state of California.
Wait everyone calm down. I just realized something. If it doesn't pass next Tuesday (which it probably will because Cali is Cali) then it will one day.Remember who our next President is? This is pretty much a as one NT'er said in another thread a "fools errand". This is something that has tohappen. So if it doesn't go through then it will one day.

But let me part with this last message...

It will spread. Mark my words. It will spread and watch the domino effect from there. If I have offended anyone beyond belief my bad. I still don't supportit but I just know It'll happen.
Originally Posted by EVERLASTiiNG

i just dont see why anyone cares that much about who marries who. its not effecting you so what do you care? i think yes on 8 is a bunch of bs. honestly. i havent heard anyone make a legitament point as why it should be banned...
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