jshortt wrote:
Originally Posted by
jshortt wrote:
I have a Toshiba HD A 30, and it's amazing! I'd stay away from Blu-Ray until they get their software bugs worked out, and release the 2.0 platform. When that happens, the old Blu-Ray players won't be able to play new 2.0 discs. The players will become obsolete. I can tell you that the upconvert on regular dvd's with my A 30 is unbelievable. I'm watching older movies like I'm seeing them for the fist time. It supposedly converts to full 1080p, and I believe it.
I could care less who wins this format war, I just want one single hd platform. The funny thing is, this is far from over. I've been reading the HD camp has some tricks up their sleeve, and even with Warner Bros. switching camps, they still have an opt-out clause with Sony/Blu-Ray that lets them leave if sales numbers aren't met. We still have a while to go on this one folks.
not trying to bash your pts or opinions but I think it's pretty much a wrap for HD DVD, it's more then just WB who have chosen Blu Ray, HBO did also and it seems everyone else is planning to follow suit
HD DVD is an amazing format, as is Blu Ray but I wouldn't buy something of that nature when you see every machine hitting crazy drop prices, retailers know what is up, they are taking the L
I was just using WB as an example since their 'defection' was the biggie that swung the format war in Blu-Ray's favor. I'll admit that things are looking pretty bleak for HD/Toshiba, but if you think they're going down without a fight, you're mistaken. As hollowpoints stated, the PS3 thing helped put Blu-Ray in more homes despite software issues and higher prices, but presently, Sony is losing a LOT of money on top of what they gave Warner to swap formats. Who knows how much longer they'll be able to keep up at the same pace? There are several things HD/Toshiba can do to get things moving with their camp that aren't out of the realm of possibility, including throwing more money at one of the Blu-Ray studios. I've heard that Universal and Paramount are going to start releasing their big guns (E.T., Indiana Jones, Godfather, etc.) on HD to see if it can get things moving again.
Again, don't care one way or the other, but I do love my HD, and had the bugs been worked out with Blu-Ray, and the prices been a little lower, I might have gone with them to begin with. Don't know about you, but I think the people that are defending both formats like it's their first-born child are funny.
jshortt i wouldnt even waste me time talking to most catson NT about this stuff. i think me, you, and Ceddie (i think), with few others here are the only ones that actually read and keep up with electronics at all.the rest just know how to use a computer to browse NT and d/l porn. you can tell from the half truth facts they try to quote when all they did was ask somesnot nosed teenager in Best Buy what they think and brought that nonsense over here like its the gospel.
- for them if its not the latest electronic hype beast gizmo guaranteed to get them more !!%@%, they could care less. and even when it is they'll only readinto it just enough to get by. sad thing is these are the same folks that dictate what happens with consumer electronics. this is the reason companies treatconsumers like they're dumb.
- as for my answer to the question?
I would definitely purchase an HD-DVD player if the price is right. It's a win/win situation. The picture quality is the same as the Blu-Ray disks with the machines being half the price.
If infact HD-DVD loses the next gen movie format war...then you can buy the remaining HD movies, still 1080P dirt cheap and pick up a new Blu-Ray for much cheaper than they are right now.