Originally Posted by hotshots24

Originally Posted by KayCurrency

Just get a newer, better female....theres always someone better...

...BTW, the hardest part of breaking up is knowing some other guy is smashing her....
Thats real talk

but see.... she is the ONE, but due to personal reasons, we jsut cant be together right now, but it seems impossible to get my mind off of her while were not together, just cant focus on ANYTHING....were togetehr for 3 years ... its crazy, i actually feel my heart breaking SUCKS.
Naw dude. She's not. If she's The ONE, you'd be together regardless of what personal reasons it is.

I feel you bro. I've had my heart broken bad. Real bad. I thought I'd never get over it. In all honesty, I haven't. I've just grown a coldheart and stopped giving a crap about being weak and broken hearted.
Originally Posted by KB8sandiego

Originally Posted by hotshots24

Originally Posted by KayCurrency

Just get a newer, better female....theres always someone better...

...BTW, the hardest part of breaking up is knowing some other guy is smashing her....
Thats real talk

but see.... she is the ONE, but due to personal reasons, we jsut cant be together right now, but it seems impossible to get my mind off of her while were not together, just cant focus on ANYTHING....were togetehr for 3 years ... its crazy, i actually feel my heart breaking SUCKS.
Naw dude. She's not. If she's The ONE, you'd be together regardless of what personal reasons it is.

I feel you bro. I've had my heart broken bad. Real bad. I thought I'd never get over it. In all honesty, I haven't. I've just grown a cold heart and stopped giving a crap about being weak and broken hearted.
People break it off for a while, and then realize this, so she might be testing herself to see if dude is really the one.

But you can't wait around, you have to go about your business without worrying about what she's doing, because that's what will really break you.
Originally Posted by FrenchBlue23

Originally Posted by KB8sandiego

Originally Posted by hotshots24

Originally Posted by KayCurrency

Just get a newer, better female....theres always someone better...

...BTW, the hardest part of breaking up is knowing some other guy is smashing her....
Thats real talk

but see.... she is the ONE, but due to personal reasons, we jsut cant be together right now, but it seems impossible to get my mind off of her while were not together, just cant focus on ANYTHING....were togetehr for 3 years ... its crazy, i actually feel my heart breaking SUCKS.
Naw dude. She's not. If she's The ONE, you'd be together regardless of what personal reasons it is.

I feel you bro. I've had my heart broken bad. Real bad. I thought I'd never get over it. In all honesty, I haven't. I've just grown a cold heart and stopped giving a crap about being weak and broken hearted.
People break it off for a while, and then realize this, so she might be testing herself to see if dude is really the one.

But you can't wait around, you have to go about your business without worrying about what she's doing, because that's what will really break you.
I dunno, I had a chick who I really thought was The One and she told me the same crap about me being The One. Word to God, I really thought shewas a blessing. Next thing I know, girl pulls the okie doke and goes back to her ex whom she's with now.

Since then, I don't believe in that love thing no more.

Going through what the OP is going through right now, it ain't worth it. Screw a broken heart.
Originally Posted by nesto0o0o

seriously... the worst thing you can do right now is let HER know you're heartbroken. despite what 1/2 of niketalk will say about doing this or doing that... going out, getting drunk... etc. That doesnt' help you deal w/ the issue. all it does it put it on the backburner.... and you'll have to deal with it eventually.

Stay busy. There's nothing worse than sitting at home and sulking about what just happened. Go work out. Go out with your boys. don't go out right away and try to start messing with other girls. Like i said before, all that does it try to replace what was once there, and that doesn't work.

stay positive. what doesn't kill you will only make you stronger. if you have to cry, cry! if you have to yell out loud for no reason, do it! just DEAL with it though. Don't try to pretend like nothing is wrong and you're too hard to be sad. the sooner your deal w/ it, the easier your days will get.

Truth to the fullest extent.

Originally Posted by s0larp0wer



the pain will go away .......

sound like my man got it bad though.
dont listen to any r'n'b son.gonna have tryna pulla swanton from your bedroom window
Alright man, check this out, seriously.

From the master poet, Kahlil Gibran:
And ever has it been
That love knows not it's own depth
Until the hour of separation

Whatever you and your girl had is right now suspended. Nobody can tell you it's done forever, because if it's recent break up I can guarantee youshe's still thinking of you, just like you're thinking of her. But, consider: what has this breakup done for you? Hurt you, slowed you down? Made youwant to make things better again?

This, you must realize, is what the above is about.

If you two can get together again, how much more will you appreciate the relationship? How many times will you countthe days, hours, minutes, seconds that you're with her, wishing for more and more? Do not let this defeat you,that is the wrong way to go. You have to keep your head up, and as difficult as it is to keep moving, that is what life is about. If you feel that you can makethings better with her, then work at it, but don't give up everything and all your hopes for this one person, because commitments are not created throughone motion. Both need to be willing to give each other everything. If this girl isn't willing to lay everythingdown for you, she isn't worth your time. People get so caught up making sure everything is right for the other person, when they drown themselves in fearand anxiety. You have to live for yourself.

Whatever happens, remember that this moment is fleeting. You will feel better, one way or another.
Originally Posted by Th3RealF0lkBlu3s

Alright man, check this out, seriously.

From the master poet, Kahlil Gibran:
And ever has it been
That love knows not it's own depth
Until the hour of separation

Whatever you and your girl had is right now suspended. Nobody can tell you it's done forever, because if it's recent break up I can guarantee you she's still thinking of you, just like you're thinking of her. But, consider: what has this breakup done for you? Hurt you, slowed you down? Made you want to make things better again?

This, you must realize, is what the above is about.

If you two can get together again, how much more will you appreciate the relationship? How many times will you count the days, hours, minutes, seconds that you're with her, wishing for more and more? Do not let this defeat you, that is the wrong way to go. You have to keep your head up, and as difficult as it is to keep moving, that is what life is about. If you feel that you can make things better with her, then work at it, but don't give up everything and all your hopes for this one person, because commitments are not created through one motion. Both need to be willing to give each other everything. If this girl isn't willing to lay everything down for you, she isn't worth your time. People get so caught up making sure everything is right for the other person, when they drown themselves in fear and anxiety. You have to live for yourself.

Whatever happens, remember that this moment is fleeting. You will feel better, one way or another.

wow, this is the reason why i knew i should share with NT, replies like this. and to answer you questions

what has this breakup done for you? made me realize how much i love her and that a relationship is an ongoing journey.
Hurt you, slowed you down? HURT BAD, and still hurting, slowed me down, but trying real hard to just focus on golf.
Made you want to make things better again? i want things better, but i need her to do what she needs to do and im learning to respect that.
I'm going through a breakup also... +%+% 's really bad. Having to go and drop off my kids and go back home to an empty apt has to be the worst feelingI've ever endured. I just want the chance to show her that I %$!%*# up and pushed her away, we all @#$# up, but it's all about how you fix the mistakesthat we've made. And I want the chance to have my family again.
I could go on allday about this subject......
Originally Posted by rwfanatic

I'm going through a breakup also... +%+% 's really bad. Having to go and drop off my kids and go back home to an empty apt has to be the worst feeling I've ever endured. I just want the chance to show her that I %$!%*# up and pushed her away, we all @#$# up, but it's all about how you fix the mistakes that we've made. And I want the chance to have my family again.
I could go on all day about this subject......

toughest thing to go through in life...
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